
Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Storm Proves Worthy Rival to iPhone
 Storm Proves 
 Worthy Rival to iPhone 
product review

Storm Proves Worthy Rival to iPhone

BlackBerry Storm has a touchscreen keyboard but doesn't push iPhone

(Newser) - The BlackBerry Storm hits the US tomorrow, with the iPhone squarely in its sights. The new smartphone is an interesting mix of traditional BlackBerry and the hugely popular Apple gadget, with a few twists, Walt Mossberg writes for the Wall Street Journal. The keyboard is the Storm's calling card: ...

Airport Security Loophole Gets High-Tech Fix

Encryption makes boarding pass 'impossible' to forge

(Newser) - The government is finally closing a well-known loophole that makes it easy for would-be terrorists to board planes, Wired reports. Under current rules, it’s possible to forge a boarding pass at home. But new measures will put the passes, with secure barcodes, on smartphones, making it “well-nigh impossible...

BlackBerry's New Storm Will Capsize iPhone, Google's G-1

Smartphone has solid biz base, adds apps

(Newser) - The low-profile BlackBerry's Storm is poised to be silent killer to Apple's iPhone and Google's G-1 when it goes on sale next month. GigaOm's Jim Courtney explains why:
  • Storm cleverly runs on 3G carriers like Verizon, whose 70 million customers can't use iPhone.
  • The advanced touch screen and keyboard are

Google Phone's Appetizing App Menu Is Functional, Too
Google Phone's Appetizing App Menu Is Functional, Too


Google Phone's Appetizing App Menu Is Functional, Too

Not as snazzy as iPhone, and memory is an issue, but open model sure to keep offerings sharp

(Newser) - With Google’s G1 smartphone making this week’s big tech splash, Katherine Boehret, in the Wall Street Journal, takes a look at some of the applications on offer, finding them “useful, entertaining, and mostly straightforward.” Of those she tested from the Android Market, “the G1's apps...

Google G1: Nice Try, But No iPhone
 Google G1: 
 Nice Try, 
 But No iPhone 
product review

Google G1: Nice Try, But No iPhone

Gadget impresses but won't keep Apple up nights

(Newser) - Google's upcoming G1 is the first real rival to the iPhone, but the different gadgets "are likely to attract different types of users," Walt Mossberg writes in the Wall Street Journal. Making phone calls was a lot easier on the G1, which worked great with Google services, Mossberg...

BlackBerry Storms Onto Touch-Screen Market
BlackBerry Storms Onto Touch-Screen Market

BlackBerry Storms Onto Touch-Screen Market

'Clickable' screen feels more like a keyboard

(Newser) - Hoping to broaden its corporate image and dethrone the iPhone, Research in Motion unveiled its first touch-screen smart phone today, reports CRN. The BlackBerry Storm will be available later this fall on Verizon’s US network, RIM said. The phone features a unique “clickable” touch screen that depresses slightly...

Google's Debut 'Not Just Another iPhone Clone'
Google's Debut 'Not Just Another iPhone Clone'

Google's Debut 'Not Just Another iPhone Clone'

Android-based Dream will include physical, other features missing from Apple hit

(Newser) - The long-anticipated Google phone debuts today, and it’s “not just another iPhone clone,” Anita Hamilton writes in Time. The $179 HTC Dream from T-Mobile is the first handheld to run Android, Google’s mobile platform offering 3G connectivity and a similar application-driven interface. But the Dream offers...

Google Will Unveil Android Phone Next Week

First glance at iPhone competitor

(Newser) - Google’s hyped Android phone will make its debut next week in New York, the Los Angeles Times reports. Google and T-Mobile—the gadget's first carrier—plan a press conference  to show off the handset, a new rival for the iPhone and Blackberry. The "G1” won’t go on...

Gadget Checks Email&mdash;Period.
 Gadget Checks Email—Period. 

Gadget Checks Email—Period.

It's light on features, but Peek is perfect for the non-Geek

(Newser) - There are two kinds of gadget-buyers: Feature-listers and elegance-appreciators. And, boy, will feature-listers ever hate the Peek, writes David Pogue in the New York Times. The Peek is a simple, cheap little gadget that does nothing but send and receive email. Feature-rich, it ain’t, but it may well appeal...

BlackBerry Unfolds Its First Flip Phone

Clamshell design updates popular Pearl model

(Newser) - Research In Motion rolled out its first Blackberry flip phone at a consumer show last night, CNET reports. The BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220 features the same multimedia features and keyboard as its predecessor in a consumer-friendly clamshell design. The company plans to launch it worldwide this fall, with T-Mobile as...

