nuclear weapons

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Dems Stonewall GOP's Attempts to Alter START

Amendments would have effectively killed treaty

(Newser) - Senate Democrats have turned back Republican efforts to change a new arms control treaty with Russia. By a vote of 64-33, the Senate rejected a measure that would have increased the number of weapons inspectors. If adopted, the amendment would have effectively killed the treaty, forcing US and Russian officials...

START Treaty in Trouble
START Treaty
in Trouble

START Treaty in Trouble

Senate GOP leaders will vote against nuke treaty

(Newser) - Harry Reid says the Senate's choice on the START Treaty is simple—"You either want to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of terrorists or you don’t"—but the political reality is proving to be a lot more complicated. Top Senate Republicans Mitch McConnell and Jon...

Sarah Palin to Senate: Vote Down New START
Sarah Palin to Senate:
Vote Down New START

Sarah Palin to Senate: Vote Down New START

Former Alaska guv believes new treaty 'makes no strategic sense'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin comes out swinging against New START, the nuclear arms reduction treaty currently being considered for ratification by the Senate, in a National Review op-ed. The treaty is not "in America's interest," the former Alaska governor writes, as it "requires the US to reduce our nuclear...

Romney: START Must Be Stopped

 Romney: START 
 Must Be Stopped 

Romney: START Must Be Stopped

Mitt Romney: Obama's rushing a dangerous treaty

(Newser) - President Obama is trying to rush the New START treaty through Congress—but it’s far too important not to explore thoroughly before a decision is made, writes Mitt Romney in the Boston Globe . The president has already gotten Congress to speed through his stimulus package and health care reform....

WikiLeaks: Behind Scenes, US Worried About Pakistan Nukes

'Sensational' media coverage kept US from removing uranium

(Newser) - The Guardian and the New York Times put the latest WikiLeaks focus on relations with Pakistan and worries—despite official statements to the contrary— that radicals could get their hands on its nuclear arsenal:
  • US ambassador Anne Patterson, May 2009: "Our major concern is not having an Islamic militant

US Agents Were Boozing on Nuke Transport Missions

Energy watchdog exposes intoxicated nuclear weapons techs

(Newser) - Driving nuclear weapons around must be either tedious or stressful: While agents employed to do just that haven't been caught drunk behind the wheel, feds find that some have been boozing it up while on missions, the AP reports. A recent report by the US Energy Department's inspector general cites...

North Korea Nuke Facility Rattles Experts

'Our minds went blank,' says stunned Stanford scientist

(Newser) - American scientists were stunned by the advances North Korea has made in its nuclear technology, as revealed in its new facility, they told ABC News . "None of the experts that I knew predicted the North Koreans could build anything like this," said Stanford University scientist Robert Carlin, who...

Stuxnet Worm Built to Feast on Nuclear Centrifuges

Virus had one job: Foil Tehran nukes

(Newser) - A bit more light has been shed on the Stuxnet computer worm that wreaked havoc in Iran: it was tailor-made to go after nuclear centrifuges in ingenious fashion, the New York Times reports. It now looks pretty certain the worm was unleashed specifically to derail Tehran's nuclear work. As for...

UK, France May Combine Nukes in Budget Move

Nations might collaborate on single nuclear sub patrol

(Newser) - Sweeping cuts to military budgets in both countries are forcing old rivals Britain and France to consider adopting history's first nuke-share program. The idea of a shared nuclear deterrent—dismissed as politically unfeasible earlier this year—will be back on the table at the annual Franco-British summit next month, according...

Accused Los Alamos Physicist Now Under House Arrest

Mascheroni charged with trying to get Venezuela nukes

(Newser) - The Los Alamos physicist and his wife accused of trying to peddle nuclear secrets to Venezuela were released to house arrest today, the AP reports. While under the impression that he was in touch with agents of Hugo Chavez's government, Pedro Leonardo Mascheroni is charged with offering to help Venezuela...

