
Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Va. Court Voids Spam Law
Va. Court Voids Spam Law

Va. Court Voids Spam Law

Statute violated First Amendment rights; man who sent 10M emails daily can go free

(Newser) - Virginia’s anti-spam laws are unconstitutional because they prohibit behavior shielded by the First Amendment, the state’s supreme court ruled today. The ruling overturns the conviction of Jeremy Jaynes, who received the nation’s first felony spam conviction in 2004, the Richmond Times-Dispatch says. Prosecutors alleged Jaynes sent up...

Gadget Checks Email&mdash;Period.
 Gadget Checks Email—Period. 

Gadget Checks Email—Period.

It's light on features, but Peek is perfect for the non-Geek

(Newser) - There are two kinds of gadget-buyers: Feature-listers and elegance-appreciators. And, boy, will feature-listers ever hate the Peek, writes David Pogue in the New York Times. The Peek is a simple, cheap little gadget that does nothing but send and receive email. Feature-rich, it ain’t, but it may well appeal...

Palin Emails Complain In-Law Wasn't Canned

Governor lambasted 'joke' investigation into trooper's behavior

(Newser) - Sarah Palin railed against the "joke" investigation of her former brother-in-law, a state trooper embroiled in a nasty custody battle with her sister, in emails sent to the ex-public safety commissioner she fired in July. “This trooper is still out on the street, in fact he's been promoted,...

Northwestern Using Emails to Combat File Sharing

Campus prefers education campaign to punishment

(Newser) - Northwestern University has a way to decrease peer-to-peer sharing of copyrighted files: send students emails. The system, called Be Aware You’re Uploading, delivers email notifications to active p2p users on the network, Ars Technica reports. BAYU has a successful track record of reducing p2p usage and copyright violations. It’...

Obama Texts, E-Mails VP News to Supporters

Asks backers to watch rally, write 'welcome notes' to Biden

(Newser) - Barack Obama's choice for a running mate was texted and emailed to supporters shortly after 3am this morning, though word had leaked out to reporters a couple of hours earlier that he'd chosen Sen. Joe Biden, a veteran lawmaker from Delaware. The text message: "Barack has chosen Senator Joe...

Gmail Goes Dark for 2 Hours; Email Addicts Freak

Google blames outage on internal error

(Newser) - Google's Gmail was largely inaccessible for 2 hours yesterday, as both the company and compulsive email checkers struggled to figure out what went wrong, the Los Angeles Times reports. The blackout was followed by a flurry of anxious web-chatter on the subject of the much relied-upon email service. The company...

Obama VP Pick Imminent, Campaign Message Hints

But spokesman says it's 'just an email'

(Newser) - Barack Obama supporters got an email from campaign manager David Plouffe last night saying the senator was “about to make one of the most important decisions of this campaign—choosing a running mate,” and urging them to sign up to be the “first to know.” Will...

EPA Staffers Told to Keep Quiet in Memo

Environmental experts suspect politically charged 'gag order'

(Newser) - In what some officials fear is a sign of secrecy and political meddling, an email to Environmental Protection Agency staff asked that they not answer questions from journalists, the Government Accountability Office, or its own inspector general, CNN reports. In the email, which an environmental workers’ group called a “...

Miley Spread Jams VF's Inbox
 Miley Spread Jams VF's Inbox 

Miley Spread Jams VF's Inbox

Readers' response sets record for volume, though not for vitriol

(Newser) - Readers really responded to Vanity Fair’s now-infamous Miley Cyrus photo spread—but not in a bad way. The 915 letters were by far a record, but editor Graydon Carter tells Women's Wear Daily he's seen much worse on the outrage scale: “They were much kinder than the letters...

US Surfers Get Biggest Bite of Spam

McAfee experiment reveals how quickly e-junk proliferates and other fun stuff

(Newser) - Internet users in the US get the most spam, security-software firm McAfee finds after a study. McAfee gave 50 people across 10 developed countries laptops and instructed them to sign up for as much stuff on the internet as possible, and to reply to every spam message. The resulting volume...

