Technology / Foursquare China Blocks Foursquare Over Tiananmen Too many people were posting on the anniversary By John Johnson Posted Jun 5, 2010 2:06 PM CDT Copied Supporters of Tiananmen victims hold a candlelight vigil to commemorate the 21st anniversary, Friday, June 4, 2010, in Taipei, Taiwan. (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying) This time, it's Foursquare that's earned the wrath of Beijing. The location-based social networking site is blocked throughout China, reports TechBlog86. Of course, there's no official word from Chinese authorities, but the move came after scores of people virtually checked in to Tiananmen Square to mark yesterday's 21st anniversary and left "sensitive comments" as "tips." "What’s interesting is that it appears that the Chinese government may have become aware of how Foursquare was being used because of the re-publishing of checkins to other services like Twitter and Facebook," writes Christina Warren at Mashable. (More Foursquare stories.) Report an error