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Doctor Who Hawked COVID 'Miracle Cure' Gets Jail Time

Jennings Ryan Staley of San Diego sentenced to 30 days over hydroxychloroquine scheme

(Newser) - In the early days of the pandemic, a San Diego doctor offered a beacon of hope—more specifically what he called a "miracle cure" for COVID. Now, however, Dr. Jennings Ryan Staley is going to prison for 30 days over his purported remedy , reports Fox 5 . Staley attempted to...

An Unproven COVID Remedy Is Making the Rounds

Extract of oleander has been pitched directly to President Trump

(Newser) - You've heard of hydroxychloroquine . Now another unproven coronavirus remedy is generating headlines—oleandrin, the extract of the oleander plant. A report by Jonathan Swan of Axios says that a strong ally of the president, MyPillow founder Mike Lindell, arranged an Oval Office meeting between Trump and an exec with...

Gohmert Questions Whether Wearing Mask Led to Virus

As Nancy Pelosi announces new requirement

(Newser) - Rep. Louie Gohmert opposed the idea of a mandate to wear masks on the House floor, then tested positive for COVID-19 himself —and now such a mandate has come to pass. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Wednesday that masks are now required on the House floor, in the House...

Instagram Flags Madonna Over Bogus Virus Video

Instagram blurs video about hydroxychloroquine for 'false information'

(Newser) - Madonna shared a coronavirus conspiracy theory on Instagram on Tuesday, quickly leading her account to get flagged for spreading "false information." The video—the same one Twitter removed from the accounts of President Trump and his son , Donald Trump, Jr., per USA Today —showed Texas primary care...

Twitter Restricts Account of Trump Jr.
Trump Jr.

Twitter Penalizes Trump Jr.

Account restricted after he posted a video about the coronavirus

(Newser) - Another member of the Trump family has run afoul of Twitter over a controversial video about COVID-19. The site says it has restricted the feed of Donald Trump Jr. for 12 hours and accused him of violating its rules about sharing misinformation about the coronavirus, reports the Guardian . The move...

Twitter Deletes Dicey Tweet Shared by Trump on COVID

'There is a cure,' woman in video claims, referring to hydroxychloroquine

(Newser) - President Trump had been striking a more sober tone about the coronavirus of late, but on Monday night he retweeted a video making so many controversial claims that Twitter deleted it, reports NBC News . "Tweets with the video are in violation of our COVID-19 misinformation policy," Twitter said...

Bolsonaro Proclaims Hydroxychloroquine 'Is Certainly Working'

Jair Bolsonaro downs hydroxychloroquine in Facebook video to treat his COVID-19

(Newser) - Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro says he's confident he'll swiftly recover from COVID-19 thanks to treatment with hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malaria drug that hasn't been proven effective against the coronavirus. Bolsonaro said he tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday after months of downplaying its severity while deaths mounted rapidly...

Florida Teen's COVID Death Now Under Scrutiny

Carsyn Leigh Davis was treated at home with hydroxychloroquine after big church function

(Newser) - A 17-year-old girl who died of COVID-19 in Florida was initially treated at home with hydroxychloroquine, the unproven drug touted by President Trump, according to a medical examiner's report. Carsyn Leigh Davis, a child cancer survivor who struggled with health issues including obesity and an auto-immune disorder, developed a...

Hydroxycholorquine Trial Bites the Dust
COVID-19 Drug Trial
Bites the Dust

COVID-19 Drug Trial Bites the Dust

The World Health Organization abandons testing of hydroxycholorquine

(Newser) - The World Health Organization says it is ending a trial into whether anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine helps patients hospitalized with COVID-19, the AP reports. WHO said Saturday it has "accepted the recommendation" from the committee overseeing the trial to discontinue testing of hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir, a drug combination used to...

US Is Stuck With 63M Doses of Hydroxychloroquine

Feds built huge stockpile before FDA withdrew emergency authorization

(Newser) - The US now has more hydroxychloroquine than it knows what to do with following a series of studies that concluded the drug is an ineffective and potentially dangerous treatment for COVID-19. The federal government, which started stockpiling the drug in March, now has 63 million surplus doses of the drug,...

