Man's best friend

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D&G Hawking Chi Chi New Perfume ... for Dogs

Whether that's a good idea is up for debate

(Newser) - You can now buy perfume for your dog. Whether you should buy perfume for your dog is up for debate. But thanks to Dolce & Gabbana, it's certainly an option. The fashion label recently introduced Fefé, its first scent developed specifically for pets, and named after Domenico Dolce's...

Scientists Have New Theory on Dogs' Tail Wagging
Which Side
of the Body
a Dog Wags
new study

Which Side of the Body a Dog Wags Matters

On the right is more positive, left is more negative, researchers suggest

(Newser) - Dogs wag their tails because they're happy, right? Turns out, it might be because the tail-wagging makes people happy, reports the Washington Post . Or, as the researchers put it in their new study in Biology Letters , we humans have a "proclivity for rhythmic stimuli," and our forebears...

To Beat the Heat, North Koreans Dine on Dog

Spicy dog soup a favorite based on belief that 'heat cures heat'

(Newser) - In North Korea, summer is not a good time to be a dog. With the country sizzling, North Korea's biggest brewery is pumping out twice as much beer as usual, Pyongyang residents are queuing up to get their "bingsu"—a syrupy treat made with shaved ice—and...

Couple Who Kept Losing Baby's Pacifiers Find an Odd Culprit

Okla. vet had to remove 21 binkies from the belly of the family dog

(Newser) - "We have a 6-month-old baby and, you know, we have binkies in the house because of the baby and over the past five months, we’ve been missing many binkies," Oklahoma dad Scott Rogers tells KFOR-TV . Rogers and his wife couldn't figure out what was happening to...

Want to Live Longer? Go Fetch a Dog
Want Your Human 
to Live Longer? Good Dog!

Want Your Human to Live Longer? Good Dog!

Study finds that Fido cuts mortality rates, especially among people who live alone

(Newser) - If you were looking for an excuse to amble down to your local animal shelter and bring home a furry pal, you are now scientifically justified in ignoring the cat section: Swedish researchers in a massive study of 3.4 million people found that those with dogs had a significantly...

From Ashes of Calif. Home, Mom's Dog Comes Running

Izzy somehow survived after family fled wildfire in the middle of the night

(Newser) - Jack Weaver and brother-in-law Patrick Widen skirted police barricades, and traversed a creek and hilly roads to save Weaver's mother the grim task of recovering the family's beloved dog Izzy. Katherine Weaver was convinced Izzy died in a ferocious wildfire that sent them fleeing, Katherine still in her...

People Fled Irma, Left Dogs Tied Up
People Fled Irma,
Left Dogs Tied Up

People Fled Irma, Left Dogs Tied Up

Scores of animals left behind, surrendered in Palm Beach County ahead of massive storm

(Newser) - As Floridians fled the wrath of Hurricane Irma, scores left behind man's best friend—some of them tied up, in pens, or in fenced yards, reports the Sun Sentinel . Authorities in Palm Beach County found 49 dogs in such circumstances, while shelters took in an influx of animals surrendered...

Your Pet Is Fleecing You
Your Pet Is Fleecing You
in case you missed it

Your Pet Is Fleecing You

Survey finds that we grossly underestimate the tens of thousands our pets cost us

(Newser) - You might want to drop man's best friend a bill: It turns out that not only is your dog chewing holes in your socks, he's eating a hole in your wallet—a much bigger one than you think, reports CNBC . According to a survey of pet owners by...

Your Dog Can Tell if Someone Is Mean to You

They'll even refuse food from people who snub their owners

(Newser) - Your dog really may be your best friend, according to a new study out of Japan that highlights just how far canine loyalty can go. In a study to be published later this month in the journal Animal Behaviour , cognitive researchers at Kyoto University found that dogs will actually ignore...

Rocker's New Project: Music for Your Lonely Dog

Andrew Dost of fun. scores relaxation number for DogTV

(Newser) - Score one for the dogs. DogTV , the nascent television network for dogs , asked Grammy-winning musician Andrew Dost of the pop-rock band fun. to write some psychoacoustic music. The unnamed result, nearly four minutes of harp, piano, and repetitive electronic undertones, debuted Monday during a relaxation segment. "I approached this...

