Hamid Karzai

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Obama, Karzai Agree to Speed Military Shift in Afghanistan

(Newser) - President Barack Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai said today they have agreed to speed up slightly the schedule for moving Afghanistan's security forces into the lead across the country, with US troops shifting fully to a support role. The leaders also said Obama agreed to place battlefield detainees...

US Considers Total Afghan Withdrawal

'Zero option' after 2014 raised before Karzai talks

(Newser) - How many US troops should stay in Afghanistan after the NATO combat mission ends next year? For the first time, officials are now saying zero is an option. Commanders recommend keeping a force of up to 15,000 in the country, but Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, speaking to...

On Karzai's Agenda for US Visit: Complaints

Afghan president has list of demands

(Newser) - Hamid Karzai will be in DC this week, and the visit sounds like it will be a less-than-pleasant one for President Obama. The Washington Post details the list of complaints Karzai will want to discuss, chief among them Karzai's belief that the US is violating his country's sovereignty...

Post-2014 Afghanistan: US Has 3 Options

Gen. Allen presents scenarios to Pentagon

(Newser) - Gen. John Allen has submitted three options to the Pentagon for how to maintain a presence in Afghanistan after the 2014 military withdrawal, defense officials tell the New York Times :
  • 6,000 troops, highest risk of failure: At this level, the US mission would focus on counterterrorism. Special Ops commandos

Karzai to Afghan Troops: Take Back Our Prison

President orders Afghan forces to retake control of Bagram prison

(Newser) - Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai says the US has not abided by an agreement to hand over the prison at Bagram Air Base to Afghan forces, so he today ordered those forces to take over the prison, the New York Times reports. Karzai says the two-month grace period to complete the...

Afghan Troops Switch From US Copters to Donkeys

Technological gap yawns wide as US hands off bases

(Newser) - Just how big a void is the US leaving in Afghanistan? Well, let's put it this way: Whereas the US used helicopters to access its remote bases in rocky regions, Afghan forces are now using … donkeys. "Donkeys are the Afghan helicopter," one colonel tells the Washington ...

Karzai Slams NATO in Deaths of 4 Afghan Kids

NATO says it's aware casualties in Oct. 20 operation are possible

(Newser) - A NATO operation killed four Afghan kids tending livestock in the country's east, Afghan president Hamid Karzai said today, again lambasting the US-led forces over the ever-contentious issue of civilian casualties. "Despite repeated pledges by NATO to avoid civilian casualties, innocent lives, including children, are still being lost,...

Afghanistan: Foreign Spies Infiltrating Our Army

Karzai blames neighboring countries for 'green on blue' attacks

(Newser) - Why are so many Afghan soldiers killing their NATO allies? They're not; foreign spies are. Or at least, that's what Hamid Karzai's office said today, saying that based on interrogations and other evidence, the main culprits behind the so-called "green on blue" attacks were from neighboring...

Taliban Boss: We Can&#39;t Win
 Taliban Boss: 
 We Can't Win 


Taliban Boss: We Can't Win

Calls al-Qaeda 'plague', bin Laden death 'relief'

(Newser) - A top Taliban commander says his group "cannot prevail" in Afghanistan, and leaders know it. "Any Taliban leader expecting to be able to capture Kabul is making a grave mistake," the unnamed leader, a former Guantanamo detainee, tells the New Statesman in an interview previewed by the...

Karzai Calls for Arrest of Taliban in Public Execution

Officials don't think executed woman actually committed adultery

(Newser) - A video of a woman being publicly executed , supposedly for adultery, sparked outrage in Afghanistan—and now President Hamid Karzai has ordered the arrest of the Taliban involved. Officials actually believe the woman was killed—shot nine times as a throng of people cheered—because two Taliban commanders both had...

New Plan to Restart Taliban Talks: Move Gitmo Prisoners

Hamid Karzai pushing for all 17 Afghans at Guantanamo to be transferred

(Newser) - Up to 17 Taliban militants who were captured in the early days of the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan and have been detained at Guantanamo for years could be moved to a prison in Afghanistan in an effort to get peace talks with the Taliban moving again, reports the AP . The...

Karzai Family Squabbling Over Ill-Gotten Gains

Theft, kidnapping, and more involved in Afghan intrigue

(Newser) - It won't be long before Hamid Karzai's days as president of Afghanistan are finished—and his family members are scrambling to carve out and protect their slice of the family's fortune, the New York Times reports. Over the past decade, the Karzais have gotten rich off military...

Obama Tells Karzai: 'We're on the Right Track'

At NATO summit, Obama supports 2014 pullout

(Newser) - President Obama met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai today at the NATO summit and urged world leaders to agree on post-2014 Afghanistan, MSNBC reports. "What this NATO summit reflects is that the world is behind strategy we've laid out," Obama said of the plan to pull out...

Obama: 'This Time of War' Will End in Afghanistan

On surprise trip, president says goal of defeating al-Qaeda in reach

(Newser) - President Obama wrapped up his surprise trip to Afghanistan —during which he signed an accord with Hamid Karzai on how the US will wind down its presence after 2014—with an address to Americans. He declared that the US has "a clear path to fulfill our mission in...

Obama Makes Surprise Visit to Afghanistan

He will sign accord with Hamid Karzai, give speech from Kabul

(Newser) - Under intense security and the cover of night, President Obama slipped into Afghanistan today to sign an agreement cementing a US commitment to the nation after the long and unpopular war comes to an end. Obama, who touched down at Bagram Air Field late at night local time, was to...

US Fingers Senior Afghan in Troop Deaths

...but Karzai won't prosecute, says the case is closed

(Newser) - Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai is refusing to prosecute a former Afghan provincial governor for his alleged role in the killing of a US lieutenant colonel and a servicewoman, in addition to other crimes, reports the Wall Street Journal . US officials are accusing Ghulam Qawis Abu Bakr of corruption and ordering...

Hundreds of Afghan Women Jailed for 'Moral Crimes'

Karzai government not making progress, rights groups says

(Newser) - More than a decade after the Taliban regime was ousted, Afghanistan is still imprisoning hundreds of women for "moral crimes" like running away from their husbands, according to Human Rights Watch. The group interviewed scores of women in Afghan prisons, and found that many were there because they had...

Karzai Slams US Over Massacre Investigation

Doesn't quell speculation of more than one shooter

(Newser) - Hamid Karzai today again kept alive speculation about whether the US soldier accused of killing 16 Afghan villagers acted alone, reports Reuters . Karzai met with family members and told reporters, "They believe it's not possible for one person to do that. In (one) family, in four rooms people...

Taliban Breaks Off Peace Talks With US

As Hamid Karzai tells NATO to clear out of all rural villages, bases

(Newser) - The Afghan Taliban suspended talks with the US "until they show willingness in carrying out their promises instead of wasting time," the group said in a statement today, according to al-Jazeera . The group complained of America's "alternating and ever-changing position" and said it would put off...

Afghan Soldier Killed at Service for Rampage Victims

Taliban, meanwhile, threatens to behead US soldiers

(Newser) - Militants opened fire on a prayer service for the 16 people killed in a US soldier's shooting rampage this weekend, targeting a visiting government delegation that included two of Hamid Karzai's brothers, along with senior defense, intelligence, and interior ministry officials. The militants fired from a distance, killing...

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