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Jane Goodall Borrowed Text From Wikipedia

Author apologizes for verbatim passages in new book

(Newser) - Renowned chimp expert Jane Goodall took some passages in her upcoming co-written book almost directly from a range of Internet sources, including Wikipedia, the Washington Post reports. The author has apologized for the unattributed text. "I am distressed to discover that some of the excellent and valuable sources were...

PhD Stripped From German Education Minister

Annette Schavan plagiarized 30-year-old thesis: university

(Newser) - Irony alert: Germany's minister of education just lost her doctorate. The University of Düsseldorf has stripped Annette Schavan of her PhD, it announced yesterday, because she carried out "a deliberate deception through plagiarism." An anonymous blogger last year accused Schavan of plagiarizing sections of her thesis...

Harvard Cheat Suspects Taking Leave to Dodge Penalty: Reports

Athletes ducking out now so they can play next year

(Newser) - It sounds a little like ... cheating. Some of the Harvard students being investigated in a cheating scandal plan to take a leave of absence—to duck the possibility of being suspended for a year, insiders are telling the New York Times . Harvard isn't saying how many students are taking...

Jonah Lehrer's Moral Compass 'Badly Broken'

Probe uncovers more plagiarism and fabrication

(Newser) - Seems Jonah Lehrer's penchant for cooking up quotes and committing plagiarism dates back further than we knew. Probing Lehrer's old blogs for Wired, science reporter Charles Seife uncovered many instances of Lehrer recycling material, copying press releases, messing with quotes, and even messing with the facts. "Unlike...

Time, CNN Announce Zakaria's Return

Suspended journalist's plagiarism seen as 'isolated'

(Newser) - Fareed Zakaria will soon return to both Time and CNN after his suspension for admitted plagiarism . Time says it's "entirely satisfied that the language in question in his recent column was an unintentional error and an isolated incident." CNN says it conducted a "rigorous" review of...

Zakaria on New Attribution Problem: 'Standard Practice'

'Post' finds unattributed quote in 2008 book

(Newser) - In the wake of Fareed Zakaria's plagiarism confession , the Washington Post points out another attribution problem with the journalist's work: In his 2008 book The Post-American World, Zakaria uses a quote from former Intel CEO Andy Grove that originally appeared in another book from 2005, Three Billion New ...

Time Suspends Fareed Zakaria for Plagiarism

He apologizes for lifting part of 'New Yorker' story on gun control

(Newser) - Time suspended columnist Fareed Zakaria for plagiarism today after he apologized for swiping parts of a New Yorker piece by Jill Lepore on gun control, reports the Huffington Post . "I made a terrible mistake," Zakaria wrote in a statement published at Atlantic Wire . "It is a serious...

Jayson Blair: Jonah Lehrer's Lies Just as Stupid as Mine

Fellow disgraced reporter weighs in on fabrication scandal

(Newser) - Jonah Lehrer's fabrication scandal gets the once-over today from none other than Jayson Blair, who admitted to plagiarism in his New York Times articles nine years ago. "It’s remarkable to me that someone who grew up professionally in the context of my scandal could make such...

New Yorker Writer Admits to Fabrication and Quits

Jonah Lehrer: I made up Bob Dylan quotes

(Newser) - A New Yorker staff writer has quit the magazine and confessed to attributing phony quotes to Bob Dylan, reports the New York Times' Media Decoder blog . Jonah Lehrer says he initially panicked when cornered by a reporter about the quotes in Lehrer's book, Imagine: How Creativity Works. "I...

Why a New Yorker Writer Stole From ... Himself
Why a New Yorker Writer
Stole From ... Himself

Why a New Yorker Writer Stole From ... Himself

Jonah Lehrer blog lifted full paragraphs from earlier pieces

(Newser) - A new staff writer at the New Yorker has already taken to plundering the work of others. Well, one other—himself. Three paragraphs in Jonah Lehrer's June 12 blog post appear in a Wall Street Journal piece he penned last year, media commentator Jim Romenesko revealed yesterday . Some of...

