White House

Stories 1121 - 1140 | << Prev   Next >>

Iraq Making Slow Gains on Goals, Says White House

Government met only half of its benchmarks

(Newser) - Iraq has made "satisfactory" progress on only half of its 18 benchmarks for success, the White House told Congress today, hours after President Bush said the country’s advancements merited a strong US military presence there. Since the July progress report, only one benchmark—reintegrating Baathists into the government—...

Nussle's New Budget Boss Despite Dem Protests

Opposition a blow against Bush policies

(Newser) - Despite opposition from several Democrats, the Senate yesterday approved former Iowa Rep. Jim Nussle as the new White House budget director. The dissenters were largely protesting Bush’s economic policy, rather than Nussle himself, recalling the criticism they faced after approving Gen.Petraeus while opposing Iraq policy, The Hill reports.

Snow Sets Departure Date
Snow Sets Departure Date

Snow Sets Departure Date

After weeks of rumors, press secretary will step down next month

(Newser) - After weeks of rumors about his departure, White House press secretary Tony Snow gave his two weeks' notice today. Snow, who has battled colon cancer since 2005, made it clear he was leaving for financial and not health reasons, CNN reports. "I love you," President Bush told Snow,...

Iraqis 'Fail to Meet Benchmarks'
Iraqis 'Fail to Meet Benchmarks'

Iraqis 'Fail to Meet Benchmarks'

Congressional auditors say most key goals unfulfilled

(Newser) - The Iraqi government has failed to meet most of the key political and military goals—the so called benchmarks—designed to measure the success of the US troop surge, congressional auditors say. An investigation by the Government Accountability Office has concluded that 13 of the 18 benchmarks remain unmet as...

GOP Colleagues Jump Sinking Craig Ship

McCain, Coleman join calls for cruising senator's resignation

(Newser) - Senators John McCain and Norm Coleman joined two Republican congressmen in urging GOP Sen. Larry Craig to resign today, the AP reports, after Craig was moved out of top committee posts by party leadership. The White House, too, said it was “disappointed" with the Idaho lawmaker after the revelations...

Rove's Jag Gets Punk&rsquo;d
Rove's Jag Gets Punk’d

Rove's Jag Gets Punk’d

Ride falls victim to the Christo treatment

(Newser) - When Karl Rove drives off into the sunset tonight, his ride will boast a new take on “Just Married” decorations. While the just-resigned strategist was visiting Texas, his Jaguar was pranked at the White House, the AP reports. The jokesters wrapped the vehicle in plastic wrap before slapping on...

With Gonzo Gone, Whither W?
With Gonzo Gone, Whither W?

With Gonzo Gone, Whither W?

Lame-duck Justice Dept., confirmation wrangling loom

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales leaves the Justice Department swamped with scandal and doubt, and the White House in a pall of uncertainty. Bush is finally unburdened of one of his administration's biggest targets, but is also increasingly alone as his closest advisers evaporate. And the confirmation hearings for Gonzales' replacement could turn...

Alberto Gonzales Resigns
Alberto Gonzales Resigns

Alberto Gonzales Resigns

Attorney general steps down after months of criticism over politicized Justice Department

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales has resigned, the White House told CNN today, after months of calls for his replacement—and even impeachment—from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle worried that the Justice Department was becoming overly politicized. The AG told President Bush of his intention to step down Friday, following...

How to Shut Protesters Up: A White House Guidebook

ACLU lawsuit forces release of manual

(Newser) - A lawsuit sparked by two protesters wearing anti-Bush T-shirts has forced the White House to reveal its guidebook on dealing with dissenters, the Washington Post reports. The manual calls for a "protest area" separate from event sites and roaming "rally squads" to drown out demonstrators who infiltrate the...

The Karl Rove Question: Were Federal Assets Used to Further GOP?

(Newser) - In the wake of Karl Rove's resignation, the Washington Post  does a detailed account of the political strategist's use of the White House to pursue his dream of insuring GOP dominance for the foreseeable future. While all administrations send senior officials out to help party members get elected, the Post...

