Don't Ask, Don't Tell

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Va. Pol: Screw Feds, Ban Gays From National Guard

Bob Marshall says Constitution gives states right to run their militias

(Newser) - The Commonwealth of Virginia is showing another sign of going rogue these days: Just days after Congress repealed DADT, a Republican lawmaker is calling for the state to ban gays from serving in the National Guard, reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Bob Marshall says the repeal amounts to a "social...

Advocates to Military Gays: Don't Come Out Yet

Gays can still be investigated, discharged during transition

(Newser) - The Pentagon's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy concerning gays might be dead, but don't be too quick to come out of the military closet, advocates are warning gays. "While the immediate impact of this bill may inspire folks from across the nation, it is important to note that...

Democrats' New Hero (for a Day): Joe Lieberman

He draws raves for his efforts to get 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repealed

(Newser) - Democrats' love-hate relationship with Joe Lieberman is definitely on the warm and fuzzy side today after his legislative maneuvering to get Don't Ask, Don't Tell repealed. Lieberman, the Democrat-turned-independent who campaigned for John McCain, was all thumbs-ups and smiles after his role in helping secure the necessary Republican votes. “...

Obama's 'Long Game' Pays Off on DADT
Obama's 'Long Game'
Pays Off on DADT
andrew sullivan

Obama's 'Long Game' Pays Off on DADT

Andrew Sullivan: This long process was necessary—and wise

(Newser) - President Obama exasperated gay activists for what seemed like plodding progress on his promise to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell. But that slow pace turned out to be necessary to get it done right— through Congress , not by presidential fiat or through the courts, writes Andrew Sullivan at his Daily...

Senate Repeals 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
Senate Repeals
'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
breaking news

Senate Repeals 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Ban on gays in the military will end with President Obama's signature

(Newser) - Almost a formality after this morning's successful vote to kill a Republican filibuster, but historic nonetheless: The Senate repealed the military's ban on openly gay service members this afternoon by a vote of 65-31, reports AP . President Obama is expected to sign the bill into law next week, though it...

Repeal of 'Don't Ask' Clears Huge Senate Hurdle
Repeal of 'Don't Ask'
Clears Huge Senate Hurdle
breaking news

Repeal of 'Don't Ask' Clears Huge Senate Hurdle

Ban on gays in the military is expected to fall today or tomorrow

(Newser) - The military's 17-year-old ban on gays in the military is all but dead. Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell cleared its crucial 60-vote procedural hurdle in the Senate today and is expected to easily pass in the final vote later today, reports AP . The vote to kill a GOP filibuster...

Hoyer: Senate Has Votes to Kill DADT

Majority leader says stand-alone repeal will pass

(Newser) - The House has fired the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell back into the Senate's court , and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer says he's confident it has enough votes to pass this time. Hoyer tells the Huffington Post that he's been working closely with reform advocates Joe Lieberman and Maine...

Top DADT Foe Committed After Breakdown

Supporters say Senate failure pushed Dan Choi over the edge

(Newser) - One of the most outspoken opponents of the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy has been involuntarily committed to a Veterans Administration psychological ward after a breakdown. Iraq veteran Dan Choi—who was discharged after coming out on a talk show last year—had been suffering stress and exhaustion,...

House Sends 'Don't Ask' Repeal Back to Senate

But Harry Reid's up against a tough schedule

(Newser) - One more chance for opponents of Don't Ask, Don't Tell: The House voted 250-175 to repeal the ban on gays in the military, reports the Washington Post . The measure's fate once again lies with the Senate, but there's no guarantee Harry Reid will have enough time to bring it up...

Gay Vets Booted Under DADT Sue for Reinstatement

Lawsuit seeks to put pressure on Congress

(Newser) - Three military veterans who were discharged under Don't Ask, Don't Tell sued the government yesterday to be reinstated and to pressure lawmakers to repeal the law before a new Congress is sworn in. The lawsuit filed in US District Court in San Francisco also seeks to have the ban on...

