Mitt Romney

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Trump: I Left Romney Off Virus Panel Deliberately

'I’m not a fan,' and 'I don’t really want his advice'

(Newser) - When President Trump formed a large bipartisan task force on the coronavirus last week, it included every Republican senator except one : Mitt Romney. The reason? President Trump is holding a grudge against the Utah senator and former Massachusetts governor. That isn't speculation from news stories—Trump himself acknowledged it...

Only 1 GOP Senator Was Left Off Virus Task Force

Mitt Romney was not invited to join bipartisan group

(Newser) - Critics accused President Trump of pettiness Thursday after the White House released a list of lawmakers in the "Opening Up America Again Congressional Group"—and Sen. Mitt Romney was the only Republican senator not included. The list also includes a dozen Senate Democrats and independent Sen. Angus King...

Trump 'So Happy' About Romney's Coronavirus Results

Politico describes president's tweet as being one of 'mock excitement'

(Newser) - Mitt Romney remains in self-quarantine even though he announced Tuesday afternoon that he'd tested negative for COVID-19 after being in close contact with Sen. Rand Paul. On Wednesday, President Trump commented on the test results in a tweet the Salt Lake Tribune describes as containing "a measure of...

Throng Welcomes Missionaries at Airport, Angering Officials

Hundreds gathered to meet family members returning because of pandemic

(Newser) - Hundreds of people gathered in an airport parking garage on Sunday to welcome 1,500 missionaries home from the Philippines, often with hugs. Sen. Mitt Romney, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert, Salt Lake International Airport and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have asked that they not do it...

Romney: Let's Give Each American $1,000

He's the latest to back economist's proposal for additional stimulus during coronavirus outbreak

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is backing an idea likely to go over well in American households. The Utah senator thinks the government should send $1,000 to every US adult to help them get through the coronavirus crisis, reports the Hill . "Congress took similar action during the 2001 and 2008 recessions,...

Romney Changes His Mind on Hunter Biden

He will vote for subpoena, paving way for investigation

(Newser) - Despite his misgivings, Sen. Mitt Romney has decided to vote next week to subpoena records about Hunter Biden's employment for a Ukrainian energy company. As recently as Thursday, Romney had said the Senate Homeland Security Committee shouldn't be investigating Joe Biden's son, Politico reports. A Romney spokeswoman...

CPAC Chair: If Romney Came, I&#39;d Worry About His Safety
CPAC Chair Has
Warning for Romney

CPAC Chair Has Warning for Romney

Matt Schlapp says he'd worry about senator's 'physical safety' if he were to attend conference

(Newser) - A sign of how Mitt Romney's vote to convict President Trump on impeachment is playing in conservative circles: The chair of CPAC says he would be afraid for the GOP senator's "physical safety" were he to attend the group's annual conference later this month, reports the...

2 Non-Candidates Get Big Ovations at Debate

Mitt Romney and the NSC's Alexander Vindman

(Newser) - Two people not running for president got plenty of applause during the Democratic debate Friday night.
  • Vindman: Joe Biden at one point urged the crowd to stand in support of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of the National Security Council, who testified in the House impeachment inquiry, reports Newsweek . Vindman was

Trump Loves These Morning Headlines

He shows off newspapers at National Prayer Breakfast

(Newser) - President Trump plans to make a post-acquittal statement Thursday afternoon, but he couldn't resist celebrating the outcome of his impeachment trial in the morning at the annual National Prayer Breakfast. Soon after entering the room at the Washington Hilton, Trump held up the front pages of USA Today and...

McConnell &#39;Disappointed&#39; by Romney&#39;s Big Vote
Romney Faces Wrath 
of Trump After Vote to Convict

Romney Faces Wrath of Trump After Vote to Convict

Mitch McConnell says he is 'disappointed'

(Newser) - The only senator from either party to break with their party in Wednesday's impeachment trial verdict was Sen. Mitt Romney, who incurred the wrath of more than one Donald Trump with his vote to convict the president of abuse of power. In one of several anti-Romney tweets , President Trump...