HP Exec Busted for Passing IBM Secrets

Exec shared rival's confidential info with new HP bosses

(Newser) - A former Hewlett-Packard vice president faces federal charges for sharing trade secrets from IBM, the Wall Street Journal reports. The exec requested confidential pricing information while he was working for IBM. Two months later, he got a job at HP and emailed the info to an HP executive, according to...

'Dudes Next Door' Spread Cool Via Email
'Dudes Next Door' Spread Cool Via Email

'Dudes Next Door' Spread Cool Via Email

Thrillist, 300K readers and growing, offers daily tips for guys

(Newser) - Binoculars that can be discreetly filled with alcohol and a giant burger that requires the use of five napkins exemplify the "dude next door" cool that promises with its daily emails, Meredith Goldstein writes in the Boston Globe. The 3-year-old site has 300,000 subscribers, say its...

Court Limits Bosses' Access to Staff Emails

Landmark ruling extends constitutional protections to electronic communication

(Newser) - A federal court has ruled that emails and text messages on work accounts—routinely monitored by some employers—are protected by constitutional safeguards against unreasonable search and seizure. The ruling only applies to electronic communications supplied through outside servers, not internal systems. The ruling forbids service providers from handing over...

Tech Firms to Fix Monster They Created

Email, IMs keep employees available and distracted

(Newser) - Google, Microsoft, Intel, and IBM are partnering are on a new initiative to help workers distracted by emails and instant messages improve their productivity, the New York Times reports. The Information Overload Research Group, a nonprofit launching next month, will devise cultural and technological solutions to reduce the digital deluge...

MySpace Takes Aim at Yahoo
 MySpace Takes Aim at Yahoo 

MySpace Takes Aim at Yahoo

Social networker seeks to become a portal

(Newser) - Myspace is retooling itself to become a more direct competitor to web portals, specifically Yahoo, BusinessWeek reports. Starting Wednesday, the popular social networking site will unveil changes to its homepage such as news headlines, local weather apps, and entertainment links.

Site Will Email Buddies After You Depart in Rapture costs $40 a year

(Newser) - A new website will email godless friends and family left behind after you’ve been taken to heaven in the Rapture. For $40 per year, will store any emails and documents for you, ABC reports—then send them about six days after the Lord hath taken away. The...

In One Domain, Anyway, Man Still Conquers Machine

CAPTCHAs, where humans distill words from squiggles, hold line in spam war

(Newser) - Every web user has come across CAPTCHAs: wavy-lettered depiction of words you must retype as text. Most pay them no mind, but, Lev Grossman writes in Time, we should reflect upon completing one. They're one of the rare visible skirmishes in the largely invisible war between spammers and security programmers....

Separation of Powers? Leave Prez's BlackBerry Out of It

Scrutiny on email deprives executive of key communications tool—though not Congress

(Newser) - The 44th president will almost certainly kick off his term by quitting email cold turkey, Jamie Sneider writes in the Weekly Standard. With executive-branch communication subject to public-disclosure law, President Bush hasn't send a single message, the former White House aide says—a coping mechanism that "fails to strike...

Comcast Hackers: Company Dismissed Our Warning

Teens await police, say they may strike again

(Newser) - Two teens who wrested control of Comcast’s homepage and webmail for 5 hours yesterday say they warned the company before the hijacking but were brushed off. In an interview with Wired, the two anonymous teens were triumphant about their assault on the ISP but expected to be arrested. “...

Yes On Phones, No On Talking: Poll

Passengers would use cell's silent features, don't want neighbor yammering in their ear

(Newser) - Americans want wireless service on airplanes, but not voice calls, PC World reports. A survey finds 60% would use silent features like texting and email, but 74% think that no matter what, conversations shouldn’t be allowed. Americans "don't want to be forced to listen to the conversation of...

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