moon colonization

14 Stories

This Is How Roads Could Be Built on the Moon
This Is How Roads Could
Be Built on the Moon

This Is How Roads Could Be Built on the Moon

Researchers suggest manipulating solar rays to melt moon dust into smooth 'tiles'

(Newser) - Building roads on the moon will not be like building roads on Earth. Since the moon has no atmosphere and lower gravity compared to our planet, dust is a big problem. It gets everywhere, "erodes space suits, clogs machinery, interferes with scientific instruments and makes moving around difficult,"...

Solar Wind Brings Water to Moon: Study

Which could help in creating a colony there

(Newser) - There is water on the moon, and it comes from an unlikely source: the sun. That's the conclusion of a new study, after studying soil samples brought back from the original Apollo 11 mission, Cosmos reports. While studies dating back to 2008 have pointed to the existence of water...

'Goodnight Moon Colony' Spoofs Gingrich Campaign

Comedy Central offers parody of 'Goodnight Moon'

(Newser) - Now that Newt Gingrich has finally , finally , finally dropped out of the presidential race, Comedy Central bids him adieu with an inspired take on a classic children’s book. It’s a "storybook farewell to Newt Gingrich's campaign, which we'll always remember for its nuanced policy positions...

Newt's Lunar Ideas Not Lunacy
 Lunar Ideas 
 Not Lunacy 

Newt's Lunar Ideas Not Lunacy

We should listen to Gingrich's space ideas: Jeffrey Goldberg

(Newser) - Jeffrey Goldberg is not what one might call a Newt Gingrich fan, but as he sat on the tarmac at Reagan National Airport gazing at the space shuttle Discovery as it prepared for its final flight, he realized something: "On the matter of space exploration … Newt Gingrich is...

Gingrich: Moon Colony 'Bold, Visionary'

America won't cede space race to Chinese, says Newt

(Newser) - Along with picking up an endorsement from Herman Cain , Newt Gingrich was busily plugging his plan to colonize the moon yesterday, reports Politico . "We will not turn to our grandchildren and say, 'We are the generation that let the Chinese dominate space,'" Gingrich told an audience...

Stewart: Newt Wants to Divorce Earth, Head to Moon

Gingrich's lunar base easy fodder for the 'Daily Show'

(Newser) - Sometimes politicians make it too easy for Jon Stewart. Take Newt Gingrich. In response to accusations that he was too "grandiose" (Stewart: "Can't a guy doodle his head on Mount Rushmore without taking heat from the lamestream everyone?") Gingrich promised to ... build a moon base . "...

Gingrich Promises Moon Colony by 2020

Wants to go boldly into future with 'grandiose' space vision

(Newser) - A stellar idea or just lunacy? Either way, Newt Gingrich wants an American colony on the moon by the end of his second term, reports Politico . Speaking in Florida, home to much of NASA, Gingrich called his moon proposal a "Northwest Ordinance for space," and "grandiose,"...

NASA to Smash Rocket Into Moon Tomorrow

New crater will be blasted into surface as NASA hunts for buried ice

(Newser) - If there's ice under the moon's surface, NASA aims to find it tomorrow. A rocket will smash into a crater near the moon's south pole, kicking up hundreds of thousands of pounds of lunar dirt. The dirt will be analyzed for traces of ice or water by a satellite following...

Colonize the Moon? NASA to Scope It Out

(Newser) - NASA will launch a mission Wednesday to gather information about how humans might someday colonize the moon, the Los Angeles Times reports. A robotic orbiter will provide detailed maps of the topography and first-of-their kind peeks inside craters where ice might be hiding. “We're going to provide NASA with...

Firm Vows to Grow Flower on the Moon

(Newser) - A company that builds biospheres to sustain life in outer space is planning to grow a mustard plant on the moon, New Scientist reports. Paragon Space Development will piggyback its greenhouse on a lunar lander competing in a $30 million contest to go to the moon. "We want there...

Water Found in Moon Rock
 Water Found in Moon Rock 

Water Found in Moon Rock

Discovery stuns lunar experts

(Newser) - Water has been detected in moon rock brought to Earth by Apollo astronauts, reports A team used a new super-sensitive technique to discover the water in volcanic glass beads in the rock. The stunning find, detailed in the journal Nature, is forcing scientists to rethink theories about the...

NASA Sees Minivan for Moon
NASA Sees Minivan for Moon

NASA Sees Minivan for Moon

The shuttle's replacement, due in 2015, will be a utilitarian craft

(Newser) - Engineers are busy at work building America's next spacecraft, the long overdue replacement of the 33-year-old shuttle, and NASA has this advice for those who can't wait to see the finished product: Think minivan, not Ferrari. Fast Company explores the work at Lockheed and finds the Orion to be utilitarian...

Asian Space Race Stirs Friction, Pride

Moon shots spark suspicion about military plans in space

(Newser) - With China, India and Japan all launching civilian moon missions, the Christian Science Monitor examines the  Asian space race, driven by what one expert calls "techno-nationalism."  They "generate pride domestically and they demonstrate prowess internationally," but they're also inflaming security concerns and suspicions, as all...

Scientists Prototype Moon House
Scientists Prototype Moon House

Scientists Prototype Moon House

Self-sufficient space hab designed for future Moon base

(Newser) - While scientists in the '60s raced to put a man on the moon, modern scientists want to put a dozen there for three years in 90%-95% self-sufficiency. An Australian team is prototyping Luna Gaia, a space habitat that would use biological systems to recycle materials and grow food, although bored...

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