White House

Stories 741 - 760 | << Prev   Next >>

White House Party-Crashers Take the Fifth

Congressmen chide Salahis for professing support for Secret Service

(Newser) - Alleged White House gate-crashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi said little to a House panel today, repeatedly invoking their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination. The couple took the Fifth a combined total of 30 times as they refused to cooperate with the security committee's investigation into the Secret Service lapse that...

The White House Gets an App
 The White House Gets an App 

The White House Gets an App

Now you can watch the State of the Union on your phone

(Newser) - Want to keep apprised of the president’s every word, photo op, and press release? There’s an app for that. The administration today rolled out a new iPhone app, dubbed simply “The White House,” which allows users to keep tabs on Barack Obama’s latest news, photos,...

State of the Union Set for Jan. 27

President Obama schedules speech with health reform still up in the air

(Newser) - President Obama has scheduled his first State of the Union address for Wednesday, Jan. 27. The White House had hoped health care reform would be passed before the speech, but the tight timeline makes that unlikely, CBS News reports. The date confirms White House spokesman Robert Gibbs' assurances that the...

President Surprises First Lady With Birthday Dinner

For Michelle's 46th, Barack lines up friends, family

(Newser) - Even after a year in the White House fishbowl, President Obama can still pull off a surprise—as he did last night, when he threw a private dinner for Michelle Obama's 46th birthday. The first lady, whose birthday is actually today, knew they were dining out, but not where or...

White House, Unions Reach Deal on 'Cadillac Tax'

Agreement clears one of the biggest obstacles to final bill

(Newser) - The White House has struck a deal with unions on how to tax generous health insurance policies, one of the last major sticking points in crafting a final bill. Few details are available on the agreement over the so-called "Cadillac tax," but President Obama is expected to visit...

Meet Carlos Allen, 3rd Gatecrasher
 Meet Carlos Allen, 
 3rd Gatecrasher 

Meet Carlos Allen, 3rd Gatecrasher

Sketchy guy hooked up with Indian posse after trip to men's room

(Newser) - What lapse allowed Carlos Allen, the third party crasher, to sneak into the Obamas' first state dinner remains a mystery. What is known is that Allen—who has done everything from designing clothes to selling mortgages to running a questionable charity that existed mainly to throw parties—dressed even more...

State of the Union Won't Preempt Lost: Gibbs
 State of the Union 
 Won't Preempt 
 Lost: Gibbs 
the world can exhale

State of the Union Won't Preempt Lost: Gibbs

Date for speech not set, but it's not Feb. 2: Gibbs

(Newser) - The date isn't set yet, but couch potatoes can relax: President Obama's State of the Union address will not muscle out the 3-hour premiere of the final season of Lost on Feb. 2. "I don't foresee a scenario in which the millions of people who hope to see a...

Man Jogs Naked Near White House
Man Jogs
Naked Near White House

Man Jogs Naked Near White House

Streaker braves cold, sets off Secret Service scare

(Newser) - The Secret Service found itself on an odd chase yesterday, running down a man who’d stripped naked to jog near the White House. Around rush hour, the man threw off his clothes, leaving them lying in a bag, and set off running, heedless of the 25-degree windchill. “He...

Rahm Emanuel May Head for Exit
 Rahm Emanuel 
 May Head for Exit 
hot tabloid rumor

Rahm Emanuel May Head for Exit

Jarrett poised to take over for chief of staff who can't make nice

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel’s frustration with the legislative process may lead him out of the White House, but it's not clear whether the president's volatile chief of staff will jump or be pushed. Emanuel, a former congressman, has a famously explosive temper that isn't going over well in the West Wing....

US Denies Brits Warned About Detroit Bomber

Downing Street made a mistake, White House says

(Newser) - The UK government made "a mistake" when it claimed that British intelligence about the Detroit bombing suspect was passed on to US authorities in 2008, says a White House source. Gordon Brown's office also seemed to be backpedaling from yesterday's claim that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was included on a...