Senate Will Try Again on Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Collins, Lieberman will introduce another measure

(Newser) - Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell will get another chance. Republican Susan Collins and Independent Joe Lieberman say they plan to introduce a stand-alone measure in the lame-duck session, and Harry Reid says he's on board, reports MSNBC . It's no gimme by any stretch—opponents could try to talk it...

Reid Delays DADT Vote, Can't Sway Susan Collins

Measure to repeal ban on gays in military is in limbo

(Newser) - A proposal by Senate Democrats to repeal the military's 17-year-old ban on openly gay troops stalled today after a key Republican refused to sign on and Democrats feared a critical test vote would fail. Harry Reid continued to talk with Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine about how he could...

Senate Will Consider 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Tonight

It's likely make-or-break time for repeal this year

(Newser) - Tonight will be a pivotal night in determining whether Don't Ask, Don't Tell will be repealed this year. Harry Reid plans to introduce a defense spending bill that includes repeal of the ban on gays in the military, though it remains unclear even now whether he's got the necessary 60...

Joe Lieberman: End DADT, Even if We Have to Stay Late

Senator believes 'wanting to go home is not an excuse'

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman is determined to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell —even if he has to work overtime to do it. The senator recently tweeted a link to a blog post recommending that Harry Reid keep the Senate in session until it ends DADT, and his press secretary...

Gen. Clark: Now 'Ideal' Time to Repeal DADT

Relationships based on respect, not sexuality

(Newser) - Gen. Wesley Clark shot down objections to repealing DADT today, reports the Hill, calling wartime "the ideal time" to implement change "because we're talking about building teamwork around a common purpose." "It's just simply not a huge deal," he told This Week. Members of the...

McCain, Your Family's Right: Dump DADT
 McCain, Your 
 Family's Right: 
 Dump DADT 
maureen dowd

McCain, Your Family's Right: Dump DADT

Looks like Dems have missed their chance again

(Newser) - This week’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell hearings were typical of Washington lately: “The Democrats waited too long to close the deal, the president showed no leadership, and a campaign promise that was seen as a fait accompli now seems a casualty,” writes Maureen Dowd in...

Top Service Generals Challenge DADT Repeal

Army, Marines, Air Force leaders warn of 'disruption' among troops

(Newser) - Top generals of the Army, Marines, and Air Force testified today that a quick repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell could cause “stress” and “disruption”—despite a Pentagon study that found a repeal posed little risk, the Hill reports. “Assimilating” openly gay troops could...

Mullen: Repeal DADT; It's the 'Right Thing'

John McCain criticizes Pentagon report

(Newser) - As the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the Pentagon's Don't Ask, Don't Tell report got under way today, Adm. Mike Mullen advocated for repeal of the policy. "I've been serving with gays and lesbians my whole career," said the Joint Chiefs chairman. "We never missed a...

Senate GOP to Dems: We'll Block All Bills
Senate GOP to Dems: We'll Block All Bills

Senate GOP to Dems: We'll Block All Bills

All 42 say they won't budge til tax cuts, gov't funding addressed

(Newser) - All 42 Senate Republicans have signed a letter pledging to block all legislation during the lame-duck session until the Senate addresses the Bush-era tax cuts and funding the government—the latter of which must pass in order to prevent a shutdown of the government, MSNBC reports. This could spell disaster...

Foes of 'Don't Ask' Repeal in Trouble Now
Foes of 'Don't Ask' Repeal
in Trouble Now

Foes of 'Don't Ask' Repeal in Trouble Now

Analysis: Survey undercuts arguments of keeping gay ban in place

(Newser) - We knew the broad strokes of the Pentagon's review of Don't Ask, Don't Tell before today's official release , but the details also tell an important story, writes Greg Sargent at the Plum Line blog . "The upshot: It will leave GOP moderates with no reasons left to oppose repeal."...

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