
Stories 41 - 47 | << Prev 

It's a Fine Line Between Love, Hate in the Brain

But hate appears to be a more calculating, rational emotion

(Newser) - Areas of the brain involved in hatred are also activated by love, a study suggests. Researchers took images of brain activity when subjects looked at a photo of someone they despised, ABC News reports. While not identical, the pattern of brain activation those images triggered involved some of the same...

Moynahan Talks Getting Dumped, Pregnant

Brady's ex was 'heartbroken,' but now focuses on 'much younger man'

(Newser) - Actress Bridget Moynahan opens up to Harper's Bazaar about the emotional rollercoaster that was being dumped by Tom Brady for supermodel Gisele Bundchen only to learn she was pregnant. "Going through that traumatic time of being heartbroken and then being pregnant turned my whole life upside down…just knocked...

Traumatized? Keep It to Yourself
Traumatized? Keep It to Yourself

Traumatized? Keep It to Yourself

Talking things out after crises not always beneficial: study

(Newser) - Contrary to popular belief, talking about your emotions after a traumatizing large-scale event can be less helpful than keeping your feelings bottled up. A study of nearly 3,000 people who were exposed to but not directly affected by the 9/11 attacks reached the startling conclusion that people who didn't...

Stop Temper Tantrums Like a Caveman
Stop Temper Tantrums Like
a Caveman

Stop Temper Tantrums Like a Caveman

Smart parents talk to kids like the vicious little primitives they are

(Newser) - When your kid has a temper tantrum, they’re a lot like a Neanderthal, reports LiveScience. Two-year-olds are still driven by instinct and emotion, explains one pediatrician, not the higher reasoning of mature adults. So don’t try to logic away a tantrum (“But honey you already have that...

Emotion Trumps Reason in Super Tuesday Voting

Hopefuls are triggering anxiety, hope to gain voters

(Newser) - Voters go with their gut in the ballot booth—this researchers know—but Super Tuesday is an acute study in heart over mind, Newsweek reports. With no party loyalty at stake and the Democrats' policies so alike, emotion rules: Barack Obama is trying to rouse voters with hope, while Hillary...

Hillary Tears Up Again
Hillary Tears Up Again

Hillary Tears Up Again

Genuine conviction or tactical display?

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton choked up on the campaign trail again today, the Chicago Tribune reports, and dabbed at her left eye during a moving introduction by an old friend in New Haven. Her old boss was describing his pride that the bell-bottomed woman he knew was now a presidential candidate. "...

Clinton Wells Up: 'This Is Very Personal'

Uncharacteristic show of emotion sways small audience

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton showed emotion more characteristic of her husband at a New Hampshire coffee shop today, fighting back tears as she talked about the race with a group of 16 undecided voters. After an hour of discussing policy, the candidate’s voice broke: “It’s not easy, and I...

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