4 Stories

Jobs Site Monster Cutting 400 ... Jobs
 Jobs Site Monster 
 Cutting 400 ... Jobs 


Jobs Site Monster Cutting 400 ... Jobs

That's 7% of positions worldwide

(Newser) - It's a layoff announcement with a sad, ironic twist: Monster Worldwide, which runs the online recruitment site and makes job-search software, is itself slashing 400 jobs, reports Reuters . That amounts to 7% of full-time staff. "The progress we saw in the fourth quarter was much slower than what...

Cable Company Wages War on Monsters

Company takes on more monsters than Godzilla in fight to protect trademark

(Newser) - High-end audio cable maker Monster Cable has been taking on every monster it can find in a battle to safeguard its trademark, the Wall Street Journal reports. The company has sued makers of monster-branded products from carpet cleaners to energy drinks, along with job-search site, and even the...

Hackers Breach

4.5M compromised in UK; jobs site unsure how many of 75M worldwide may be affected

(Newser) - Hackers have illegally accessed and stolen personal details from an uncertain number of its 75 million users, Bloomberg reports. The hackers snatched user IDs, passwords, contact information and more, though resumes weren’t accessed. Users should be on the lookout for bogus e-mails that appear to come from...

Identity Theft Ring Uses Job Ads
Identity Theft Ring Uses Job Ads

Identity Theft Ring Uses Job Ads

Investigators uncover 1.6 million pieces of stolen info

(Newser) - Fraudulent job ads on and other websites have been used to obtain personal information to steal thousands of identities, reports Information Week. Researchers at security company Symantec uncovered a major database containing 1.6 million pieces of personal information on an undisclosed number of people who clicked on...

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