
Stories 21 - 35 | << Prev 

Finally, the Obama We Elected
 Finally, the Obama We Elected 
Robert Reich

Finally, the Obama We Elected

Last night's speech was incredibly important, Robert Reich writes

(Newser) - The speech President Obama gave last night in Osawatomie, Kansas, was the "most important economic speech of his presidency," writes former labor secretary Robert Reich. "Here, finally, is the Barack Obama many of us thought we had elected in 2008," one who actually fights Big Money...

We Are the 99%? Try 99.9%

 We Are the 99%? Try 99.9% 
Paul Krugman

We Are the 99%? Try 99.9%

GOP policies really favor richest thousandth of population: Paul Krugman

(Newser) - Occupy Wall Street’s “We are the 99%” slogan is a pretty good one, but if anything it “aims too low,” writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . “A large fraction of the top 1%’s gains have actually gone to an even smaller group,...

Occupy School Districts, Not Wall Street

They contribute just as much to inequality: Andrew Rotherham

(Newser) - Wall Street is an easy target, but if protesters really want to improve social mobility in America, they should be occupying the school districts. “There is perhaps no better example of how the system is rigged against millions of Americans than the education our children receive,” writes Andrew...

Just How Bad Is Income Inequality in Your Nabe?

 Just How Bad Is 
 Income Inequality  
 in Your Nabe? 
website lets you check

Just How Bad Is Income Inequality in Your Nabe?

2010 Census data has been logged, graphed, and posted

(Newser) - Do you want to know just how unequal your neighborhood is? Now you can gauge that income inequality, because 2010 census data from the 818 largest counties around the United States has been logged, graphed, and posted in a handy chart on Pro Publica . On the most unequal side, you...

Want Equality? Occupy Preschool
 Want Equality? 
 Occupy Preschool 
Nicholas Kristof

Want Equality? Occupy Preschool

Invest in early education to prevent wide disparity

(Newser) - Occupy Wall Street protesters are raging against inequality, proposing new taxes and regulations to get there. But Nicholas Kristof thinks he knows “the single step that would do the most to reduce inequality,” he writes in the New York Times : expand early childhood education. “That will seem...

Chasm Between Haves, Have-Nots Is a Societal Cancer
Chasm Between Haves,
Have-Nots Is a Societal Cancer

Chasm Between Haves, Have-Nots Is a Societal Cancer

Money can't buy happiness, but the lack of it can cause profound problems

(Newser) - America's stunning inequality is not just economic, it is also an inequality of the soul, writes Nick Kristof in the New York Times . Citing the work of two British epidemiologists, Kristof argues that severe inequality "tears at the human psyche, creating anxiety, distrust, and an array of mental and...

US Is Worse Than Banana Republics
 US Is Worse Than 
 Banana Republics 
Nicholas Kristof

US Is Worse Than Banana Republics

Yet somehow we need to give the rich tax breaks?

(Newser) - It’s tempting to say that the US now has a banana republic-level income inequality, but that’s not fair—to banana republics. “The truth is that Latin America has matured and become more equal,” writes Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times , even as the US has...

Most Americans Think Rich Are Too Rich

Or at least too much richer than the poor. Study finds 92% prefer Swedish model

(Newser) - Most Americans—even rich ones and Republicans—think too much money is concentrated in the hands of too few, according to a study unearthed by Huffington Post . Researchers found that, across income and ideological groups, people both underestimated how much money is in the hands of the richest and expressed...

Middle Class Morphs Into 'New Poor'

Ever more Americans heading downward

(Newser) - At first, it seemed the financial crisis wouldn't leave the US deeply scarred, that's we'd ultimately emerge from it with renewed energy—until Americans stopped to look around and realized that somewhere along the way the middle-class had atrophied, leaving a small super-rich elite and swelling ranks of the poor....

With Health Bill, Obama Ends the 'Age of Reagan'
With Health Bill, Obama Ends the 'Age of Reagan'

With Health Bill, Obama Ends the 'Age of Reagan'

Marks biggest assault on wealth inequality since the '80s

(Newser) - The health care reform bill was the government’s biggest attack on economic inequality in more than 30 years, a period of time that’s seen government policy and market forces consistently push the opposite direction. That’s why Barack Obama fought so hard for it, writes David Leonhardt for...

'Radical' Budget Aims to Shrink Income Gap
'Radical' Budget Aims to Shrink Income Gap

'Radical' Budget Aims to Shrink Income Gap

Overhauling tax code, Obama's plans would reverse 30-year trend

(Newser) - Barack Obama's first budget is, above all, an attempt to shrink the gap between rich and poor that has grown rapidly for 30 years, writes David Leonhardt of the New York Times. The "bold, even radical" budget hikes taxes on the rich while dropping them to their lowest point...

Women's Workforce Equality Comes at a Price
Women's Workforce Equality Comes at a Price

Women's Workforce Equality Comes at a Price

(Newser) - At long last, women hold more than 49% of American jobs in this country, and 50% is in reach. But hold the confetti, writes Ellen Goodman of the Boston Globe. It's happening "because men are losing their jobs even faster than women." Last year, men took home eight...

Busted Fatcats Have Everything —Except a Clue

High-fliers fail to realize that national mood has turned against them

(Newser) - The real problem with Tom Daschle is the $5 million he made on the post-Senate gravy train, not his unpaid taxes, Steven Pearlstein writes in the Washington Post. Daschle, John Thain, and their fellow corporate and government high fliers have run afoul of an American public that's "no longer...

Life Grows Shorter for America's Poor

Smoking, obesity blamed for spread of 'death gap'

(Newser) - Life is getting shorter for many of America's poorest people, USA Today reports. Life expectancy has risen in most of the nation since 1960 but in some areas—including the Deep South and Appalachia—life expectancy has dropped significantly, according to a study published in The Public Library of Science....

India, China Growth Breaks Western Mold
India, China Growth Breaks Western Mold

India, China Growth Breaks Western Mold

Essayist says market reforms are only part of the big picture

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom chalks up the economic booms in China and India to their moves toward global capitalism in the '90s. It's a comforting thought for the West, writes Pranab Bardhan in the Boston Review, but the truth is far more complex. The astounding growth in both countries started well before...

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