Third Person Crashed State Dinner: White House
Third Person Crashed State Dinner: White House

Third Person Crashed State Dinner: White House

Party-crasher was traveling with Indian delegation

(Newser) - Another person not on the guest list was allowed into a White House state dinner for India's prime minister in November, the Secret Service says. Today's acknowledgment brings the tally to three people who made it through Secret Service security at the White House without being on the state dinner...

5 Things Obama Has Done Right (or Better Than You Thought)
5 Things Obama Has Done Right (or Better Than You Thought)

5 Things Obama Has Done Right (or Better Than You Thought)

...and 5 failures bigger than you realize

(Newser) - Obama clearly ran a successful campaign—but what kind of a job did he do running the country in his first year at the helm? While the president "has not been overmatched, he has not yet mastered the role either," Mark Halperin writes in Time . Some things he's...

A Year of First Lady Fashion
 A Year of First Lady Fashion 

A Year of First Lady Fashion

A look back at Michelle Obama's daring sartorial debut

(Newser) - After a year of big guns, big designers, and bold choices, New York takes a look back at the many styles of first lady Michelle Obama. Who can forget the inaugural outfits, the Grand Canyon shorts, and all those cardigans? For many more photos, and info on designers, click here...

White House Telling Me to Zip It: Stupak
 White House 
 Telling Me to 
 Zip It: Stupak 

White House Telling Me to Zip It: Stupak

Rep predicts Senate abortion language won't pass House

(Newser) - The White House would really rather Bart Stupak keep his opinions about the abortion funding “compromise” in the Senate health care bill to himself, but the staunch rep isn’t playing ball. “They think I shouldn’t be expressing my views on this bill until they get a...

Sasha, Malia Dish on White House Christmas

Obamas tell kid patients of 26 trees; 'presents not under each one'

(Newser) - The first family—minus the president, but plus the first dog—talked about their first White House Christmas yesterday, but Michelle Obama wouldn’t spill any secrets on what’s waiting for Barack under the tree. Malia told patients at the Children’s National Medical Center about the 26 trees...

How Michelle Became the Popular Obama

First lady stays above the fray, elevating her image

(Newser) - Her days as a lightning rod on the campaign trail firmly behind her, Michelle Obama has polished her image in a paradoxical way for a political wife: by steering clear of politics. She's a familiar presence on the national scene, and her poll numbers are robust, even among Republicans. "...

Gibbs on Dean: Nobody 'Rational' Would Kill the Bill

'I don't know what legislation he's reading,' says press chief

(Newser) - White House press secretary Robert Gibbs fired back at Howard Dean today for encouraging progressives to kill the health care reform bill. Dean thinks the bill, without a public option, is now too compromised to deserve further support. "I would ask Dr. Dean, how better do you address those...

Tourists Let Into White House Breakfast
 Tourists Let Into 
 White House Breakfast 

Tourists Let Into White House Breakfast

Ga. couple showed up on wrong day, hit buffet with Obamas

(Newser) - It wasn't a state dinner, and they didn't crash it on purpose. Still, a Georgia couple who showed up at the White House a day early for a tour somehow wound up at an invitation-only breakfast with President Obama. The White House and Secret Service said Harvey and Paula Darden...

22M 'Missing' Bush-Era Emails Reappear

Data won't be public for years, but may shed light on Iraq, Plame

(Newser) - Twenty-two million emails that the Bush administration had given up as lost have been found. Computer experts working for two advocacy groups that sued the executive branch in 2007 for not properly archiving its emails announced the messages were in fact mislabeled. The messages must be vetted before they can...

Senate Sends Obama $1.1T Spending Bill

3 Republicans vote yea, 3 Dems vote nay

(Newser) - Working on a second consecutive weekend, the Senate passed a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill today, with the support of three Republicans but the opposition of three Democrats. The measure has already cleared the House and now advances to President Obama, who is expected to sign it. With pressing...

Stories 741 - 760 | << Prev   Next >>