White House

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>

White House's New Must-Have: iPad

Apple's 'magical' device a hit at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave

(Newser) - Known as technophiles during the 2008 campaign, Barack Obama's top advisers have a "magical" new gadget to geek out on: The iPad, which has become a staple in the White House. The Washington Post undertook the important journalistic endeavor of exposing early adopters like Rahm Emanuel (who has "...

US to Bill BP $69M for Cleanup So Far

First bill going out today, says Robert Gibbs

(Newser) - The White House says it's sending BP a $69 million bill today for costs so far in its response to the oil spill. Press chief Robert Gibbs says the bill is the first to be sent to the oil company, and he's not sure whether they have a deadline to...

White House: Romanoff Asked Us for a Job

And it was months before he considered Senate race

(Newser) - The White House today beat back allegations of shady backroom dealings with Colorado Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff, saying that yes, administration officials talked with him about a job, but only because he'd applied for one. In the administration's version, Romanoff applied for a job at the US Agency for International...

McCartney Sings 'Michelle' to Michelle

Beatle is awarded Gershwin Prize at White House lovefest

(Newser) - Paul McCartney was honored last night with the Gershwin Prize for Popular Song, and his evening at the White House was filled with reverent tributes, raucous performances, and a bit of humor. “After the last eight years, it's good to have a president that knows what a library is,...

Pocahontas Actress Arrested in White House Protest

Q'orianka Kilcher tied herself to fence

(Newser) - The actress who starred as Pocahontas in the 2005 film The New World faces charges after tying herself to a fence outside the White House. Q'orianka Kilcher's mother then poured a black substance over her that looked like crude oil, part of a protest over the visit of the Peruvian...

Sir Paul: Lay Off Obama, He's a Great Guy

McCartney playing White House gig tonight

(Newser) - Paul McCartney's playing the White House tonight and he thinks people should stop giving his host a hard time. "I’m a big fan, he’s a great guy," McCartney said of President Obama. "So lay off him, he’s doing great." McCartney, this year's winner...

Sestak Confirms Clinton Offer: 'I Said No'

White House counsel says no laws were broken

(Newser) - Drip by drip, we're getting a clearer picture of the White House's attempt to keep Joe Sestak out of the Arlen Specter race. Sestak today confirmed that Bill Clinton called him last summer, reports Politico . A portion of his statement: "He expressed concern over my prospects if I were...

Rat Crashes Obama Speech
Rat Crashes Obama Speech
watch the video

Rat Crashes Obama Speech

Rodent apparently supports Wall Street reform

(Newser) - No gatecrashers at President Obama’s second state dinner, but there was one yesterday as he spoke at the White House. A rodent, presumably a rat, ran across the Rose Garden steps just before Obama walked out to speak (watch the video at left—the rodent gets quite a reaction...

Inside Obama's 2nd State Dinner

No gatecrashers, but lots of famous faces

(Newser) - There may not have been any gatecrashers at President Obama’s second state dinner, but there certainly were a lot of fancy dresses, VIPs, toasts, and even quick tie adjustments (see? The first couple is just like us!). Read more about the evening, with Mexican President Felipe Calderon as...

Obama's 2nd State Dinner: Viva Mexico!
 Obama's 2nd 
 State Dinner: 
 Viva Mexico! 

Obama's 2nd State Dinner: Viva Mexico!

Calderon the guest of honor at White House shindig

(Newser) - White House staffers kept a very close eye on the guest list as the Obamas hosted Mexican President Felipe Calderon and his wife at the second state dinner of the Obama presidency last night. No gatecrashers slipped through this time, and one assistant secretary of state was actually sent home...

Calderon Bashes Arizona Law at White House

Says his people 'face discrimination'

(Newser) - Felipe Calderon visited the White House today and used the opportunity to slam Arizona's tough immigration law, ABC News reports. Speaking in Spanish, the Mexican president said he agreed that the immigration issue had to be addressed and the border strengthened. But he decried “such laws as the Arizona...

Matthews: Make Cheney Testify About Oil Spill

He rips 'Incestuous' oil-White House liaison

(Newser) - Hardball's Chris Matthews insisted yesterday that former Vice President Dick Cheney be forced to testify on the Gulf oIl spill after "looking out for" Big Oil in the White House fresh from his job as CEO of Halliburton. Cheney held several "secret meetings" with oil companies, including BP...

Another Ivy Leaguer? Other Schools Do Exist
Another Ivy Leaguer?
Other Schools Do Exist

Another Ivy Leaguer? Other Schools Do Exist

Enough already with Harvard and Yale: blogger

(Newser) - The Supreme Court and White House may as well be decorated in ivy, complains David Bernstein. "Once Elena Kagan gets confirmed, every Supreme Court Justice will have attended Harvard or Yale law schools," he writes. And Kagan—whose bachelor's degree, for the record, is from Princeton—was nominated...

Times Square Bomb Plot Has Foreign Links: Officials

Administration calls failed attack terrorism

(Newser) - The failed Times Square bombing was likely the work of more than one individual and may have been organized by people living abroad, the Washington Post reports. Administration officials won't say the incident was the work of an international organization— despite what the Pakistani Taliban claim s—but were examining...

Daily Show Jokesters Penned Obama Quips

No wonder he was so funny

(Newser) - No wonder President Obama got all the laughs at the White House Correspondent's Dinner over the weekend: his quips were written by Daily Show jokesters. Obama easily out-quipped Jay Leno with the funniest presidential material in two decades of the event, gushed Lloyd Grove in the Daily Beast , who was...

Press Corps to White House: Loosen Up!

Reporters' gripes about Obama pile up

(Newser) - The right likes to say the media is in love with President Obama; if so the affair has gone sour. White House reporters find Obama's administration thin-skinned, vengeful, and unfairly stingy with information, they tell Politico . "The White House seems to imagine that releasing information is like a tap...

Critics Rip White House Links to Goldman Sachs

Foes concerned about ties that blind

(Newser) - As the SEC builds its case charging Goldman Sachs with defrauding thousands of consumers, critics continue to hammer at White House links to the firm. Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein met twice with President Obama and twice with economic aide Larry Summers while SEC investigators probed the company. A White...

Goldman Hires Former White House Counsel for SEC Fight

Gregory Craig has strong ties to Obama, Democrats

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs has hired a big gun to help get them out of big trouble. The beleaguered bank has tapped Gregory Craig, President Obama's former legal counsel, to help them fight a civil suit brought by the SEC last week. Craig, who served for Obama's first year, is an attorney...

Karzai, White House Mend Fences; Visit On

Afghan president will travel to Washington next month as scheduled

(Newser) - The Obama administration and Hamid Karzai have buried the hatchet, and the Afghan president will visit Washington next month as scheduled, reports the Washington Post . The White House had threatened to call off the visit because of Karzai's recent shenanigans—including a vow to join the Taliban if Afghanistan's Western...

White House: Clinton Staying Put
 White House: 
 Clinton Staying Put 

White House: Clinton Staying Put

Refutes Hatch suggestion she's being considered for Supreme Court

(Newser) - Orrin Hatch is a nice guy and all, but his speculation this morning that Hillary Clinton might fill the Supreme Court seat of John Paul Stevens is bunk—or so says the White House, according to Politico . "The president thinks Secretary Clinton is doing an excellent job as Secretary...

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>