Rich Ross

2 Stories

Hollywood Has Its First Gay Studio Chief

Ross' role at Disney is a milestone, but the industry just shrugs

(Newser) - You wouldn’t know it from the press—well, most of the press—but Hollywood has just passed a milestone and minted its first openly gay studio chief. Rich Ross has taken over at Disney, which "has long been the most gay friendly studio in Hollywood,” writes Patrick...

The Most Creative Minds in Business
 The Most Creative 
 Minds in Business 

The Most Creative Minds in Business

(Newser) - Creativity is a tough thing to put your finger on, but Fast Company takes a shot at picking world’s top 100 business innovators. The first five:
  • Jonathan Ive: Apple’s design chief—responsible for the iPhone, iPod, MacBook, and iMac—ushered in an era of “design perfection” that

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