White House

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'Seething' Obama Called Out Senior Staff: Report

NYT has a 'White House in Crisis' story

(Newser) - President Obama may have apologized to the American public over ObamaCare, but he took a decidedly different tone with senior staff, reports the New York Times . In a piece whose headline begins "A White House in Crisis Mode," Michael D. Shear reports that a "seething" Obama summoned...

WH Health Adviser Warned About Rollout Years Ago

As tech team takes down website each night, paper applications face delays, too

(Newser) - Memos obtained by CBS News and ABC News are offering an inside look at the White House's struggle to get ObamaCare systems up and running:
  • In 2010, a health adviser to the Obama administration wrote a warning letter to economic adviser Larry Summers, saying, "I do not believe

Medicare Head on ObamaCare Site: We're Sorry

Marilyn Tavenner is first in White House to testify

(Newser) - The head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the body in charge of HealthCare.gov, offered the administration's first formal apology for the site during testimony in Congress. "To the millions who have tried to use HealthCare.gov, we want to apologize to you," Marilyn...

Iran Could Have Bomb in a Month: Report

But negotiators point to progress in talks

(Newser) - In just a month, Iran could have enough weapons-grade uranium to build a nuclear bomb, a US expert says. "Breakout times"—a reference to the period needed to get weapons-grade uranium from low-enriched uranium—"are currently too short and shortening further." The findings, from the Institute...

House to Buck Senate, Pass Own Bill
 Dems Lash Faltering 
 House GOP Bill 

Dems Lash Faltering House GOP Bill

Boehner says 'no decision has been made'

(Newser) - House Republicans don't look ready to fall in behind Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell's plan to end the shutdown, and Democrats are lining up to take a swing at their effort. The House leadership today proposed an alternative plan that would include extra changes to ObamaCare, including a...

Obama Postpones White House Crisis Meeting

It will be the first full-cast affair since Oct. 2

(Newser) - Stop us if you've heard this one before : President Barack Obama today scheduled a meeting with Congressional leaders at the White House, only to delay it to give Senate leaders more time to resolve the government's twin fiscal crises. A new day or time for the meeting wasn'...

5 Shutdown Exit Strategies
 5 Shutdown 
 Exit Strategies 

5 Shutdown Exit Strategies

GOP moderates having trouble coming to the rescue

(Newser) - There's still no end in sight for the government shutdown. But if an end were in sight, what might it look like? CBS breaks down the possibilities:
  • Moderate Republicans to the Rescue? Rep. Peter King has been leading meetings of his moderate colleagues. King has been an outspoken critic

Sister of Driver in DC Chase: 'Impossible'

Though mom says she had post-partum depression

(Newser) - Those who knew Miriam Carey, the reported driver of the black Infiniti at the center of yesterday's DC chase, are struggling to believe the news. "That’s impossible. She works, she holds a job," sister Amy Carey tells the Washington Post . "She wouldn’t be in...

Officials Identify Woman Killed in DC Chase

Miriam Carey, 34, suffered from mental health issues

(Newser) - Law enforcement officials have identified the woman killed during a high-speed chase near the White House today as 34-year-old Miriam Carey of Stamford, Conn, NBC News reports. The Daily News reports that Carey, a dental hygienist who once lived in Brooklyn, had mental health issues and was let go from...

In Shooting's Wake, US Puts Security Under Microscope

Plus: Aaron Alexis was barred from buying assault rifle

(Newser) - As concerns grow over contractors' access to military bases, Washington is ordering at least three reviews of security practices. The White House is calling for a new look at "standards for contractors and employees across federal agencies," according to press secretary Jay Carney. Meanwhile, defense secretary Chuck Hagel...

Guy Throws Lit Fireworks Over White House Fence

Secret Service doesn't dawdle in taking him down

(Newser) - An unidentified man chose yesterday—the day of the Washington Navy Yard mass shooting —to throw lit fireworks over the White House fence. Not surprisingly, he was immediately tackled by Secret Service agents. An eyewitness tells the Daily Beast the firecrackers were a bit bigger than cherry bombs, and...

After Hiccup, DC Protester Resumes 32-Year Vigil

Concepcion Picciotto's shelter near White House was temporarily dismantled

(Newser) - Anyone who's visited the White House over the last 32 years might have noticed a plastic protest shelter across the street in Lafayette Park. It's been there since 1981, with now 77-year-old Concepcion Picciotto—she's anti-nukes and anti-war—either staffing it or making sure her helpers do....

US Releases Videos of Syria Attack

'These are real human beings,' Kerry says as White House makes its case

(Newser) - The White House is releasing videos of the Aug. 21 chemical attack in Syria, John Kerry announced in Paris today, and they show people exhibiting what appears to be the effects of nerve gas. "Those videos make it clear to people that these are real human beings, real children,...

Lawmakers Unswayed by White House Syria Case
Lawmakers Unswayed by White House Syria Case 

Lawmakers Unswayed by White House Syria Case

When strike would occur remains unclear

(Newser) - The specifics of President Obama's plans for Syria don't seem much clearer after a conference call with Congressional leaders. The call didn't include information on when a strike would occur, Politico notes, nor did it appear to sway lawmakers who had doubts about military action. During the...

US Secretly Halts Egypt Aid; Saudis Publicly Fill Void

US ally steps up as major donor of $12B package

(Newser) - Amid reports that the White House is quietly halting US military aid to Egypt—at least temporarily—Saudi Arabia is taking the bold step of announcing it will fill any financial void. Gulf countries are planning a $12 billion package for Egypt, and Saudi Arabia is the biggest donor, the...

Obamas Get New Puppy
 Obamas Get New Puppy 

Obamas Get New Puppy

New arrival Sunny is another Portuguese water dog

(Newser) - A new puppy is following in the footsteps of White House pets including Lyndon Johnson's beagles and Andrew Jackson's swearing parrot. Sunny is a female Portuguese water dog—the same breed as Bo, the dog President Obama promised daughters Sasha and Malia after his 2008 victory. Sunny is...

Uncle Sam Will Lose Money on GM Bailout

Current stock prices show $11B loss

(Newser) - Hoping Uncle Sam will break even on the General Motors bailout? You might just have to keep on hoping. GM stock needs to sell at $95.51 per share for that to happen and that's three times the current price—even after a 25% climb this year— NBC News...

Surprise, Surprise: Another Debt Ceiling Standoff Looms

Boehner talks tough ahead of president's speeches

(Newser) - See if this sounds familiar: The White House and House Republicans appear headed toward a standoff over the debt ceiling this fall, reports NBC News . That's after John Boehner's statement this morning: “We're not going to raise the debt ceiling without real cuts in spending. It'...

What&#39;s a 4-Letter Word for Military Ouster?
What's a 4-Letter Word
for Military Ouster?

What's a 4-Letter Word for Military Ouster?

You won't catch the White House saying 'coup': Dana Milbank

(Newser) - Here are some of the words the White House has used to describe the situation in Egypt, as rounded up by Dana Milbank in the Washington Post : incredibly complex, uncertain, polarized, challenging, transitional, and fluid. And here's the one word the administration keeps avoiding: coup. Because if it's...

Trump Flirts With 2016 Bid for White House

He drops $1M on research, is 'what this country needs'

(Newser) - A little more than six months after President Obama's re-election, Donald Trump is once again making noises about a White House bid. The Celebrity Apprentice star—who played will-he-or-won't he for months during the 2012 campaign—has spent $1 million on electoral research and claims many people have...

Stories 481 - 500 | << Prev   Next >>