Politics / Olympia Snowe Any Random Conservative Would Crush Snowe in 2010 Generic Republican wins 59%-31% in poll By Nick McMaster Posted Nov 10, 2009 1:54 PM CST Copied Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, laughs during a light moment after an interview with The Associated Press in Portland, Maine, on Friday, Oct. 30, 2009. (AP Photo/Pat Wellenbach) Olympia Snowe could be in trouble in 2012: a new poll found that a generic conservative challenger would trounce the Maine moderate in a primary. The hypothetical conservative got 59% of the vote, while Snowe received just 31%. While it can be argued that results for hypothetical candidate have little bearing on a real race, it’s clear that conservatives are troubled by Snowe’s support for Democratic efforts to reform health care. Some 40% of Republicans approve of her, while 46% disapprove. Maine Democrats, meanwhile, give the senator 60%-29% approval ratings. Frustratingly for Snowe, her numbers are down both with Democrats and Republicans—Republicans are angry that she supports health care at all, while Democrats fume over her reluctance to back the public option, Talking Points Memo reports. (More Olympia Snowe stories.) Report an error