Democratic National Convention

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Gore Pipes Up, Doesn't Endorse

He predicts the race will end before convention

(Newser) - Al Gore dropped his silence on the Democratic race today, saying he may yet endorse a candidate and predicting that the race would end soon after primaries ended on June 3. “There will be a nominee before the convention,” he asserted. Gore laughed off a scenario that had...

Obama Needs 'Act II'
 Obama Needs 'Act II' 

Obama Needs 'Act II'

And its focus should be America itself, Noonan advises in the Journal

(Newser) - Act I was his grand entrance, and Act III will be his acceptance speech at the party convention, but now Barack Obama needs an Act II, Peggy Noonan writes in the Wall Street Journal—and the subject of the act should be America. John McCain carries love of country “...

Reid, Pelosi Talk Tough to Superdelegates

Dem leaders want endorsements well before Aug. convention

(Newser) - Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Howard Dean plan to coordinate demands that uncommitted Democratic superdelegates endorse a candidate—and well before August's convention. Senate Majority Leader Reid said yesterday that “this matter will be over no later than July 1,” Congressional Quarterly reports. House Speaker Pelosi added that...

There's Nobody Left to Broker Dems' Convention
There's Nobody Left to
Broker Dems' Convention

There's Nobody Left to Broker Dems' Convention

Sure, it could be contested , Slate scribe says, but there's no trump card left to play

(Newser) - No matter how much young political journalists thirst for it, there will be no brokered Democratic Convention this year, argues Jeff Greenfield in Slate: There simply aren’t any brokers left to make a deal. You can forget about your Al Gore and your John Edwards: no Democratic leader is...

Dems Closer to Florida Deal; Dean Vows to Seat Delegates

Campaigns, party consider reducing votes by half

(Newser) - The Obama and Clinton campaigns and the DNC are discussing a plan to seat Florida’s 185-delegate slate according to the outlaw primary’s results—but to give the delegates only half a vote each, Politico reports. Separately, Dean met with Florida Democratic leaders today and declared, "We will...

Hillary Says She Won't Drop; Obama Thinks That's OK

She says she'll take her battle all the way to the convention

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton insisted today that she will not drop out of the race early, and Barack Obama thinks that's just fine. Clinton told the Washington Post that she will compete in every primary, then take her fight to the convention in August if necessary. Could any scenario change her mind?...

'Ugly, Divided' Party Will Lose, Dean Warns

Dems keep clashing over fallout from primary battle

(Newser) - Democrats continue to clash over the effects of a long and bitter primary race, the New York Times reports. "If we have an ugly, divided convention, we will lose" the November election, said Howard Dean, who has called on superdelegates to decide by July. But Hillary-backer Gov. Tom Vilsack...

Leahy to Clinton: You're Out
Leahy to Clinton:
You're Out

Leahy to Clinton: You're Out

Influential Democrat wants peace; Dean suggests deadline

(Newser) - Continued sniping with Hillary Clinton is hurting Barack Obama's chances of winning the White House, and "she ought to withdraw and she ought to be backing Senator Obama," Sen. Pat Leahy told Vermont Public Radio in an interview aired today. The harsh assessment coincided with a suggestion from...

Al Gore, Dems' Back-Up Plan
Al Gore, Dems' Back-Up Plan

Al Gore, Dems' Back-Up Plan

In spring's silly season, inconvenient nominee doesn't look impossible: Klein

(Newser) - If the Democratic nomination isn’t wrapped up before August's convention, the party might have a third choice: the one they crowned in 2000. If Barack Obama is too bloodied and Hillary Clinton too divisive, Joe Klein writes in Time, a superdelegate coup could yield an Al Gore-Obama ticket on...

Reid: Race Will End Before Convention

Big Dem expects Michigan, Florida delegates to play role—without new votes

(Newser) - The top Senate Democrat says his party's presidential nomination will be wrapped up before the Aug. 25-28 convention. “It will be done,” majority leader Harry Reid declared of the race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama—adding mysteriously, Politico reports, that he’d spoken to party chairman Howard...

