Michael Cohen

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New Investigation Follows Cohen's Insurance Claims

NY regulators subpoena Trump Organization's insurance broker

(Newser) - Add one more to the list of investigations linked to President Trump: A week after Michael Cohen told the House Oversight Committee that his former client had inflated the value of assets to insurance companies comes news that the New York State Department of Financial Services is investigating the Trump...

Trump Blames Cohen Hearing for Collapse of Kim Summit

He calls it 'perhaps a new low in American politics'

(Newser) - President Trump slammed what he called "perhaps a new low in American politics" on Sunday: The congressional testimony of his former lawyer while he was in Vietnam for a summit with Kim Jong Un. Trump suggested Michael Cohen's testimony may have contributed to the collapse of the summit,...

SNL Does Not Spare Jussie Smollett
SNL Does
Not Spare
Jussie Smollett

SNL Does Not Spare Jussie Smollett

And has a bit of fun with Michael Cohen

(Newser) - Saturday Night Live pulled no punches on Jussie Smollet in a Shark Tank: Legal Edition sketch that featured the embattled actor, along with New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, vying for legal representation from the likes of Pete Davidson's Michael Avenatti, Cecily Strong's Jeanine Pirro, guest host John...

Cohen Will Be Back on Capitol Hill Next Month

Trump's former lawyer wraps up three consecutive days of testimony

(Newser) - President Donald Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, says he will be returning to Capitol Hill on March 6 for another round of questioning with lawmakers, the AP reports. Cohen spent Thursday behind closed doors with members of the House Intelligence Committee. It was the last of three appearances before...

AOC Credits Bartending for Her Cohen Questions
AOC Credits Bartending
for Her Cohen Questions
the rundown

AOC Credits Bartending for Her Cohen Questions

Ocasio-Cortez is earning praise for raising new information during the hearing

(Newser) - The dust is still settling on Michael Cohen's testimony about President Trump on Wednesday, but some consensus is emerging among Democrats: that newcomer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may have asked the sharpest questions of all, ones that might lead to specific new lines of inquiry into Trump's finances. The details:...

Trump on Cohen Testimony: One Thing 'Impressed' Him

Says Cohen 'lied a lot,' but at least he didn't claim direct knowledge of Russian collusion

(Newser) - President Trump says he didn't watch "too much" of Michael Cohen's testimony Wednesday in front of the House Oversight Committee, but he had a lot to say Thursday about what he did manage to squeeze in. Trump, whose summit in Hanoi with North Korea's Kim Jong...

Cohen Hearing Revealed Who the Dems Really Want
Cohen Hearing Revealed
Who the Dems Really Want
the rundown

Cohen Hearing Revealed Who the Dems Really Want

And other immediate media reactions

(Newser) - In his congressional testimony Wednesday, Michael Cohen blasted President Trump's character—"racist," "con man" and "cheat" aren't exactly endorsements—but so far the media is focused on Trump's possible law-breaking. The New York Times , Washington Post , and Wall Street Journal are all leading...

GOP Rep Deletes Cohen Tweet, but It's Too Late

Rep. Matt Gaetz may have engaged in witness tampering

(Newser) - Rep. Matt Gaetz fired off a pretty threatening tweet Tuesday that he's since deleted and apologized for—but an investigation is still underway, the Washington Post reports. Gaetz's message was aimed at Michael Cohen on the eve of his congressional testimony : "Hey @MichaelCohen212—Do your wife &...

Cohen: No 'Peaceful Transition of Power' if Trump Loses

And much more from his testimony before House committee

(Newser) - Michael Cohen began his testimony in front of the House Oversight and Reform Committee on Wednesday, and the first words out of his mouth addressed Republican criticism that a known liar, and one who lied to Congress at that, can't be trusted. "I am here under oath to...

As Michael Cohen Prepares to Testify, Trump Tweets

'He is lying in order to reduce his prison time,' president says of former lawyer

(Newser) - Michael Cohen's expected testimony in front of the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday was released late Tuesday, and USA Today reports that President Trump responded in the middle of the night due to the time difference with Hanoi, Vietnam, where he's opening his second summit with Kim Jong...