Dems Afraid They've Let in Big Brother

New law could give White House broad spying powers

(Newser) - Americans who phone friends or shoot emails overseas could have business records snatched up or be subject to searches whenever Washington wants, the Dems worry – after passing new surveillance powers that they may not have fully understood. Yet the White House swears that “the intent here was pure,...

Spokesman Snow Set to Quit
Spokesman Snow Set to Quit

Spokesman Snow Set to Quit

(Newser) - White House spokesman Tony Snow, who recently battled colon cancer, is ready to step down from his post, CNN is reporting. The move could come as early as next month. On a TV interview show yesterday, Snow said he might not be able to stay for the rest of the...

White House to Ghostwrite Surge Report

Think Progress blogger furious over detail hidden in LA Times

(Newser) - An irate blogger has blown up the fine print in today's news, exposing a plan by Washington to pen a long-awaited report on Iraq’s troop surge. Think Progress blogger Faiz posted a paragraph he discovered deep in a Los Angeles Times story, revealing that the White House will secretly...

Rumsfeld Resigned Before Midterm Elections

Iraq not mentioned; GOP critics seize on Bush inaction

(Newser) - Donald Rumsfeld's resignation letter, obtained by Reuters, shows he told President Bush of his departure as defense secretary one day before the 2006 congressional elections; though Bush saw the letter on Election Day, the White House didn't announce the decision until the day after polls closed. Republicans warned the delay...

Rove Exit Inspires Pundit Ire
Rove Exit Inspires
Pundit Ire

Rove Exit Inspires Pundit Ire

Leftie says he's quitting too soon, rightie says too late

(Newser) - Not all Karl Rove haters celebrated his announced departure today. The Nation’s David Corn, while pleased that taxpayers will no longer be paying the Bush political strategist's salary after August, feels that Rove deserves the punishment of being forced to stay “to the bitter end” of the unpopular...

Why the 'Rove Presidency' Failed
Why the 'Rove Presidency' Failed

Why the 'Rove Presidency' Failed

‘Architect’ tried to force dynasty, cowed Congress instead of winning it

(Newser) - With Karl Rove about to ankle the White House, the Atlantic's cover story on Rove as the principal architect of the Bush presidency becomes prescient. Joshua Green explores why the mastermind of W.'s two election victories—one of the best political minds of a generation—was unable to fulfill...

Bush Loses Brain

Bush Loses Brain

Top strategist Rove says he'll step down at end of month

(Newser) - President Bush's most controversial political strategist, Karl Rove, will leave his White House deputy chief of staff position at the end of the month, the Wall Street Journal reports. "I just think it's time," said Rove, who has worked with Bush since 1993. "As much as I'd...

Bush Gets a Line on Bonds
Bush Gets a Line on Bonds

Bush Gets a Line on Bonds

Delay in congratulatory phone call not asterisk-related, spokesman says

(Newser) - Barry Bonds took 21 years to set the career home run record, so the half-day delay in President Bush's congratulatory phone call probably seems like the blink of an eye. The call went out from the White House this afternoon, the Chicago Tribune reports, and Tony Snow attributed the delay...

UN Offers to Boost Iraq Presence
UN Offers to Boost Iraq Presence

UN Offers to Boost Iraq Presence

New Baghdad compound and mediation aid also on the table

(Newser) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon has offered to increase personnel in Iraq for the first time in more than 3 years and is seeking $130 million to build a reinforced compound in Baghdad for the growing UN mission. Ban faces a backlash from member states afraid of inheriting a...

US Rattled by Brit Pullout Plans
US Rattled by Brit Pullout Plans

US Rattled by Brit Pullout Plans

Withdrawal schedule expected this fall

(Newser) - The White House is increasingly concerned about the timing of the British troop pullout from Iraq, expected to be announced by PM Gordon Brown in October, the Guardian reports. About 5,000 British troops remain in the Basra area, where they' have already withdrawn to  an area around the city's...

Stories 1121 - 1140 | << Prev   Next >>