interest rate

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Fed Again Hikes Interest Rates
Fed Again Hikes
Interest Rates

Fed Again Hikes Interest Rates

And marks the end of 'accommodative' policy era

(Newser) - Federal Reserve officials voted Wednesday to raise a key, short term interest rate for the third time this year, the AP reports. Investors largely expected an increase in the federal funds rate—the interest that banks charge each other—based off public statements by Fed officials. The benchmark overnight lending...

Fed Keeps Key Interest Rate Unchanged

Signals future rate hikes

(Newser) - The Federal Reserve on Wednesday left its benchmark interest rate unchanged while signaling further gradual rate hikes in the months ahead as long as the economy stays healthy, the AP reports. The Fed's widely expected decision kept the central bank's key short-term rate at 1.75% to 2%—...

Fed Lifts Interest Rates, Expects 3.6% Unemployment

Fed: US economy has strengthened considerably since the 2007-2008 recession and is in 'great shape'

(Newser) - The Federal Reserve has hiked the short-term interest rate a quarter of a percentage point, to a range of 1.75% to 2%, and suggested that two more increases are likely to occur this year, for a total of four in 2018, reports CNBC . The rate is closely tied to...

Interest Rates Hit a Milestone for First Time Since 2008

Fed signals belief in strong economy

(Newser) - The Federal Reserve signaled confidence in a strong economy Wednesday with its second interest rate hike of 2017, bringing its benchmark rate up a quarter-point to push it over 1% for the first time since the 2008 financial crisis. The move, which brings the range to between 1% and 1....

The Fed Likely to Raise Interest Rates This Month

Janet Yellen signaled as much in a speech Friday

(Newser) - Janet Yellen signaled Friday that the Fed will likely resume raising interest rates later this month to reflect a strengthening job market and inflation edging toward the central bank's 2% target rate, the AP reports. The Federal Reserve chair also said that the Fed expects steady economic improvement to...

Yellen Could Stay Mum on One Big Question Today

Congress sure to ask about Fed's possible reaction to Trump's economic plan

(Newser) - Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen faces two tasks when she delivers her semiannual testimony to Congress starting Tuesday: As always, she'll sketch a picture of how she expects the economy to fare in coming months and how the Fed's interest rate policy may unfold. (In December, the Fed...

Fed Hints at Upcoming Rate Hike
Fed Hints at
Upcoming Rate Hike

Fed Hints at Upcoming Rate Hike

But leaves interest rates unchanged for now

(Newser) - The Federal Reserve is leaving interest rates unchanged just days before Americans choose a new president, but hints again that it will likely raise rates at an upcoming meeting, the AP reports. The Fed says that the case for rate hike has "continued to strengthen" but that the panel...

Fed Keeps Key Interest Rate Unchanged

But hints at rate increase before end of year

(Newser) - The Federal Reserve is keeping a key interest rate unchanged but sending a strong signal that it will likely boost rates before the end of the year, the AP reports. The Fed said in a statement Wednesday that the US job market has continued to strengthen and economic activity has...

Rate Debate Reaches Fever Pitch Ahead of Fed Meeting

Chair Janet Yellen has said there's a strong case for a rate hike—but pushback continues

(Newser) - "Let's get on with it already." That's the opinion of one investment strategist ahead of the Federal Reserve's two-day rate meeting starting Tuesday, calling for Chair Janet Yellen to push for a rate increase that many are still wary of implementing. Per Reuters , a good...

Can You Pass a Basic Test on Finances? Probably Not

The vast majority of Americans answered barely half of the questions correctly

(Newser) - When it comes to finances, Americans are doing generally better than during the recession. But when it comes to financial literacy, the picture is grim. According to a new survey of 27,564 Americans called the National Financial Capability Study that was put out by the FINRA Foundation , roughly two-thirds...

Brexit, Jobs Report Sink Likelihood of Fed Rate Hike

Interest rate may not go up until at least December

(Newser) - Experts say the US Federal Reserve may wait until after Britain votes on whether it will leave the European Union before it raises the interest rate, Reuters reports. The Fed is meeting June 14, but the so-called Brexit vote isn't until June 23. If Britain leaves the EU, it...

Yellen: Fed's Rate Increase Is Defensive

She explains Fed's big move

(Newser) - After the Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the first time in nearly a decade , Fed Chair Janet Yellen stressed that the 0.25% rate hike was pre-emptive. Inflation still remains well below the central bank's 2% target, largely because of transitory factors such as falling oil prices. Yet...

Low Inflation Puzzles Fed as a Big Move Looms

2% target elusive, but it's not expected to deter Janet Yellen

(Newser) - The Federal Reserve is expected to raise its interest rates for the first time since 2006 when it meets this week, but some economists would like it to figure out just what is going on with inflation first. The central bank's target of 5% unemployment has been reached, but...

Janet Yellen Offers More Evidence of a Strong US Economy

Fed could raise its interest rate for first time in years

(Newser) - It's becoming more and more likely the Federal Reserve will raise its interest rates this month for the first time in nearly a decade, USA Today reports. The economy has already hit the Fed's goal of 5% unemployment and is closing in on its goal of 2% inflation,...

All Eyes on the Fed: What You Need to Know

Will Janet Yellen raise interest rates this week?

(Newser) - Will interest rates finally go up? Federal Reserve officials begin a two-day meeting today, with the financial world waiting with bated breath on Janet Yellen's subsequent announcement. "Anyone who uses money" will ultimately be affected, observes NPR, which offers a primer here . Other highlights in coverage:
  • 'Nail-biter'

Many Parents Have to Pay Off Dead Kids' Student Loans

Families often have little legal recourse in these cases

(Newser) - Probably the last thing parents mourning a deceased child want to do is deal with late notices from creditors—especially when those notices are for a student loan taken out by their lost loved one. That's what happened to pastor Steve Mason, who found himself saddled with a $100,...

Senate's Student Loan Plan Cuts Rates—for Now

Undergrads would be able to borrow at 3.85% interest this fall

(Newser) - A Senate deal is set to lower interest rates on student loans for the next two academic years—but rates could climb after 2015, the AP reports after speaking to aides. Still, in the deal—set for a vote as soon as today—Democrats ensured that undergraduates would never face...

Fed: Don't Expect Rate Hikes Until 2014

Benchmark rate is probably staying put for a long time

(Newser) - The Federal Reserve assured consumers and businesses today that they'll be able to borrow cheaply well into the future. The Fed said it's unlikely to raise its benchmark interest rate before late 2014, extending its time frame by at least a year and a half. The Fed said...

2 Americans Win Nobel Prize in Economics

Thomas Sargent, Christopher Sims studied effects of tax cuts, interest rate hikes

(Newser) - Americans Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims won the Nobel economics prize today "for their empirical research on cause and effect in the macroeconomy," the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced. The prize committee said the winners have developed methods for answering questions such as how economic growth and...

Credit Card Rates Hit 9-Year High

Card makers jack prices in face of new regulations

(Newser) - Interest rates are tumbling for US Treasuries, companies, and home-buyers. The prime rate is extremely low. Yet for some reason, credit card companies are charging more and more, with average rates hitting a nine-year high of 14.7% in the second quarter, the Wall Street Journal reports. Companies say they’...

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