
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

School: Shoddy Records Caused Student's Suicide

Japan junior high student killed himself after false shoplifting charge

(Newser) - A junior high school principal appeared before a school assembly Wednesday to apologize not only for its role in a student's suicide but also for fibbing about what had happened afterward, the Japan Times reports. The 15-year-old took his own life on Dec. 8 after his parents found out...

Obama Made an Error in Oval Office Speech

He misspoke on how San Bernardino shooting suspect entered the US

(Newser) - In his Sunday night Oval Office address , President Obama may not have covered much new ground on overcoming terrorism, but he did note that he's seeking answers about how San Bernardino shooting suspect Tashfeen Malik ended up in the US. "I've ordered the departments of State and...

7-Eleven Clerk's Mistake Wins Man $380K

Man says ticket sold to him wasn't what he wanted, but he kept it anyway

(Newser) - A KTLA reporter said in a news segment yesterday that the biggest mistake she's ever made at a 7-Eleven is coming out with nachos and a Slurpie at 2:20am—but she then (somewhat jealously) noted that that error didn't net her almost $400,000. Her envious reference:...

Doctors Misdiagnose 1 in 20 Patients They See
Doctors Misdiagnose
1 in 20 Patients They See
new study

Doctors Misdiagnose 1 in 20 Patients They See

And the number might actually be higher

(Newser) - American doctors misdiagnose roughly one out of every 20 adult patients they see in an outpatient setting, or about 12 million of us a year—and about half of those mistakes could cause serious harm, according to a new research report . A team led by Dr. Hardeep Singh—who recently...

Cleaner Mistakes $14K Worth of Art for Trash, Tosses It

Debris scattered on ground was actually part of display

(Newser) - Whoops: A cleaner at an art exhibition in Italy threw away some pieces of cardboard, cookies, and newspaper that were strewn on the floor ... not realizing they were actually part of artist Sala Murat's display. She assumed the debris was trash left behind while the display was being set...

18th-Century Chateau Razed 'By Mistake'

Workers got it confused with a smaller building

(Newser) - Residents of a sleepy French village in Bordeaux have been left dumbfounded after discovering their local 18th-century chateau was completely bulldozed "by mistake." The mayor's office in Yvrac said today that workers who were hired to renovate the grand 140,000-sqaure-foot estate in November and raze a...

Doctors: To Stop Errors, Stop Over-Treating
Doctors: To Stop Errors,
Stop Over-Treating
sanjay gupta

Doctors: To Stop Errors, Stop Over-Treating

Sanjay Gupta reflects on the increasing number of medical mistakes

(Newser) - When it comes to medicine, "more is not always better," writes neurosurgeon and CNN chief medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta in the New York Times . Doctors make thousands of mistakes each year—in 1999, as many as 98,000 Americans were dying annually due to medical errors, and that...

Obama: My Biggest Mistake Was Failure to 'Tell a Story'

President says he focused on policy at the expense of inspiration: CBS video

(Newser) - President Obama's biggest mistake in his first term? Republicans probably have a quick answer involving the words "health care," but Obama himself got a little abstract about the subject in an interview with Charlie Rose of CBS :
  • "When I think about what we've done well

Oops: Fox Calls Romney, Obama 'Best Friends'

Clip mix-up has amusing results

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Mitt Romney may differ on politics—but apparently they're best friends. At least, that's what Fox News host Bill Hemmer told viewers today. After noting that Romney had recently been interviewed about his personal life, Hemmer said, "Here is Romney on his relationship with...

Obama Talks Mistakes, Midterms in 60 Minutes Interview
 Obama: Tone Has 'Slipped' 

Obama: Tone Has 'Slipped'

Prez talks mistakes, midterms on 60 Minutes

(Newser) - President Obama acknowledged mistakes since entering office, including “slipping” on maintaining a better tone in Washington, in a 60 Minutes interview last night, Politico reports. “Part of my promise to the American people when I was elected was to maintain the kind of tone that says we can...

Moviemakers, Beware: Mistake Catchers Are Watching

Website has devoted set of film nitpickers

(Newser) - Rikki Rosen is a 48-year-old mother in St. Louis and the bane of movie script supervisors everywhere. “Sure, a movie can have mistakes,” the No. 2 contributor to the film-gaffe-chronicling site Movie Mistakes tells the Wall Street Journal . “But sometimes it's just one after the other after...

Family Gets Grandma's Brain in Bag, Sues

Claims funeral home lumped gray matter in with personal effects

(Newser) - A New Mexico family is suing a pair of funeral homes they say gave them their grandmother’s brain in the same bag as her personal effects. One of the family members says he took the bag, which was unsealed, unaware that it contained the brain, and left it in...

Gingrich Honors Porn Exec, Invites Her to 'Intimate Event'

Former House Speaker's group says it mistakenly sent letter

(Newser) - A group founded by Newt Gingrich has named a porn executive “Entrepreneur of the Year” and invited her to an “intimate event” with the former House speaker, Talking Points Memo reports. “I’m honored, and more than a little surprised,” Allison Vivas responded in a statement....

You're 'Me,' Not 'Myself,' and Other Grammar Peeves

Sad kids do not 'literally tear' the heart out of a mall Santa, and other mistakes

(Newser) - Some common grammar mistakes are also inexcusable, Johnny Truant writes for Copyblogger. Too many of the following, and your readers may decide "that you’re actually a chimpanzee—and not one of the smart ones, either."
  • It's "me," not "myself:" People often "think

Brown: I Do Remember Beating Rihanna

Clip 'not representative' of interview with CNN's King, R&B star claims

(Newser) - A video clip making the gossip rounds, in which Chris Brown says he doesn’t remember beating then-girlfriend Rihanna, is “not representative of what I said” to CNN’s Larry King, the singer tells People today in a statement. “Of course I remember what happened,” Brown adds....

VA Mistakenly Tells Hundreds of Vets They Have ALS

'Coding error' to blame for ALS mistake

(Newser) - Because of an error, the Department of Veterans Affairs incorrectly notified 1,200 veterans they had ALS, the fatal neurological condition also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, the AP reports. The letters alerted the veterans to disability benefits available to those who suffer from the disease. Thought the VA...

Minn. Dems Red-Faced Over Email Error

Blue language in linked video derails Pawlenty criticism

(Newser) - Minnesota’s Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party is frantically apologizing after sending out a mass email that linked to a profane YouTube video, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. The email, which blasted Gov. Tim Pawlenty over his economic record, was supposed to include a link to a development report. Instead, it linked to...

Bolivian TV's Flight 447 Photos Actually From Lost

News program apologizes after gaffe

(Newser) - In what was either a bizarre prank or heinous gaffe, a Bolivian TV station broadcast two photographs last week from the ABC series Lost as exclusive photos from the final moments of Air France Flight 447, the Telegraph reports. The first shows passengers in an aircraft cabin using oxygen masks,...

Wrong Woman Gets Couple's Last Embryo

(Newser) - A British fertility clinic implanted the wrong embryo into a woman who aborted it as soon as she found out, dashing another couple's hopes of having their second baby, reports the Telegraph. When a lab assistant informed the couple, they "held each other and sobbed," said the woman....

'Accidental Millionaires' May Have Fled NZ for China

Had asked for $6K overdraft; got $6M instead

(Newser) - A New Zealand couple on the lam after they became accidental millionaires may be in China, and an investigator has been dispatched to look for the fugitives, the Rotorua Review reports. Interpol is also on the case. Of the $3.6 million originally transferred into a gas station's account because...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>