Brazenly Plagiarized Spy Novel Pulled

Author's debut was 'collage of others' work'

(Newser) - Bookseller Quentin Rowan appears to have forged a writing career entirely by raiding the contents of his shelves. Publisher Little, Brown & Co. recalled every single copy of his debut spy thriller, Assassin of Secrets—written under the pseudonym QR Markham—after discovering that passages had been lifted from more...

Scott Brown Accused of Plagiarism

Quote on website was actually from Elizabeth Dole

(Newser) - It hasn’t been a good couple of weeks for Scott Brown: Last week, there was that unfortunate Elizabeth Warren comment ; now, he's being accused of plagiarism. A liberal super PAC discovered that Brown’s website lifted a significant portion of an Elizabeth Dole speech from 2002, the Boston ...

Most Undergrads Will Take Classes Online in 10 Years
Most Undergrads Will Take Classes Online in 10 Years
pew survey

Most Undergrads Will Take Classes Online in 10 Years

College presidents predict big increase in education via the web

(Newser) - Online education will be booming over the next decade, according to a new Pew survey of college presidents. Some highlights, as noted by Today's Digital Life :
  • Half of the presidents surveyed say most undergrads will take at least some classes online in 10 years, up from the current estimate

British Education Minister Plagiarizes Wikipedia

ePolitix points to a speech that appears to have been lifted from site

(Newser) - Plagiarizing Wikipedia: It's not just for high school students anymore! ePolitix busts John Hayes, Britain's further education minister, for apparently lifting a portion of a recent House of Commons speech from Wikipedia. Hayes was giving a history of bank holidays, and ePolitix offers up a detailed comparison of...

Maher: The Onion Stole My ‘Afterbirther’ Joke

The only problem: they made the joke first

(Newser) - Now that President Obama has turned the birther movement into an even bigger punchline than it already was, it’s no wonder that a cackling Internet has been bandying about an Onion article headlined, “Afterbirthers Demand to See Obama’s Placenta.” Pretty funny, right? Well, Bill Maher wasn’...

Washington Post Suspends Plagiarizing Reporter

Sari Horwitz 'lifted sections' of Arizona Republic stories on Jared Lee Loughner

(Newser) - A long-time investigative reporter at the Washington Post has been suspended for lifting "substantial" portions of articles from an Arizona newspaper for her stories on accused Tucson shooter Jared Lee Loughner. Pultizer Prize-winner Sari Horwitz was suspended for three months for plagiarizing sections of stories from the Arizona Republic,...

Gadhafi Son Plagiarized Thesis, Used Ghostwriter

London School of Economics 'embarrassed' by ties to Saif

(Newser) - The apparently not-so-august London School of Economics has admitted awarding a PhD in philosophy to one of Moammar Gadhafi's sons in 2008, even though he apparently plagiarized much of his dissertation. Saif al-Islam has been accused of using a ghostwriter to pen his paper, and lifting heavily from research and...

German Minister Quits Over Plagiarized Dissertation

'Baron Googleberg' brought down by academic scandal

(Newser) - Germany's aristocratic defense minister has resigned after being caught in a plagiarism scandal. Tens of thousands of academics wrote to the government in protest after it was discovered that Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg—now nicknamed "Baron Cut and Paste" and "zu Googleberg"—had plagiarized large chunks of...

Skeptical Climate Report Plagiarized Wikipedia

...and other material, including text from scientist it was blasting

(Newser) - An influential 2006 congressional report questioning the validity of global warming research was heavily plagiarized, lifting sections from textbooks, Wikipedia, and even one of the scientists it criticized, according to experts contacted by the USA Today . A year-long analysis by one of the experts found that 35 of the report's...

Bush's Memoir Lifts Parts From Books, Newspapers

Huffington Post lists examples

(Newser) - George Bush's memoir was supposed to contain his never-before revealed experiences and observations. However, in a number of cases, what it actually contains are word-for-word quotes and stories lifted from the memoirs of other Bush staffers and from newspaper accounts of the day, writes Ryan Grim in the Huffington Post...

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