More Bad News for Hydroxychloroquine

FDA pulls the plug on its emergency use for COVID-19 patients

(Newser) - The FDA is out with a clear new directive on the controversial drug hydroxychloroquine: stop using it on COVID-19 patients. The agency has concluded that the anti-malarial drug and the related chloroquine "are unlikely to produce an antiviral effect," reports Politico . "Nor is it reasonable to believe...

A Second Major COVID Study Is Retracted

Big concerns raised over database used in both

(Newser) - First, the esteemed Lancet medical journal retracted a major study on Thursday about hydroxychloroquine. Then, the New England Journal of Medicine did the same with another big study related to COVID-19 and blood pressure drugs. Both retractions have a common denominator: They relied on data supplied by a US analytics...

Researchers Retract Study Warning About Chloroquine

Authors say they can't be sure of their data on COVID-19 results

(Newser) - The authors of a well-publicized study that indicated taking chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as COVID-19 treatments could be unsafe no longer stand behind their work. The medical journal the Lancet said the authors asked that their paper be retracted, Stat News reports. "We can no longer vouch for the veracity...

Here's What Trump's Latest Physical Reveals

He suffered no ill effects from his time on hydroxychloroquine, for one thing

(Newser) - President Trump experienced no side effects from his two weeks on hydroxychloroquine. That little tidbit comes courtesy of his annual physical, a summary of which was released by the White House Wednesday. Per a memo from the president's physician cited by CNN , "there were no findings of significance...

It Was a Major COVID Study. Was the Data a Sham?
It Was a Major COVID Study.
Now, Something Fishy?

It Was a Major COVID Study. Now, Something Fishy?

The 'Guardian' calls into question the data supplied by Surgisphere

(Newser) - The US-based company Surgisphere touts that it aggregates and analyzes health records from hospitals around the world—including, apparently, significant amounts of coronavirus-related data. This though it apparently has "a science fiction writer and an adult-content model" on its small roster of employees. So reports the Guardian , which dug...

Salvadoran President Says 'Most Leaders' Take Drug

'We have been advised to take' hydroxychloroquine, Nayib Bukele says

(Newser) - El Salvador's president says he's taking hydroxychloroquine—and says most of the world's other leaders are doing the same. "I use it as a prophylaxis. President Trump uses it as a prophylaxis. Most of the world's leaders use it as a prophylaxis," Nayib Bukele...

France: This 'Should Not Be Prescribed' for COVID Patients

Country bans use of hydroxychloroquine

(Newser) - Another negative headline for hydroxychloroquine: France has banned the use of it as a coronavirus treatment. Politico lays out the timeline leading to the move. After the Lancet on Friday published the results of a worldwide study suggesting that the anti-malaria drug doesn't help patients and may well...

WHO Suspends Hydroxychloroquine Trial

Agency says it will 'err on the side of caution'

(Newser) - The World Health Organization says it has decided to "err on the side of caution" and suspend a trial of hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus treatment. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus cited a study released last week that found COVID-19 patients who had taken the drug were more likely to...

Trump: My Drug Regimen Has Changed

The president talks about his hydroxychloroquine use in a wide-ranging interview

(Newser) - President Trump has apparently said goodbye to hydroxychloroquine. Appearing on the Sinclair Broadcast Group program Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson, Trump said his regimen on the controversial drug is complete: "Finished, just finished," he said in the interview that aired Sunday, per USA Today . "And by the...

Big Hydroxychloroquine Study Sees No Benefit on COVID

Researchers call for more definitive randomized trials next

(Newser) - A new, worldwide study suggests that hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malaria drug that President Trump said he's taking to keep from contracting the coronavirus, doesn't help patients and may well harm them. Researchers followed the cases of almost 15,000 patients, given hydroxychloroquine or the similar chloroquine, and compared their...

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