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Oust Michael Steele? It's Not That Easy

RNC rules make it difficult to give a chairman the boot

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom says Michael Steele's days are numbered as head of the RNC. But as the Wall Street Journal explains, it's much easier to talk about firing a party chairman than it is to actually do so. The party committee has 168 members, and two-thirds of them (112) would have...

We Need Afghan Debate, But Neither Party Allows It

Michael Steele is a victim of this narrow-minded atmosphere

(Newser) - Joke all you want about Michael Steele's new troubles , but one part of this mess isn't so funny, Ned Resnikoff writes for Salon . It's the depressing—and dangerous—political reality that neither Republicans nor Democrats will tolerate debate of the Afghanistan war. "The leadership of both major parties concludes...

Lay Off Michael Steele: Ron Paul

Texan defends RNC chair's Afghanistan remarks

(Newser) - Michael Steele is under fire from politicians and pundits alike for saying the Afghanistan war is unwinnable, but he has at least one Republican on his side: Ron Paul. "Michael Steele has it right and Republicans should stick by him," the Texas congressman said in a statement. He...

McCain, Graham Pile on 'Unwise,' 'Inaccurate' Steele
 McCain, Graham, 
 Et Al. Pile on 
 'Unwise' Steele 

McCain, Graham, Et Al. Pile on 'Unwise' Steele

GOP chair needs to make 'appropriate decision' about his future

(Newser) - If Michael Steele was hoping his GOP pals on the Sunday airwaves today has his back, let's hope his cable went out. John McCain called Steele's comments about the Afghan war "wildly inaccurate," while Lindsey Graham slammed them as "uninformed, unnecessary, unwise." The Maverick further suggested...

First Contender Lines Up for Michael Steele's Seat

RNC chief on increasingly thin ice

(Newser) - The trouble deepens for Michael Steele. With prominent conservatives such as William Kristol, Liz Cheney, and Charles Krauthammer calling for his head , the jockeying has begun to succeed him as leader of the RNC. The party chairman of North Dakota tells the Washington Times that he will resign his state...

Republicans Trounce Dems in Small Donors

GOP pulls in $70M in checks of $200 or less, to Dems' $44M

(Newser) - Republicans are cashing in the populist outrage they've helped stir up, raising more money from small donors than Democrats for the first time since 1998. GOP candidates have raised $70 million from small donors this year, compared to $44 million for Democrats, the Washington Post reports. That's still only 16%...

Rove Constructs 'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy'

...by imitating Democrats

(Newser) - The Republican party's top operatives are quietly building a massive fundraising and organizing machine inspired by the one the Democrats used to sieze Congress and the White House. Headed up by Karl Rove and former party chair Ed Gillespie, the network of five connected groups is modeled after the "...

Steele: Blacks Have No Reason to Vote Republican

'We haven't done a very good job of giving you one'

(Newser) - Maybe someone should explain Michael Steele's job to him. In an event at DePaul University Tuesday, the RNC Chairman was asked why African-Americans should vote for Republicans. “You really don't have a reason, to be honest,” he replied, according to Politico . “We haven't done a very good...

Rudy, Newt Back Steele
 Rudy, Newt 
 Back Steele 

Rudy, Newt Back Steele

But calls for RNC chairman's resignation are mounting

(Newser) - With the cries for Michael Steele’s resignation growing ever louder, two notable allies jumped to his defense yesterday. Rudy Guiliani told CNN last night that Steele “should remain exactly where he is,” noting that Republicans had won elections in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts on his watch....

Sex-Club Flap Claims RNC Chief of Staff

It's unclear if Ken McKay's resignation was voluntary

(Newser) - The sex-club scandal that has rocked the Republican National Committee claimed its highest-ranking official yet today, with chief of staff Ken McKay resigning. An RNC rep wouldn’t say if McKay volunteered or was pushed, but did tell Politico that the move was directly related to the $2,000 spent...

Steele: I Won't Step Down

Chairman says he has a slimmer margin of error because he's black

(Newser) - Michael Steele says he won’t be stepping down as the chairman of the RNC, and thinks the concern over his spending has been blown out of proportion. “A lot of our major donors are used to a particular type of event. We’ve been scaling those back,”...

Oops: RNC Letter Had Phone Sex Number

Fundraising mailer makes embarrassing mistake

(Newser) - Not the best of weeks for the Republican National Committee and sex themes: A letter mailed out soliciting funds includes a phone number for a sex line. A recipient in Minnesota discovered the glitch when he called the number—not to contribute but to complain that the letter was designed...

Race Is All That's Saving Steele
 Race Is All 
 That's Saving 

Race Is All That's Saving Steele

Republicans don't want to fire their first black leader

(Newser) - Michael Steele is pretty obviously lousy at his job, so why don’t Republicans just fire him? There’s just one reason, argues Gabriel Winant of Salon : race. Steele, you’ll recall, came to power directly after Barack Obama’s election—the Republicans, essentially, wanted their own black guy. Dumping...

RNC Cancels Events Over Sex Club Scandal

Young Eagles program sent to the corner and told to be good

(Newser) - The RNC is punishing those dirty boys and girls at the Young Eagles program, canceling all upcoming events scheduled for the group. The $1,946 the RNC spent at an LA bondage club appears to have been for a Young Eagles event, Politico reports. Some of the program’s other...

Steele Drives Away RNC Donors

Bondage club fiasco exacerbates problem for committee

(Newser) - The RNC’s bondage club incident has been yet another blow to an organization that’s been struggling to pull in big donors ever since Michael Steele took over. At least eight of the RNC’s top individual donors haven’t donated in the past 14 months, according to FEC...

RNC Staffer Fired in Bondage Flap Was Female Recruiter

Allison Meyers ran 'Young Eagles' program

(Newser) - The RNC staffer fired for reimbursing a consultant for a $1,946 night at a bondage club has been revealed: It was Allison Meyers, director of the “Young Eagles” program, sources tell Politico . It was her job to recruit donors under 50 years old. The now-infamous trip to Voyeur...

Bondage Club Patron ID'd as RNC Member, Not Steele

Erik Brown will return $2K reimbursement

(Newser) - The Republican Party official reimbursed for nearly $2,000 spent at an LA fetish club was a member of the RNC, not committee chair Michael Steele. The mystery patron who hit up the RNC for the $1,946 he spent at Voyeur West Hollywood is marketing exec Erik Brown, reports...

Michael Steele Blew $1,946 at S&M Club

Chairman uses RNC money to travel in style; suggested buying jet

(Newser) - Michael Steele’s getting a real flogging this morning for lavish spending, but hey, maybe he likes it that way. On a recent trip to California, FEC records show that Steele enjoyed a $9,099 stay at the Beverly Hills Hotel, spent another $6,596 at the nearby Four Seasons...

Sebelius: 'We'll Have the Votes'
 'We'll Have 
 the Votes' 


Sebelius: 'We'll Have the Votes'

Lindsey Graham stands with Obama on Gitmo, disses reconciliation

(Newser) - Kathleen Sebelius wouldn't say when or how, but she had a singular message today on Meet the Press: "I think we'll have the votes for comprehensive health reform." Politico reports that the secretary of Health and Human Services said that despite opinion polls to the contrary, "The...

'Hateboards' Signal GOP Fear-Monger Strategy

Republican strategy being 'field tested' on highways

(Newser) - For a likely preview of the GOP's upcoming fear-fueled political campaigns, look no further than the ominous billboards sprouting along the nation's highways, like the one portraying President Obama as "Saddam Hussein" out to kill American babies. The GOP strategy to exploit "visceral fear" to raise campaign funds...

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