Florida Dems Nix Primary Do-Over
Florida Dems
Nix Primary

Florida Dems Nix Primary Do-Over

State tells party to find solution; Michigan mulls June re-vote

(Newser) - Florida Democrats reacted to weeks of political wrangling today by ditching plans for a mail-in revote, the Miami Herald reports. "Thousands of people responded," Florida Democratic Party chair Karen Thurman wrote. "The consensus is clear: Florida doesn’t want to vote again. So we won’t."...

Obama Wins in Iowa, Again
Obama Wins
in Iowa, Again

Obama Wins in Iowa, Again

He nets 7 delegates over Clinton as Edwards backers shift in second-round voting

(Newser) - Barack Obama netted seven more delegates in Iowa tonight, two months after the state held its caucuses, the AP reports. How so? Some of the delegates who originally backed John Edwards shifted to Obama during the state's county conventions, the second part of Iowa's election process. These are generally of...

Obama Has 70% Chance of Topping Ticket
Obama Has
70% Chance of Topping Ticket

Obama Has 70% Chance of Topping Ticket

Master strategist opens up, offers advice, predictions

(Newser) - Barack Obama is far more likely to be the Democratic nominee than Hillary Clinton is, says Joe Trippi, the veteran strategist who advised Howard Dean and John Edwards. In an IM interview with New York, he puts Obama’s odds at 70%, predicts a race that lasts until the convention,...

Superdelegates Waiting to Pick Sides

Batch of party elites could pick the next nominee

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton lost Wyoming yesterday, but today the Washington Post has some welcome news for the Democratic underdog: Many superdelegates say they’ll wait until the end of the primaries to chose a candidate. “You’re going to see a lot of delegates remaining uncommitted,” said one neutral...

Michigan, Florida Dems Mull Do-Over Votes

States who lost delegates to too-early races could become tie-breakers

(Newser) - Do-over Democratic primary votes in Michigan and Florida are looking likelier with the support of key political players, the AP reports. The governors of both states—a Clinton-backing Democrat in Michigan and a Republican in Florida—have issued a joint statement calling for their states' delegates to be seated at...

Mich., Fla. May Yet Be Hillary Key
Mich., Fla. May Yet Be Hillary Key

Mich., Fla. May Yet Be Hillary Key

Hillary-backer raises specter of do-over votes

(Newser) - Despite big wins yesterday, Hillary Clinton still needs a secret weapon to make up her delegate deficit and, Walter Shapiro writes in Salon, her strategy might have been presaged in Ohio by Gov. Ted Strickland urging, “Let’s go to Michigan and Florida." Do-over votes in those states,...

Fla. Governor, DNC Chair Talk Primary Do-Over

Crist, Dean agree on importance of seating delegates

(Newser) - Florida Gov. Charlie Crist wants to redo his state’s Democratic primary, and DNC chair Howard Dean is “very willing to listen to the people of Florida.” Crist, a Republican, isn't committing any funding, however, and officials have said the state won’t pay for a $4 million...

Hillary Superdelegates Hold Firm
Hillary Superdelegates Hold Firm

Hillary Superdelegates Hold Firm

Dem leaders worried insiders could snatch nomination from popular vote

(Newser) - House Democrats who support Hillary Clinton appear to be rejecting calls to switch their support to Barack Obama if circumstances give the super delegates the deciding votes, the Hill reports. Despite charges that it would be anti-democratic to defy voters in their home states, many who talked to the Hill ...

Dems Need a 'Superconvention'
Dems Need a 'Superconvention'

Dems Need a 'Superconvention'

Earlier superdelegate event could fix Dems' drama: Politico

(Newser) - With a tight race and a “crazy quilt of anti-democratic rules” that govern the Dems’ race for the nomination, we need a fair and transparent way to settle the matter. How? Try a July “superconvention,” writes Dan Gerstein in Politico. Superdelegates would gather to hear speeches from...

Superdelegate Race Turns in Obama's Favor

Ill. senator gains 25 during primary sweep while Clinton loses 2

(Newser) - Barack Obama's primary spree is swaying more superdelegates to his side: He has won over 25 of the elite voters and Hillary Clinton has lost two in the past 2 weeks, the AP reports. One California superdelegate has switched from John Edwards to Clinton to undecided, saying superdelegates must pick...

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