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Church Beatifies Polish Nun, Cardinal

Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski fought communism, Mother Elzbieta Roza Czacka helped the blind

(Newser) - Poland's top political leaders on Sunday attended the beatification of two revered figures of the Catholic Church—a cardinal who led resistance to communism and a blind nun who devoted her life to helping others who couldn't see. The celebration of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski and Mother Elzbieta Roza...

Fidel Castro Appears in Public

Former Cuban president greets group of Venezuelans

(Newser) - Former longtime Cuban president Fidel Castro has appeared in public for the first time in more than a year, according to official state media. The Cubadebate website says Castro greeted a group of Venezuelans visiting the capital of Havana. Cubadebate yesterday published four images that show Castro sitting inside a...

New Mexico Seniors Vote for Communism Prom

The students have been described as 'academically focused' and 'jokesters'

(Newser) - Eschewing hackneyed Vegas-related themes, seniors at a private high school in Albuquerque are heading right for Moscow with a little Communism-themed love at their prom, to be held at their local aquarium in April. They're calling it "prom-munism," and while Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School's executive director...

25 Years Ago Today, the Wall Came Down

Merkel salutes end of era, move 'reclaiming freedom'

(Newser) - As Germany celebrated the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall today, German Chancellor Angela Merkel honored the memory of the 138 people who died there and paid tribute to those who helped bring down the Wall, calling its collapse an example of the human yearning for freedom....

Pope Francis: Communists Hijacked Church's Ideas

And women are 'taken from a rib,' he jokes

(Newser) - Pope Francis has excommunicated the Mafia , will bankers be next? Asked by an interviewer about the criticisms of capitalism that have led some to suggest he has communist leanings, the pontiff said the church was helping the poor long before Marxist ideology existed, Reuters reports. "I can only say...

Poland's Last Communist Leader Dies at 90

Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski imposed martial law in 1981

(Newser) - A military hospital spokesman in Warsaw says Poland's last communist leader, Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski, has died at age 90. Spokesman Grzegorz Kade said Jaruzelski died in the hospital, where he suffered a stroke earlier this month. He was previously treated for cancer. On Dec. 13, 1981, Jaruzelski imposed martial...

Santorum: Mandela Fought Injustice ... Like ObamaCare

Comment came within seconds of Bill O'Reilly calling Mandela a 'communist'

(Newser) - Bill O'Reilly and Rick Santorum each managed to produce grist for the outrage mill in the space of less than two minutes last night, while discussing the recently departed Nelson Mandela. First O'Reilly described Mandela thusly: "He was a communist, this man. He was a communist, all...

Russians in DC to See US Democracy Are Not Impressed

Exchange program backfires

(Newser) - A group of 49 Russians is in DC as part of a US-funded exchange program to witness American democracy in action. Just one problem: There's very little action right now. "This step, to shut down the government, is inconceivable," says one Russian journalist. "French people are...

Russian City Changes Name —6 Days a Year

Volgograd will be known as Stalingrad again ... sometimes

(Newser) - Tomorrow, the Russian city of Volgograd will be Stalingrad once again—temporarily. That's because the city's government unanimously voted to change the city's name six days a year to mark milestones in the country's victory in World War II. Tomorrow is the 70th anniversary of the...

FBI Suspected Ray Bradbury of Communist Leanings

Huffington Post unveils writer's FBI file

(Newser) - Ray Bradbury's criticism of the government got him investigated by the FBI in the 1960s as a suspected Communist sympathizer, according to FBI files obtained by the Huffington Post via a FOIA request. Bradbury was reported to the FBI by screenwriter Martin Berkeley, who years earlier had told the...

Type in, and Guess Where You'll End Up?

(Newser) - Some wily jokester apparently got ahold of and and set them to redirect … to President Obama's campaign website. Some Republicans have apparently fallen for the prank, fueling existing speculation that Obama is a socialist or a Communist, the New York Times notes: One user...

Cuba Allows Citizens to Buy, Sell Homes

But only within certain stringent limits

(Newser) - Cuba is taking another baby step toward capitalism, making it legal, for the first time in more than 50 years, for citizens and residents to buy and sell homes, a state-run newspaper announced today. It’s the latest and, according to a BBC correspondent, most significant in a string of...

Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street

 Nazi Party Endorses 
 Occupy Wall Street 
in case you missed it

Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street does the Communist Party

(Newser) - Well, this is one endorsement the Occupy Wall Street movement probably wasn't gunning for: The American Nazi Party has officially backed the Occupiers in a statement on its website . The ANP, which also calls itself a National Socialist party, writes that the Occupy Wall Street movement is “TAYLOR...

China Communist Party Exceeds 80M Members

And they only accepted 14% of applicants last year

(Newser) - For China's Communist Party, biggest was just not big enough—the world's largest political party said today that it has grown even bigger, with the number of members passing 80 million people last year. Party membership in 2010 swelled to 80.27 million, an increase of more than...

N. Korea Allows Private Food Markets
N. Korea Allows Private Food Markets

N. Korea Allows Private Food Markets

Pro-capitalist policy shift comes amid growing famine

(Newser) - North Korea has effectively admitted that it can't feed its citizens by allowing people to buy food and other necessities at private markets, the Washington Post reports. Such markets have existed under the radar for years, but the government order sanctioning what amounts to capitalism "abandons all pretense of...

Christians Boycott Beck for Church Bashing

Host says 'social justice' preaching is 'code word' for Nazism

(Newser) - For Glenn Beck, it may have just been business as usual when he compared “social justice” to Communism and Nazism last week and told parishioners to leave churches that espouse the doctrine, but the comments irked one leader enough for him to call for a boycott by all Christians....

East Germany's First Lady Unrepentant
 East Germany's 
 First Lady 

East Germany's First Lady Unrepentant

Margot Honecker dismisses criticism over forced adoptions, GDR policies

(Newser) - The wife of former East German dictator Erich Honecker loses no sleep over the policies she and her husband championed, including one that forcibly placed children of dissidents into other families or foster homes. “We lived good lives in our GDR,” Margot Honecker tells the Independent . More than...

Germany Celebrates Fall of the Wall

 Germany Celebrates 
 Fall of the Wall  

Germany Celebrates Fall of the Wall

Twenty years later, unified country celebrates togetherness

(Newser) - Fireworks illuminated the rainy skies above Berlin as Germans and high-profile visitors came together today to commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall exactly 20 years ago. President Obama unexpectedly joined the festivities—in a video greeting introduced by Hillary Clinton. "There could be no clearer rebuke of tyranny,...

Post-1989 Germany an Unexpected Success
 Post-1989 Germany 
 an Unexpected Success 


Post-1989 Germany an Unexpected Success

Successes in Europe would boggle a 1989 mind: Applebaum

(Newser) - As “the exhaustive and perfectly blameless celebrations” of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall unfold, Anne Applebaum has a bone to pick. The festivities are “focusing on what didn’t happen rather than what did,” she writes, treating “the past two decades...

Germany Hails Anniversary of Berlin Wall's Fall
 Germany Hails 
 Anniversary of  
 Berlin Wall's Fall  
party like it's 1989

Germany Hails Anniversary of Berlin Wall's Fall

Dominoes, fireworks, music help mark 20 years

(Newser) - Hundreds of foam dominoes will fall today in Berlin, symbolizing the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has called Nov. 9, 1989, "the happiest day in recent German history," will lead the festivities....

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