Glenn Beck

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Beck: In 2012, Palin and I Will Be...

Um, 'voting.' Duo tease Alaska crowd on 9/11

(Newser) - The Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck traveling show played to a packed house in Alaska last night. The dynamic duo of the Christian right remembered 9/11 and then hit on some of their favorites: love of country, small government, and 'common sense conservatism.' Palin told the crowd Beck inspired...

9/11 Now America's 'Day of Hate'

 9/11 Now 
 'Day of Hate' 


9/11 Now America's 'Day of Hate'

The post 9/11 push for solidarity is gone

(Newser) - September 11th was once a day of remembrance. No more. The anniversary of the worst terror attacks in American history is now a day of "fighting and political battles," writes Gregor Peter Schmitz in Der Spiegel . The battle over the so-called Ground Zero mosque , plans to publicly burn...

Ground Zero Evangelist: Glenn Beck a 'False Prophet'

Bill Kellar rages against Islam, says Ghandi's in hell

(Newser) - Internet Evangelist Bill Keller held the first meeting for his “9/11 Christian Center at Ground Zero” yesterday, slamming Glenn Beck, Imam Feisal Rauf, and … Ghandi? Keller wants to build a church near Ground Zero as a counterpoint to the proposed Islamic Community Center, which he has called "...

Faithful Hooked on '12-Step' Beck
 Faithful Hooked 
 on '12-Step' Beck 

Faithful Hooked on '12-Step' Beck

'We're all part of his ego-obsessed recovery'

(Newser) - Recovering alcoholic Glenn Beck has somehow managed to get us all hooked on the emotional, often religion-heavy 12 steps of an "Alcoholics Anonymous playbook," writes Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post . "Addiction has been a defining part" of Beck's life, and "recovery is a process inseparable"...

The Blaze: Will Glenn Beck's News Site Actually Work?

Or is it really a beatnik art joke?

(Newser) - Glenn Beck has jumped into the online news game with “The Blaze.” Will it live up to the hype? Here’s what people are saying:
  • The Blaze is a great move for Beck, because it allows him to expand his media empire “without simply serving up more

Glenn Beck Launches News Website

Beck says 'The Blaze' will focus on under-covered stories

(Newser) - Glenn Beck has launched a news and opinion website that supporters believe has the potential to become "the conservative Huffington Post." is being edited by former Breitbart TV host Scott Baker. The site, launched late last night, will focus on "news and information,” Baker...

Beck Rally the ' Waterworld of White Self-Pity'
Beck Rally the 'Waterworld of White Self-Pity'

Beck Rally the 'Waterworld of White Self-Pity'

Nativist demonstrators voice anxieties of the coming white 'minority'

(Newser) - What was it like to be at Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally? Like visiting a political event in the not-so-distant future when white people are a minority in America, writes Christopher Hitchens for Slate . The prescriptions offered by speakers and attendees for restoring "honor"—and exactly what...

Beck Rally Is Warning to All
 Beck Rally Is Warning to All 

Beck Rally Is Warning to All

Many hate Dems ... and GOP

(Newser) - The anti-Washington energy at Glenn Beck's rally Saturday is a warning not only to the incumbent party but also to the GOP. Many at the DC event, which "carried the tone of a religious revival," according to the Wall Street Journal , said in interviews that GOP politicians shouldn't...

So, Just How Many Attended Beck's Rally?
 So, Just How Many 
 Attended Beck's Rally? 
depends who you ask...

So, Just How Many Attended Beck's Rally?

Reports range from 87K all the way to 500K or more

(Newser) - Glenn Beck himself estimated the number of people at yesterday’s “Restoring Honor” rally at between 300,000 and 650,000. But we may never get an official answer, thanks to the politically charged nature of the question, CNN reports . The network sums up some of the wildly varied...

Billionaires Bankroll the Tea Party
 Bankroll the 
 Tea Party 
Frank Rich

Billionaires Bankroll the Tea Party

The Koch Brothers and Murdoch pay for 'populist' uprising

(Newser) - This weekend, "real" mad-as-hell Americans gathered in Washington to "reclaim" America. But, writes Frank Rich for the New York Times , there's something missing from this picture of leaderless populism: "The sugar daddies who are bankrolling it." Said daddies are none other than Rupert Murdoch and the...

