US-China trade deficit

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China's Hurting Us By Lending to Us
 China's Hurting Us 
 By Lending to Us 
Paul Krugman

China's Hurting Us By Lending to Us

Japan's figured this out, why can't we?

(Newser) - When Japan’s finance minister complained last week about recent Chinese purchases of Japanese bonds, it “made me want to bang my head against the wall in frustration,” writes Paul Krugman of the New York Times . See, the US has repeatedly refused to do anything about China’s...

China Beats Japan to Become 2nd-Largest Economy

Second-quarter output surpasses Asian rival

(Newser) - In an unprecedented feat for a still-developing country, China has become the world's second-largest economy after edging ahead of Japan. Second-quarter GDP figures show China's output at $1.339 trillion, well ahead of Japan's $1.288 trillion. Because China is already in the habit of outperforming Japan in the later...

Obama Can Expect No Love From Beijing in 2010
Obama Can Expect No Love From Beijing in 2010

Obama Can Expect No Love From Beijing in 2010

The 'world's most important relationship' is dysfunctional

(Newser) - China's brimming with confidence and that means a rocky year ahead for the world's most important relationship, writes Roger Cohen. US-China relations are likely to take a turn for the worse this year as Beijing, buoyed by its ever-expanding economy and $2 trillion in foreign reserves, rejects President Obama's overtures...

Obama Tone in China Reflects New Power Realities

US needs China's help as never before

(Newser) - President Obama's starkly different tone in his visit to China—more congratulatory than confrontational—is less a shift in policy from his predecessors than a change in the two country's roles, write Andrew Higgins and Anne Kornblut in the Washington Post . When President Clinton visited in 1998, the US was...

Obama's China Visit Achieves Little
 Obama's China Visit 
 Achieves Little 

Obama's China Visit Achieves Little

In fact, it just illustrates the 'yawning' economic differences

(Newser) - President Obama and Chinese leader Hu Jintao paid lip service today to the idea of stronger US-China relations, but Obama's visit has done nothing but highlight the "yawning differences" between the two nations on economic issues, writes Dexter Roberts. "Lofty statements of common interests aside, the all-important Sino-US...

Obama, Hu Begin Bridging Divide

Superpowers work to find common ground on nukes, climate, economy

(Newser) - President Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao emerged from intense talks today determined to marshal their combined clout on crucial issues, but still showing divisions over economic, security, and human rights issues that have long bedeviled the two powers. "The relationship between our two nations goes far beyond...

Bernanke: US Must Save More, Asia Spend More

Fed chief warns global imbalances could trigger new meltdown

(Newser) - The world economy is headed back down the drain if Asians don't start spending more and Americans don't start saving more, Ben Bernanke said at a conference yesterday. The Fed chief warned that unequal trade patterns were partly to blame for the financial crisis and that they are re-emerging as...

Geithner to China: Your Assets Are Safe

Treasury secretary seeks to reassure China about growing US deficit

(Newser) - Tim Geithner began his trip to China with a speech at Peking University, where the Treasury secretary said that once the current recession and financial crisis are over, the administration will bring down soaring fiscal deficits. But students at the college where Geithner himself once studied peppered him with tough...

This Rally May Be the Real Deal
 This Rally May Be the Real Deal 

This Rally May Be the Real Deal

Positive indicators, better policy, historical benchmarks; the time is right for a bottom

(Newser) - The tentative rally on Wall Street is reason enough for one economist to feel hopeful: "I’m ready to take another shot at calling the bottom," writes Michael Mandel in BusinessWeek. Since (apparently) bottoming out March 9, stocks have risen 20%, and the reasons behind the climb are...

For Chinese Companies, US Is Prime Real Estate

'They don't want to miss this opportunity to bottom-fish in the US,' official says

(Newser) - For years, American investors have hungrily flocked to China’s massive market, but now the money’s flowing the other way, too, the Los Angeles Times reports. China invested $9.8 billion in the US in 2007, and not all in big government buys either. With real-estate and other costs...

Oil Sends Trade Deficit to 14-Month High

Soaring crude prices overshadow strong growth in US exports

(Newser) - The trade deficit widened 9.3% to $63.1 billion in November, despite a healthy growth in exports. With the dollar down, and demand for US goods rising in Asia and Latin America, exports moved at a healthy clip. But spending on imported oil overshadowed everything else, Bloomberg reports. “...

China OKs US Health Inspections
China OKs
US Health Inspections

China OKs US Health Inspections

Beijing renews objections to 'hyped' product safety concerns

(Newser) - China will allow US health inspectors to monitor the country’s food and drug exports, the Washington Post reports, a big concession in heated high-level trade talks. China accuses the US media of tarnishing its reputation by overblowing safety concerns, and has in turn questioned US exports. China is the...

China Agrees to End Trade Subsidies: US

'Market-distorting' tax breaks helped create imbalance

(Newser) - China agreed today to end trade measures the US had called “market-distorting”, the Associated Press reports, ending a months-long dispute before the world's top trade board. One set of tax breaks encourages Chinese firms to boost exports to the US and other countries; another set of tariffs made it...

China's Trade Surplus Hits $27B
China's Trade Surplus Hits $27B

China's Trade Surplus Hits $27B

Exports continue to outpace import growth

(Newser) - China's trade surplus rose to a record $27.05 billion last month, up 13.5% over last year despite a 25.5% balloon in imports, Bloomberg reports. The number lagged forecasts, raising the possibility that new trade policies are gaining traction, Reuters reports. US and EU officials will travel to...

China's Surplus Soars to $26.9B
China's Surplus Soars to $26.9B

China's Surplus Soars to $26.9B

Weak yuan is driving China's economy to a record expansion; trade surplus nearly doubled

(Newser) - China's trade surplus surged to a record $26.9B in June, an 87% increase since last year. Economists attribute the trade gap to China's significantly—as much as 40%—underpriced currency, the yuan, reports Bloomberg. Half of China's surplus is with the US, which recently began preparing legislation to sanction...

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