Dropped Calls Plague New 3G iPhone
Dropped Calls Plague New
3G iPhone

Dropped Calls Plague New 3G iPhone

Customers complain of phone problems and rotten Apple response

(Newser) - Owners of 3G iPhones complain that their new phones are suffering from glitches, especially dropped calls—and that Apple seems keen to drop their calls when they report issues, ABC News reports. A company spokeswoman refused to comment when contacted about the iPhone problems, which also include slow web access...

Google's Smartphone Slated for This Fall

The search-giant's Android operating system to rival Apple's

(Newser) - Google’s long-rumored Android-powered smartphone could have customers surfing the Web and chatting by as early as October, the New York Times reports. The gadget, the product of a partnership between T-Mobile and HTC, is expected to challenge Apple’s iPhone and other smartphones that offer PC-like functions as well...

Mossberg Picks iPhone Apps
 Mossberg Picks iPhone Apps 

Mossberg Picks iPhone Apps

Add more cowbell or find nearby restaurants

(Newser) - Impressed with Apple's spread of iPhone apps, Wall Street Journal tech gurus Walt Mossberg and Katherine Boehret list their favorites.
  • AOL Radio: The best Internet radio player for the iPhone
  • Evernote: A good port of the elegant note-taking program
  • Instapaper: Instantly download Web pages for offline reading.
  • Travelocity TravelTools: Allows

San Francisco Pioneers Smart Parking Spots

Wireless sensor network will alert drivers to open spaces

(Newser) - The streets of San Francisco will be getting smarter this fall, reports the New York Times. The city is pioneering a program to add sensors to thousands of parking spaces; drivers will be alerted to empty spaces through displays on street signs or via their smartphones. City officials hope the...

Nokia Moves to Counter iPhone
Nokia Moves to Counter iPhone

Nokia Moves to Counter iPhone

Focus on smartphones evident in $410M plan to swallow software maker Symbian

(Newser) - In a move aimed at bolstering its ability to compete with Apple's iPhone, Nokia is acquiring smartphone software-maker Symbian and moving toward increased cooperation with other mobile-phone industry veterans. Top handset makers and providers will participate in a nonprofit foundation to handle marketing and coordination for developers, and Symbian will...

Samsung's Instinct: Smart, if Not an iPhone
Samsung's Instinct: Smart,
if Not an iPhone
product review

Samsung's Instinct: Smart, if Not an iPhone

Sprint's touchscreen phone's no giant killer, but it's a contender

(Newser) - It isn’t an iPhone. But, says New York Times technology writer David Pogue, Samsung’s soon-to-be released touchscreen phone, called Instinct—while a little less sleek than the iconic iPhone—isn’t a bad effort. The newest iPhone wannabe debuts June 20 when Sprint Nextel rolls it out at...

More Women Wield Smartphones
 More Women Wield

More Women Wield Smartphones

Female buyers doubled last year, as devices got cheaper, sleeker

(Newser) - More and more smartphones are going into female hands and pocketbooks, the New York Times reports, as women catch up with their male counterparts in adopting not only iPhones but BlackBerrys, Treos, and other models. The number of American women toting smartphones more than doubled last year, to 10.4...

Don't Assume iPhone 2.0 Will Be a Smash
Don't Assume iPhone 2.0 Will Be a Smash

Don't Assume iPhone 2.0 Will Be a Smash

Apple, not bulletproof, could hurt more than help in fixing flaws

(Newser) - With more than a 27% market share after just a year on the market, and a new iPhone expected to be released in the next week, Apple watchers are hoping the next-generation device delivers the same, simple functional beauty of its predecessor. But, Forbes cautions, the lumpy original iBook is...

Apple Ready With June 9 iPhone Splash

Millions of 3G versions already in US, ready to be uncloaked: analysts

(Newser) - The much-anticipated next generation of iPhones, which are expected to be faster and built around a more robust communications chip, may already be positioned in major US markets, Forbes reports. Analysts believe the 3G version will debut—or, given unprecedented secrecy even for Apple, be uncloaked—at a conference next...

AT&amp;T Starts Rationing iPhones
AT&T Starts

AT&T Starts Rationing iPhones

Shortage is fueling speculation that new model is near

(Newser) - AT&T is limiting customers to one iPhone purchase each to keep the popular product in stock longer, according to a newsflash sent to managers and picked up by the Boy Genius Report, and Apple's online stores have already sold out of iPhones. Apple is known for managing its stock...

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