White House

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White House to Host Dinner for Fasting Leader

India PM Narendra Modi won't eat during 5-day US trip

(Newser) - A state dinner with a difference: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi begins a visit to the US today, but although he'll be having a private dinner with President Obama, the White House chefs might as well take the night off because Modi is visiting in the middle of a...

Accused White House Intruder Had Lots of Ammo

Omar Gonzalez was also armed in previous arrest: prosecutors

(Newser) - A former Army soldier accused of sprinting across the White House lawn and into the executive mansion on Friday had over 800 rounds of ammunition, a machete, and two hatchets in his car, prosecutors said today. They made their allegations during a 20-minute federal hearing where the suspect, Omar Gonzalez,...

We Are Not Paying for Secret Service's Screw-Up

The answer here is not more security measures: Petula Dvorak

(Newser) - The crack "security gurus" of the Secret Service suffered another epic fail on Friday , and today the Washington Post was among media outlets reporting that the agency is considering extra security measures to prevent a recurrence. No, writes Petula Dvorak at the Post . Before we go "shutting down...

Secret Service Mulls White House Checkpoints Blocks Away

After major security breach, Secret Service considering various options

(Newser) - The Secret Service, sporting a new black eye after Omar Gonzalez hopped a White House fence and walked right through the front door , is considering a range of measures to increase security at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Although the agency's director immediately added surveillance and officers around the White House,...

Relatives: Vet Arrested at White House Needs Help

Omar Gonzalez, 42, sneaked in with a knife

(Newser) - An Iraq war veteran accused of scaling a fence and making it into the White House before the Secret Service stopped him owns several guns that he could have brought with him if he had meant to harm anyone, his former stepson said today. Omar Gonzalez, 42, was arrested Friday...

Pete King: White House Breach Was &#39;Inexcusable&#39;
 Pete King: 
 White House 
 Breach Was 

Pete King: White House Breach Was 'Inexcusable'

Calls for hearings on failure to stop 'basic' attack

(Newser) - The White House fence-jumper was an "absolutely inexcusable" security breach, and Politico reports that Peter King wasted no time today in calling for a "full investigation into what happened, why it happened and what needs to be done to make sure it never happens again." The New...

Second Man Arrested Trying to Get Into White House

A day after guy gets into building

(Newser) - A man who drove up to a White House gate and refused to leave was arrested today, the Secret Service said, less than 24 hours after another man jumped the fence and made it all the way into the presidential residence before being apprehended. The second incident started when a...

Fence Jumper Makes It Inside White House

He is captured inside doors without incident, taken to hospital

(Newser) - Some White House fence breaches are more serious than others. Unlike last month's laugher when a toddler snuck through, a man hopped the fence yesterday about 7:20pm and actually made it inside the White House, reports NBC News . Most who make it over the fence get tackled on...

Battle Plan for War on Superbugs Revealed

But critics say White House effort doesn't address key problem

(Newser) - The Obama administration yesterday revealed a new national strategy to address antibiotic resistance, which kills 23,000 people a year . Some experts are heralding the fact that a president is finally responding to the issue, the New York Times reports. Others, however, say the strategy to improve how antibiotic use...

White House's New Enemy: Coolant Found in Your Home

Calls on firms, trading partners to cut down on R-134a

(Newser) - The Obama administration has a new goal in its effort to fight climate change: get Americans—and the world—to quickly stop using a chemical coolant found in just about every US home, car, and office. R-134a is a hydrofluorocarbon, or HFC; the chemical was used to replace ozone-damaging Freon...

Obama Delays Immigration Action Until After Election

President initially pledged to move by end of summer

(Newser) - Dropping his pledge to act by the end of summer, President Obama has decided to delay any executive action on immigration until after the November congressional elections, White House officials said. The move is certain to infuriate immigration advocates while offering relief to some vulnerable Democrats in tough Senate re-election...

Bobby Jindal Sues White House Over Common Core

Says education standards amount to nationalizing education

(Newser) - Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is suing the Obama administration over Common Core education standards, arguing that they represent a federal effort to wrest control over education from the states, the AP reports. According to the suit filed today, the White House has "effectively force[d] states down a path toward...

UK Embassy Sorry for Celebrating White House Burning

They had sparkler-laden cake made for 200th anniversary

(Newser) - Too soon? It was 200 years ago yesterday that British troops routed an American militia and occupied Washington, DC, for more than 24 hours, setting buildings including the White House and the Capitol alight—and the British embassy in the city wasn't exactly diplomatic about the anniversary. The embassy...

Clinton Knocks White House 'Failure' in Syria

And suggests she'll run in 2016?

(Newser) - In a new Atlantic interview, Hillary Clinton has underlined her differences with President Obama on foreign policy—particularly when it comes to Syria. Clinton pointed to the administration's limited involvement in Syria as a major factor in the Islamic State's surge to power in Iraq, Politico notes. "...

Toddler Breaches White House Fence, Gets Timeout

He squeezed through gap, causing security alarm

(Newser) - The White House was briefly locked down yesterday evening as Secret Service members scrambled to intercept what turned out to be a minor threat: a toddler who had given his parents the slip and squeezed through the White House fence. Agents swiftly returned the boy to his parents, the Washington ...

White House: Cut Carbon Now, or Pay $150B a Year Later

Climate change costs could jump 40% each decade

(Newser) - When it comes to climate change, the United States can pay to cut carbon emissions now, or we can pay about $150 billion a year down the road as costs soar by about 40% a decade, according to a White House Council of Economic Advisers analysis out today, as per...

What Obama's Phone Calls Reveal

He's been talking a lot, but mostly to allies

(Newser) - As international crises pile up, President Obama has been spending a lot of time on the phone: White House records show that the president has made more calls to world leaders this month than in any other month except November 2012, when he was returning calls of congratulations on his...

Boehner to WH: Stop Saying I Want Impeachment

Lawsuit filed by House speaker will motivate GOP to go after prez, says Obama aide

(Newser) - There’s nothing to suggest that John Boehner has changed his mind since the last time he said he doesn’t want to impeach the president—but that didn’t stop a senior White House aide this morning from saying he thinks the door for Republicans to make that happen...

Medal of Honor Recipient Visits NYSE, Breaks Gavel

Staff Sgt. Ryan Pitts helped close down the exchange with a bang

(Newser) - On Monday, former Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Pitts walked up to President Obama, shook his hand, and humbly accepted his Medal of Honor . Obama might have gotten off lightly because yesterday Pitts used that same hand to close the New York Stock Exchange with its ceremonial gavel, and the gavel...

Obama Needs a New &#39;Team of Rivals&#39;

 Obama Needs 
 a New 'Team 
 of Rivals' 

Obama Needs a New 'Team of Rivals'

White House can't be 'echo chamber for the president’s views': Fred Hiatt

(Newser) - When President Obama first took office, he was wise to install a " team of rivals ," from Hillary Clinton to Bush-era defense secretary Robert Gates, who ensured his views would be challenged. But his second-term staff appears to be more a "team of loyalists," writes Fred Hiatt...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>