Explosive Michael Cohen Testimony Released

He calls Trump 'racist,' 'conman'

(Newser) - President Trump is in Vietnam—and he is not going to have a good morning after he sees the explosive testimony Michael Cohen is going to deliver to the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday. Cohen, Trump's personal lawyer for more than a decade, describes his former boss as a...

Michael Cohen Disbarred While Testifying Before Senate

President Trump's ex-lawyer wrapped first day of testimony after 9 hours behind closed doors

(Newser) - President Trump's ex-lawyer is now an ex-lawyer. Michael Cohen was officially disbarred on Tuesday while he was in Washington giving closed-door testimony to the Senate intelligence committee, the AP reports. A New York court ruled that Cohen's guilty plea last November automatically stripped him of his eligibility to...

This Could Be Bad Week for Trump, Thanks to Cohen
Cohen to Level Serious
Charge Against Trump
the rundown

Cohen to Level Serious Charge Against Trump

He's expected to tell Congress his former boss engaged in criminal conduct as president

(Newser) - President Trump is in Vietnam this week, but it's a safe bet he'll be keeping a close eye on Michael Cohen's testimony before Congress. The stakes? It "could be the most damaging for a president since former White House Counsel John Dean helped bring down Richard...

Cohen Reveals More About Trump's Family Business

Former Trump lawyer and fixer sits down with federal prosecutors

(Newser) - Michael Cohen's recent meetings with federal prosecutors suggest they're expanding an investigation into the Trump Organization, the New York Times reports. Insiders say that in meetings last month, Cohen talked about the company's insurance claims and was asked about Imaad Zuberi, a political fundraiser and venture capitalist...

Cohen Won't Be Reporting to Prison Next Month

Prison reporting date delayed from March 6 to May 6

(Newser) - President Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen was granted a few more weeks of freedom Wednesday after his lawyer said he is still recovering from shoulder surgery and needs to prepare for congressional testimony before he reports to prison. US District Judge William H. Pauley III approved the delay...

Cohen Postpones Congressional Testimony, Again

It's the third time

(Newser) - Michael Cohen's closed-door testimony before the Senate intelligence committee has been postponed "due to post-surgery medical needs," his attorney said Monday. Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal lawyer, is under subpoena from the committee and was scheduled to talk to the panel Tuesday. Cohen's attorney,...

Cohen Agrees to Talk to House Committee

Behind closed doors, on Feb. 8

(Newser) - President Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, has agreed to talk to the House Intelligence Committee behind closed doors on Feb. 8, the AP reports. That's according to California Rep. Adam Schiff, who says Cohen will be appearing voluntarily. The announcement comes after Cohen postponed a separate hearing with...

Michael Cohen Gets a Subpoena
Michael Cohen
Gets a Subpoena

Michael Cohen Gets a Subpoena

Attorney says Cohen will appear before Senate Intelligence Committee

(Newser) - A Senate committee has subpoenaed President Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, a day after Cohen postponed his public testimony to a House committee. Word of the subpoena from the Senate Intelligence Committee comes from one of Cohen's lawyers, Lanny Davis, per the AP . He says Cohen will...

Citing Threats From Trump, Cohen Postpones Testimony

He was scheduled to appear before Congress on Feb. 7

(Newser) - Michael Cohen says President Trump and his team are threatening him—and because of that, he has decided against testifying before the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 7 as originally planned, the New York Times reports. "Due to ongoing threats against his family from President Trump and Mr. [Rudy]...

Mueller Sought Evidence of BuzzFeed Story, 'Found None'

'Washington Post' takes a look at what led to special counsel's extraordinary rebuttal

(Newser) - In the days since BuzzFeed's dizzying report that President Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress, Robert Mueller's office issued a statement saying the report was "not accurate," and clarity doesn't appear to be emerging. The Washington Post takes a look at what drove...

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