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Radiohead Download Deal Set to End
Radiohead Download Deal Set to End

Radiohead Download Deal Set to End

Monday's last chance to pay what you want; iTunes may be option

(Newser) - Radiohead is set to lay to rest its pay-what-you-will offer, which lets fans download the recently released album "In Rainbows" for as much, or (more likely) as little as they like. The promo ends Monday, after which the album will only be available on CD or record, Wired reports—...

Radiohead Denies Report That Fans Aren't Paying

Company said 62% chose not to pay in experimental album release

(Newser) - Just how successful has Radiohead's experimental pay-if-you-want online album release been? That's in debate as the band denies a report that just 38% of fans opted to pay for In Rainbows, and most paid under $4. Radiohead said the the figures from comScore Inc. are "wholly inaccurate," reports...

Radiohead Move Lowers Wall Street Appraisal of Music Majors

Labels fear more artists will adopt direct sales

(Newser) - Analysts downgraded leader Warner Music' stock to a "sell" today, predicting greater losses for the embattled music sector, reports. Major labels remain unable to cope with digital undercutting of the CD format, and now fear a second front: the defection of high profile acts like Radiohead and...

Victoria's Secret Gets Spicy CD
Victoria's Secret Gets Spicy CD

Victoria's Secret Gets Spicy CD

Spice Girls' best-of album will be released at Victoria's Secrets

(Newser) - What Scary, Sporty, Ginger, Baby, and Posh want—what they really, really want—is for you to head to Victoria's Secret stores or website, where they will sell their upcoming greatest-hits album exclusively. The Spice Girls join a recent trend of nontraditional music releases that includes Radiohead, Prince, Madonna, and...

Radiohead's Free Downloads Prompt Others

Oasis, Jamiroquai are among those mulling freebie releases

(Newser) - Oasis, Jamiroquai and other bands not tied to record labels may soon follow in Radiohead's footsteps by offering their music for free download, reports the Daily Telegraph. While fans may pay whatever they choose for Radiohead's new album, released today, a spokesperson says the majority of visitors preordering on the...

Radiohead Buyers Forking Out $2 to $9

Pay-what-you-want record earning media buzz, but has doubters

(Newser) - Fans are dishing out $2 to $9 to preorder Radiohead's pay-what-you-want In Rainbows album, reports the New York Times — as the plan wins hours of media and water cooler buzz. Many buyers are even getting the box set, with an extra CD and booklet for $82. But not all...

Radiohead: Pay Whatever You Want
Pay Whatever
You Want

Radiohead: Pay Whatever You Want

Band leaves cost of downloading new album up to fans

(Newser) - “No, really, it’s up to you,” Radiohead’s website tells consumers pricing out a digital copy of the band’s next album, set to debut Oct. 10. The band is testing the theory that consumers will pay a fair price for the 10-song set if given the...

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