Alex Pareene

6 Stories

Are NYC Candidates Finally Done 'Scaring White People'?

Alex Pareene hopes that's what Bill de Blasio's decisive win means

(Newser) - One surefire way to win an election in New York City: Scare the white population, which is almost big enough on its own to score a victory. Rudy Giuliani was the best at this, and it's also how Michael Bloomberg won, Alex Pareene writes at Salon . But with Bill...

If Gun Control Fails, Blame McCain, Not 'Extremists'

Alex Pareene thinks we're seeing a vivid illustration of why the Senate is broken

(Newser) - Washington elites are no doubt applauding Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey for attempting to forge a gun control deal . That such tense negotiations are necessary, even though most Americans and at least 51 senators support comprehensive background checks, "isn't considered particularly distressing or embarrassing," observes Alex Pareene...

Don't Expect GOP to Change
 Don't Expect GOP to Change 

Don't Expect GOP to Change

It won't alter policies, it'll just rebrand: Alex Pareene

(Newser) - Now that Mitt Romney's out of the game, we're hearing a lot of Republicans say it's time for the party to change its ways. But Alex Pareene, writing for Salon , says we should be wary of that old trick. He points to a recent Politico interview with...

CNN Should 'Fire Everyone'

 CNN Should 
 'Fire Everyone' 

CNN Should 'Fire Everyone'

Wolf Blitzer 'plainly an idiot': Alex Pareene

(Newser) - With CNN's president leaving at the end of the year, it's time for a shake-up at the struggling network: It needs to get people to watch even when there isn't currently a major disaster happening. At Salon , Alex Pareene offers a handy first step: "Fire everyone....

Jamie Dimon Should Be on Trial

 Jamie Dimon 
 Should Be 
 on Trial 

Jamie Dimon Should Be on Trial

JPMorgan boss should face public questioning: Alex Pareene

(Newser) - JPMorgan lost $2 billion last week, and it's time for the bank's CEO to answer for it. Congressional questioning isn't enough: Jamie Dimon should be required, ideally on prime-time TV, "to answer questions plainly and clearly, to an unfriendly audience of non-Davos people," Alex...

Romney Is Even Weirder Than You Thought

At least, according to Alex Pareene, who goes on to list all the reasons why

(Newser) - The Romney campaign says that labeling its candidate "weird" amounts to a veiled attack on Mormonism. But in an excerpt from Alex Pareene's new e-book at Salon , Pareene holds that Mitt Romney is, in fact, just plain bizarre, like "a brilliantly designed politician android with an operating...

6 Stories
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