Iran's Uranium Could Fuel 2 Warheads: Inspectors

...But only if they enriched it

(Newser) - Iran’s uranium stockpile would be sufficient to build two nuclear warheads if Tehran was able to further enrich it, according to a new report from the International Atomic Energy Agency. But Iran’s enrichment activities actually appear to be slowing; it fed uranium into only about 43% of its...

Behind Secret Global Arms Trade, a North Korean Duo

Ship weapons to Iran, Syria, Myanmar

(Newser) - North Korea operates a vast global arms and nuclear materials trading network, and two men related by marriage largely control this expanding operation. In announcing economic sanctions yesterday, the Obama administration named Chun Byung-ho and Yun Ho-jin—likely Chun's son-in-law—who have shipped components for nuclear reactors, long-range missiles, and...

US Talks Israel Out of Attacking Iran (for Now)

Says Tehran at least a year from nuclear weapons

(Newser) - The Obama administration believes it has persuaded Israel not to attack Iran immediately, after convincing Israel that the rogue nation isn’t especially close to producing a nuclear weapon. The administration believes it will take Iran at least a year to finish a “dash” toward a nuclear weapon, officials...

Nagasaki Marks 65th Anniversary

 Nagasaki Marks 
 65th Anniversary 

Nagasaki Marks 65th Anniversary

Memorial emphasizes eliminating nuclear weapons

(Newser) - Bells tolled today as Nagasaki marked 65 years since the last time a nuclear weapon was dropped on a civilian population, reports the BBC, an attack that killed 70,000, leveled an entire city, and ultimately ended the last world war within a week. Though the US ambassador to Japan...

US Military Boss: We've Got a Plan to Attack Iran

Will be launched 'if necessary to stop nukes'

(Newser) - The US has a detailed plan ready to attack Iran if necessary to prevent it from making nuclear weapons, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff revealed yesterday. “I hope we don’t get to that, but it’s an important option, and it’s one that’s...

BP Has Failed; Blow Up the Well
 BP Has Failed; 
 Blow Up the Well 

BP Has Failed; Blow Up the Well

The Navy should take over here

(Newser) - BP isn’t even trying to stop the oil leak anymore—Tony Hayward admitted as much to Congress last week. The company is content to wait months for its relief wells to come online. So enough is enough: It’s time to take this situation out of the bumbling hands...

Feds: We Won't Nuke Gulf Spill

Nuclear option isn't an option: scientists

(Newser) - The federal government is definitely not considering nuking its way out of the Gulf oil spill crisis, despite some people's belief that it may be the best remaining option, officials said. The Soviet Union has successfully used nuclear blasts to seal off several runaway gas wells, supporters of the nuclear...

Israel Rejects Arab Proposal for Nuke-Free Mideast

It's 'hypocritical' to single out Jerusalem and ignore Tehran

(Newser) - Israel has condemned a plan approved by the 189 member nations of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty to move toward banning nuclear arms from the Middle East, calling it "deeply flawed and hypocritical." The NPT member states (Israel is not one of them) agreed yesterday to have a conference...

Memos: Israel Offered to Sell Nuclear Weapons to South Africa

Shimon Peres angrily denies reports

(Newser) - Israel offered to sell South Africa's apartheid government nuclear weapons, according to recently declassified documents, reports the Guardian —a claim Israeli President Shimon Peres categorically denies. In minutes of top secret 1975 meetings, Peres, then defense minister, offered to sell nuclear-capable Jericho missiles to South African Defense Minister PW...

Let's Nuke the Oil Spill&mdash;Literally

 Let's Nuke the Oil 

Let's Nuke the Oil Spill—Literally

Because BP's self-serving repair attempts are laughable

(Newser) - Nearly a month into the BP oil spill disaster, it's time to get serious. It's time to blow the well shut with a nuclear weapon, argues nuclear policy scholar Christopher Brownfield—seriously. So far, BP's been trying to clumsily fix the well rather than destroy it, most recently using a...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>