On Streets of Detroit: Around 50K Stray Dogs

Dens of them lurk in abandoned homes

(Newser) - People aren't the only victims of Detroit's prolonged downward spiral. The depopulated city is crawling with stray dogs, with as many as 50,000 believed to be roaming the streets, Bloomberg reports. Few of the dogs are feral; most were abandoned in one manner or another by human...

Missing Dog Found 2 Days Later, Up a Tree

Owner thinks he probably chased a squirrel

(Newser) - A 7-year-old border collie who was missing from his Iowa home for a few days didn't get very far—he only went up. Laddy the dog was found yesterday morning stuck up a tree two blocks from his Davenport home, the Quad-City Times reports. His owner says she believes...

Fido Really Gets You—the Better to Steal From You

 Fido Really Gets 
 You—the Better 
 to Steal From You 
in case you missed it

Fido Really Gets You—the Better to Steal From You

They're more likely to snatch food when it's dark: study

(Newser) - More evidence that our dogs really do understand us: They can be calculating thieves. Researchers find that dogs are four times more likely to steal forbidden food when it's dark in the room, meaning humans can't catch them in the act, the BBC reports. That may suggest that...

Loyal Lab Sticks With Dog Pal Hit by Car

Shelter saves 'Grace,' seeking home

(Newser) - Doggone it, that's loyalty. A faithful black Labrador braved whizzing traffic to stick with a pal fatally hit by a car on a busy boulevard in Los Angeles County. A good Samaritan placed traffic cones to protect the dogs and took a cell-phone video of the arresting sight, and...

Bird Dog Shoots Hunter
 Bird Dog 
 Shoots Hunter 

Bird Dog Shoots Hunter

Owner gets a butt full of birdshot

(Newser) - Good thing Fido's not a better shot. A Utah dog unloaded 27 pellets into his owner's butt as the "excited" hound discharged a 12-gauge shotgun in a boat during a duck-hunting trip. The man was hit as he bent down standing in a marshy area of the...

Strange Light Falls on Dead Vet's Dog

'It made me wonder if Justin was there,' writes '20/20' reporter

(Newser) - A strange, almost, er, heavenly, light that fell on a dead veteran's dog during 20/20 filming has given a photographer paws for reflection, she reveals in an unusual note on ABC The beam of light that briefly bathed Hero the mutt during a "simple" shoot at...

Hero's Dog Guards His Coffin
 Hero's Dog Guards His Coffin 


Hero's Dog Guards His Coffin

Hawkeye waits for his master's voice

(Newser) - A loyal Labrador retriever kept a faithful vigil at his master's side this week even as friends and family wept at his human's coffin. "Hawkeye" waited patiently at the Iowa funeral for a word or a whistle from downed Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson, 35, killed with 29...

Tornado Dog Crawls Home on Broken Legs
 Tornado Dog 
 Crawls Home 
 on Broken Legs 

Tornado Dog Crawls Home on Broken Legs

But home is crushed, family can't care for him

(Newser) - A still-happy pup blown away by an Alabama tornado last month managed to crawl on two broken legs back home, where his family found him this week wagging his tail on their front porch. Terrier-mix Mason completely snapped his two front legs, but managed painstaking travel on his doggie "...

Bound, Shot Dog Buried Alive, Survives

Case sparks calls for tougher penalties for animal abuse

(Newser) - Man's best friend just found out how evil man can be. A female dog was found bound and whimpering with gunshot wounds to her head, and buried up to her muzzle in Malta. Incredibly, the dog rescuers nicknamed Star is recovering in an animal shelter while cops seek the...

Puppies Left to Die in Suitcase Reunited

Seven survived cupboard ordeal

(Newser) - Newborn puppies locked in a suitcase and left to die in a cupboard have been reunited big, happy, and healthy. It was too late to save five of the black-and-white mixed breed pups when British animal control officers discovered them in a breeder's home. But seven survivors were nursed back...

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