Trump Acquitted on Both Articles of Impeachment

President will not be removed from office

(Newser) - President Trump has been acquitted on both articles of impeachment and will not be removed from office, USA Today reports. The vote for the first article, abuse of power, was 52-48, CNN reports. All 47 Democratic senators voted to convict, the Wall Street Journal reports. Utah Sen. Mitt Romney also...

Romney: 'Increasingly Likely' We'll Call Witnesses

Comments come after new John Bolton revelations

(Newser) - Democrats say new allegations from John Bolton make it essential that witnesses be called to testify in the Senate impeachment trial that resumes Monday. The big question: Will four Republicans—the magic number needed to make it happen—agree? That remains unclear, but the GOP's Mitt Romney suggests the...

Will Bolton Testify? 3 Key Senators Are Noncommittal

Moderates including Mitt Romney not saying whether they'd join vote to subpoena him

(Newser) - John Bolton shook up the in-limbo impeachment process Monday by saying he would testify in a Senate trial if subpoenaed. A day later, we have little clarity on whether that will actually happen. By the math at Politico , Democrats would need four moderate Republicans to join them in voting for...

Lindsey Graham Talks Impeachment
Lindsey Graham
Talks Impeachment
the rundown

Lindsey Graham Talks Impeachment

Senator backs Trump, but opens the door a crack to changing his mind

(Newser) - An interview between Axios and Lindsey Graham is causing a stir, though there's some different interpretations over his comments on the topic of President Trump's impeachment. The upshot is that Graham says he still hasn't seen evidence of an impeachable offense, but he's open to changing...

Mitt Romney Admits He Is 'Pierre Delecto'

He has been using name on 'lurker' Twitter account

(Newser) - You might know him as mild-mannered Sen. Mitt Romney. But on Twitter, he is Pierre Delecto, fearless defender of ... Mitt Romney. After the Utah senator mentioned in an Atlantic profile Sunday that he has a "lurker" Twitter account that he uses to follow journalists and athletes, among others, Ashley...

Trump Really Hammers Mitt
Trump Really Hammers Mitt

Trump Really Hammers Mitt

Romney's criticism of the president had an effect, apparently

(Newser) - President Trump is really going after Mitt Romney. In tweets on Sunday, the president kept hammering the Utah senator after calling for his impeachment the day before, Fox News reports. "The Democrats are lucky that they don’t have any Mitt Romney types," Trump tweeted . "They may...

Romney 'Can't Understand' Trump's Attacks on McCain

He praises 'exemplary' senator

(Newser) - The Republican Party's 2012 presidential nominee isn't happy about what the 2016 candidate is saying about the 2008 nominee. In a tweet Tuesday night, Sen. Mitt Romney wondered why President Trump had renewed his attacks on John McCain seven months after the Arizona senator's death, USA Today...

RNC Chair Not Happy With Her Uncle Mitt

Ronna McDaniel rebukes Romney after his op-ed criticizing President Trump

(Newser) - Like the president, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee finds fault with an op-ed critical of Trump penned by Utah senator-elect Mitt Romney—who just so happens to be her uncle. "POTUS is attacked and obstructed by the [mainstream] media and Democrats 24/7. For an incoming Republican freshman...

Trump Slams Incoming Senator by Insulting an Outgoing One

'Is he a Flake?' president tweets after Mitt Romney's biting 'WaPo' op-ed about Trump

(Newser) - It was just a matter of time before President Trump responded to Utah Sen.-elect Mitt Romney's very public rebuke, and Wednesday morning brings our answer, per the Hill . The president tweeted , "Here we go with Mitt Romney, but so fast! Question will be, is he a Flake?,...

Romney: Trump Hasn&#39;t &#39;Risen to the Mantle of Office&#39;
Romney Slams Trump's
Character in Op-Ed

Romney Slams Trump's Character in Op-Ed

Romney will be sworn in as a US senator on Thursday

(Newser) - Mitt Romney will be sworn in as a US senator on Thursday—and he makes it clear in a Washington Post op-ed that he has no intention of becoming an unquestioning ally of President Trump. Romney writes that Trump was not his choice to become the GOP nominee for president...

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