California Supreme Court

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Gay Couples Seek Donations, Not Dinnerware

Contributions to fight Calif. ballot measure take place of registry

(Newser) - Soon-to-wed gays and lesbians in California are directing well-wishers to hold off on gifts and instead donate money to fight a measure that would nullify their unions, Reuters reports. "The usual notion of a huge reception or acquiring your first microwave is not really happening," says John Duran...

Calif. Marriage May Be Mirage for Gay Couples
Calif. Marriage May Be Mirage for Gay Couples

Calif. Marriage May Be Mirage for Gay Couples

Only Washington can bestow real rights, like spousal benefits

(Newser) - Gay couples should exchange vows warily in California this week, Joe Matthews writes in the Washington Post. “California—with its dysfunctional politics and government—may hurt the cause of same-sex marriage,” he warns. An upcoming state ballot on gay marriage could cast the issue into limbo for years,...

Grandma, Grandpa, Please Back Gay Marriage
Grandma, Grandpa, Please Back Gay Marriage

Grandma, Grandpa, Please Back Gay Marriage

LAT scribe urges elderly to dis a gay marriage ban in Calif.

(Newser) - If old folks in California would come out to support gay marriage in November, a proposed amendment banning it would keel over and die, Joel Stein writes in the Los Angeles Times. The majority of Californians under 50 support it, but only 36% of senior citizens. Which leads Stein to...

In Poll, Californians Oppose Gay Marriage—Barely

Amendment has majority support, but may not pass

(Newser) - A majority of Californians opposes gay marriage, but the margin is very slim, according to a new LA Times poll. For the moment, gay marriage is legal in California, but voters could ban it by approving a constitutional amendment in November. Right now 54% say they support a ban. But...

After Gay Ruling, Calif. Scrambles to Fix Paperwork

Current marriage licenses provide only for 'bride' and 'groom'

(Newser) - The recent California Supreme Court ruling allowing same-sex marriages has spawned a persnickety problem: what to do about current forms mentioning the "bride and groom" four times and prohibiting “alterations.” While one official assured the AP of “compliance with the court order,” an activist was...

Calif. Judge: Gay Marriage Decision My Toughest

Conservative cast vote for 'doing the right thing'

(Newser) - Long characterized as cautious, California’s Chief Justice Ronald George shocked his peers when he joined the majority to overturn the state’s ban on same-sex marriage. “I think there are times when doing the right thing means not playing it safe,” the moderate Republican said, calling the...

Gay Marriage Foes Mobilize California Fight

Conservative groups aiming to have ban back in November

(Newser) - Organizations staunchly opposed to same-sex unions are already mobilizing to reinstate a ban on gay marriages that was struck down yesterday by California's Supreme Court, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. The coalition intends to hammer home the fact that  four judges have "overturned the will" of millions of voters...

Gays Jubilant Over Calif. Ruling

Supporters, foes now await Nov. vote on a constitutional amendment

(Newser) - California gays are ecstatic about the state's supreme court striking down a ban on same-sex marriage, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. “I'm feeling the joy all over,” one gay man, and father, said. In Fresno, a gay couple applied for a marriage license from a somewhat bewildered county...

Calif. Court Considers Gay Marriage

Judges, who appear split, have 90 days to rule on ban

(Newser) - An overflow crowd and hundreds more outside a San Francisco courthouse listened yesterday as the California Supreme Court heard arguments on the state's gay marriage ban, the Los Angeles Times reports. The judges appeared split as lawyers argued for more than 3 1/2 hours. One judge asked if domestic partnership...

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