Beck: America Returning to God

Thousands attend his rally in Washington

(Newser) - Some highlights from the Glenn Beck rally, as rounded up by the Times , Post , Politico , and AP :
  • Beck: "For too long, this country has wandered in darkness. ... We have had moments of brilliance and moments of darkness. But this country has spent far too long worried about scars and

'America Is Better Than Glenn Beck'
'America Is Better
Than Glenn Beck'

'America Is Better Than Glenn Beck'

Bob Herbert, Charles Blow vent about today's rally

(Newser) - Bob Herbert and Charles Blow use their New York Times columns today to rip Glenn Beck's DC rally:
  • Herbert: "America is better than Glenn Beck," he writes, criticizing the Fox persona as "a provocateur who likes to play with matches in the tinderbox of racial and ethnic

Glenn Beck Now Owns Civil Rights
 Glenn Beck Now 
 Owns Civil Rights 

Glenn Beck Now Owns Civil Rights

Mostly because he says so

(Newser) - It's the dawn of Glenn Beck's much-debated Restoring Honor rally on the anniversary of MLK's Dream, and Washington Post scribe Dana Milbank—the author of a forthcoming Beck biography—takes a somewhat incredulous look at the white guy with the borderline racist track record and his bid to co-opt the...

MLK's Niece: Why I Stand With Glenn Beck

She says rally isn't political

(Newser) - One King will be at Glenn Beck’s rally on the Washington Mall tomorrow—pro-life activist Alveda King, niece of the civil rights pioneer. “Americans are hungry to reclaim the symbols of our liberty,” she writes in the Christian Science Monitor . “Glen Beck’s rally … will...

Jon Stewart Takes Down 'Beckapalooza'

Stephen Colbert joins in on the fun, too

(Newser) - The Daily Show is going on vacation for the next 10 days, so Jon Stewart took the opportunity last night to take down Glenn Beck and his “Restoring Honor” rally —or, as Stewart called it, “Beckapalooza, Beckstock, Beckchella, Becketh Fair, Becking Man.” The epic 10-minute rant...

Ban Glenn Beck From Ground Zero
Ban Glenn Beck From
Ground Zero 

Ban Glenn Beck From Ground Zero

Fox host said in 2005 he 'hated' 9/11 families

(Newser) - The argument against the Park51 project—the so-called Ground Zero mosque—hinges on the idea that an Islamic symbol near the site of the 9/11 attacks is offensive to the families of the victims. One of the loudest voices opposing the project has been Glenn Beck, writes Cenk Uygur for...

My Dad, MLK, Would Back Glenn Beck's Right to Rally
 My Dad, MLK, Would Back 
 Glenn Beck's Right to Rally 
martin luther king IIi

My Dad, MLK, Would Back Glenn Beck's Right to Rally

But remember that he rejected 'hateful rhetoric'

(Newser) - The son of Martin Luther King Jr. says his father "would be the first to say" that Glenn Beck and his supporters have the right to rally in Washington this weekend—the anniversary of the "I Have a Dream" speech. But he'd like to remind everyone of a...

Park Service Approves Glenn Beck's DC Rally

It's on the anniversary of MLK's 'I Have a Dream' speech

(Newser) - Glenn Beck's controversial DC rally is a go. The National Park Service has approved a permit to stage his "Restoring Honor" event at the National Mall on Aug. 28, the anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech at the same location, reports the Washington Post...

Glenn Beck, Greg Gutfeld Talk Gay Bar Names

 Glenn Beck, 
 Greg Gutfeld 
 Talk Gay Bar 
party at 'infidelicious'

Glenn Beck, Greg Gutfeld Talk Gay Bar Names

How about 'Turban Cowboy'?

(Newser) - Greg Gutfeld is sticking by his proposal to open an Islam-friendly gay bar next to the Ground Zero mosque, telling Glenn Beck it "might be the greatest idea I've ever had." But what's a hot club without a catchy name? Gutfeld and Beck review some options: G-Hot, G-Hunk,...

Beck Favorites White Supremacist Tweet

Then deletes it when someone notices

(Newser) - Until recently, Glenn Beck had a pretty eyebrow-raising tweet on his “favorites” page on Twitter. On Monday, the StopBeck blog noticed that the top tweet on Beck’s favorite page was from MalevoFreedom, a white supremacist account that uses the neo-Nazi Stormfront logo as its Twitter icon. The tweet...

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