Korean War

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Korean War Vet, 96, Is Still Trying to Get Purple Heart
After 73 Years, Korea Vet
Awarded Purple Heart

After 73 Years, Korea Vet Awarded Purple Heart

Earl Meyer, 96, fought to have Army recognize injury

(Newser) - After 73 years and a long fight with the US Army, a Korean War veteran from Minnesota who was wounded in combat finally got his Purple Heart medal. The Army notified Earl Meyer, 96, last month that it had granted him a Purple Heart, which honors service members wounded or...

North Korea Notably Welcomes 2 Outsiders

Russian and Chinese delegations arrive for war anniversary

(Newser) - Russian and Chinese government delegations are arriving in North Korea, and the visits are noteworthy ones: They mark just the second known time since the start of the pandemic that foreign government officials have been invited in. That count is per South Korea's Unification Ministry, which says the...

Korean War Hero's Body Is Home After 73 Years

'We always believed that he would never be found,' Luther Story's niece says

(Newser) - Soldiers of the 9th Infantry Regiment made a desperate retreat as North Korean troops closed in around them. A wounded, 18-year-old Army Pfc. Luther Herschel Story feared his injuries would slow down his company, so he stayed behind to cover their withdrawal. Story’s actions in the Korean War on...

Congress Cheers South Korean Message

Yoon Suk Yeol addresses alliance, 'American heroes' of the Korean War

(Newser) - South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol urged ever more strengthening of the US-led security alliance against nuclear-armed North Korea on Thursday, drawing cheers from Congress as he saluted the "great American heroes" who helped preserve his country's democracy in the Korean War. Democratic and Republican lawmakers rose to...

Korean War Wall Is Littered With Goofs

Two historians count more than 1K spelling errors, plus about 500 missing names

(Newser) - "It’s just a damn mess." That’s how historian Hal Barker describes the Korean War Wall of Remembrance, a new $22 million installment at the existing Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC. Hal and his brother Edward "Ted" Barker certainly didn’t create the mess;...

N. Korea Responds to Call to End Korean War

Kim's sister says 'hostile policies' must end first

(Newser) - North Korea rebuffed South Korea’s push for a declaration to end the 1950-53 Korean War as a way to restore peace, saying Friday such a step could be used as a "smokescreen covering up the US hostile policy" against the North. In a speech at the UN General...

Biden to Award First Medal of Honor Friday

Korean War vet Col. Ralph Puckett Jr. will be honored for acts of bravery

(Newser) - President Biden will award his first Medal of Honor this week to a retired colonel for acts of bravery during the Korean War, the White House announced Wednesday. Biden will bestow the nation's most prestigious military honor on retired Col. Ralph Puckett Jr., who held Hill 205, a strategic...

Revered Chaplain's Remains ID'd After 70 Years

Capt. Emil Kapaun, a Medal of Honor recipient, died a POW during Korean War

(Newser) - Ever since Capt. Emil Kapaun was reported to have died while being held prisoner in Korea in 1951, his family has been without remains to bury. Although relatives sought answers, the chaplain was among the 7,500 service members unaccounted for from the Korean War, CNN reports. But Kapaun was...

Some Fans Don't Like 'History of Pain' Comment by BTS

Chinese fans whose troops fought against South Korea and US see a lack of respect

(Newser) - When BTS received an award last week recognizing the ties between the US and South Korea, its leader acknowledged the nations' joint sacrifices 70 years ago during the Korean War. "We will always remember the history of pain that our two nations shared together and the sacrifices of countless...

A New Sign of Troubled Relations With North Korea

Pentagon suspends its war remains effort

(Newser) - In a new sign of troubled relations with North Korea, the Pentagon said Wednesday it has suspended its efforts to arrange negotiations on recovering additional remains of US service members killed in the North during the Korean War. In a statement Wednesday, the Pentagon's Defense POW-MIA Accounting Agency said...

Remains From N. Korea Are Now Back on US Soil

The identification work is about to begin

(Newser) - The US military is beginning the painstaking process of analyzing remains said to be from the Korean War now that they're back on American soil after having been handed over by North Korea last week. Vice President Mike Pence and the top commander of US forces in Asia, Adm....

North Korea Gave the US a Single Military Dog Tag

And no other information that could help US forensics experts ID the remains

(Newser) - When North Korea handed over 55 boxes of bones that it said are remains of American war dead, it provided a single military dog tag but no other information that could help US forensics experts determine their individual identities, a US defense official said Tuesday. The official, who discussed previously...

Remains From Korea a 'Modest Diplomatic Coup' for Trump

55 war dead reportedly beginning their long journey home after ceremony at South Korean air base

(Newser) - The remains of US soldiers who died in the Korean War finally appear to be coming home —a "modest diplomatic coup" for President Trump, reports Reuters . At a ceremony Friday at Pyeongtaek's Osan Air Base in South Korea, a US military plane arrived from North Korea's...

North Korea Returns Remains of US Troops

It's one result of the Trump-Kim summit

(Newser) - An American military plane flew into North Korea on Friday and left with the remains of US troops who were killed during the Korean War, the White House says. It's not clear how many, but South Korea's Yonhap news agency estimates that 50 sets of remains were transferred....

Remains of 50 Americans Could Be Home Before Month's End

Sources say Pyongyang ready to hand over remains of war dead

(Newser) - The bodies of dozens of America's Korean War dead may finally return home, 65 years to the day after the armistice that ended fighting and created the DMZ in 1953. A US official tells CNN that the first group of possible American remains are expected on July 27. The...

North Koreans Fail to Show Up to Scheduled Meeting With US

The nations were slated to discuss repatriation of US soldiers' remains

(Newser) - The North Koreans failed to show up to a scheduled meeting Thursday during which they were slated to discuss the repatriation of American soldiers' remains with US officials. That's per the New York Times , where it was reported that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo indicated last week that the...

Report: N. Korea Ready to Return US War Dead

Officials say ceremony could happen very soon

(Newser) - The American military command in South Korea is preparing for the North Koreans to turn over the remains of an unknown number of US or allied service members who have been missing since the Korean War, US officials said Tuesday. Officials say the timing of a ceremony is uncertain, but...

Kim Agrees to Send Remains of US Soldiers Home

Repatriation of Korean War remains is one of four key points Trump, Kim agreed upon

(Newser) - Of the 35,000 Americans who died on the Korean peninsula during the Korean War, 7,700 have not been accounted for. Per Veterans of Foreign Wars estimates, the remains of as many as 5,300 could still be in North Korea. Now, as one of four key points President...

Trump Pledges 'Security Guarantees' to Pyongyang

Kim recommits to 'complete denuclearization'

(Newser) - President Trump and North Korea's Kim Jong Un concluded an extraordinary nuclear summit Tuesday with the US president pledging unspecified "security guarantees" to the North, and Kim recommitting to the "complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula," the AP reports. They coupled the summit agreement with lofty...

Korean Leaders Agree to 'Total Denuclearization'

'A new history starts now,' Kim says

(Newser) - "A new history starts now," Kim Jong Un wrote in the guest book at the Peace House in the DMZ before talks with South Korea's President Moon Jae-in began, and the day's developments were historic indeed. In a joint statement, the two leaders pledged to cease...

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