
Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

Furry Passengers Take Off Aboard Pet Airways

(Newser) - Coffee, tea, or dog biscuits? That's what travelers hoped to hear on the inaugural flight yesterday of Pet Airways, a brand new airline catering to what execs refer to as "pawsengers." The first-ever all-pet airline, launched by US husband-and-wife team Alysa Binder and Dan Wiesel, transports up to...

Teary Winehouse Returns to UK
 Teary Winehouse 
 Returns to UK 

Teary Winehouse Returns to UK

(Newser) - Amy Winehouse cried tears of joy in a London airport as she returned to England today after 8 months on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, the Daily Mail reports. “She’s really happy to be back and can't wait to catch up with family and friends,” a...

Dogs Trained to Heal Iraq Vets' Mental Scars

'Psychiatric service' pooches respond to PTSD sufferers' needs

(Newser) - The golden retriever nuzzles his master as though he wants a treat, trots into the kitchen, and waits patiently. His master walks over and, under the pet’s watchful gaze, takes a series of pills. The dog wags his tail with approval. He is a psychiatric-service dog, part of a...

Flea-Ridden Resort to Winehouse: No More Dogs!
 Flea-Ridden Resort 
 to Winehouse: 
 No More Dogs! 

Flea-Ridden Resort to Winehouse: No More Dogs!

Plus, Marilyn Manson grosses us all out some more

(Newser) - Amy Winehouse is bringing fleas to St. Lucia. Her swanky resort quarters had to be fumigated thanks to the “five or six” stray dogs she’s adopted, a source tells the Sun, and management banned her from rescuing any more animals. Elsewhere:
  • The latest in a series of TMI

Ugliest Dog Fetches Owner Cash Prize

(Newser) - He may not look like much, but boxer-mix Pabst dug up $1,600 for his owner by winning the annual World's Ugliest Dog contest. Rescued from an animal shelter by Californian Miles Egstad, Pabst and his remarkable looks—a pronounced under-bite, crumpled face, and floppy ears—took first prize in...

Things to Avoid on Take Your Dog to Work Day

(Newser) - Tomorrow being Take Your Dog to Work Day, People Pets weighs in on what NOT to do if you want bring Fido back to your cubicle next year. Don’t:
  • ... bring a stinky dog. “Hygiene needs to be a top priority,” says a Humane Society rep.
  • ... wander the

Oklahoman Skinned Puppy for Belt: Cops

'6- or 7-week-old defenseless' dog was gift from ex-lover

(Newser) - Oklahoma authorities say a woman had her puppy murdered to make a belt from its hide, the Oklahoman reports. Krystal Lynn Lewis, 23, allegedly hired a friend to kill her Jack Russell terrier. Police say he shot the dog 10 times with a .22-caliber pistol. “We're talking about a...

Slaughter of 37K Dogs Outrages Chinese

Angry response to slaughter highlights shifting attitude towards animal welfare

(Newser) - The slaughter of 37,000 dogs, both strays and pets, in a city in eastern China has outraged the country's growing ranks of animal lovers, the Wall Street Journal reports. Dog ownership has become more widespread as China becomes wealthier, and the Hanzhong cull, ordered in response to a rabies...

Owner Gets Clones of Hero 9/11 Dog

(Newser) - The owner of hero 9/11 sniffer dog Trakr has been presented with four new bouncing baby ... Trakrs, reports TMZ. The four black puppies with piercing blue eyes are all clones of their hero pop. Just in time, too—the original Trakr died in April at the age of 15. He...

Dog's 'Guilty' Look Is All in Your Head

(Newser) - You can tell when Rover’s misbehaved by that guilty look on his face, right? Ruff—er, wrong, researchers say. If owners believed their dogs had misbehaved, they projected that famed "guilty" expression onto the animals’ faces regardless of whether any rule-breaking had happened, a new study says. Any...

UK Military Seeks Canine Recruits

Vets told to find dogs for service

(Newser) - Short on canine recruits, Britain’s military has launched an effort to recharge the ranks, the Guardian reports. “Your country needs your dog,” the Ministry of Defence campaign proclaims, seeking German or Belgian shepherds, English springers, and Labradors in particular. The military typically gets dogs from shelters and...

5-Year-Old Russian Girl Raised by Cats, Dogs

Russian, 5, was locked in unheated flat with animals

(Newser) - Russian police have removed a feral girl from the home where she was raised by cats and dogs, the Times of London reports. Natasha, 5, who mimics the animals rather than speaking, has never been outside her family's unheated apartment. Her grandparents and father also lived there, but she had...

Dog Adopts Tiger Cub at German Zoo

Mom rejected cub after delivery last weekend

(Newser) - A tiger cub rejected by its mother shortly after birth last weekend is on its second canine mom. A dachshund belonging to the zookeepers adopted the spurned cub but later died. Now the dog's daughter, Bessi, is raising the infant she "fell in love" with, a rep for Germany's...

K9 Who Bolted Thunder Rumble Is Reunited With Partner

Chicago police dog ran off 4 days ago

(Newser) - A Chicago police dog is back home after disappearing four days ago amid a thunderstorm, the Chicago Tribune reports. A man spotted Bear, dirty but unharmed, near a cemetery yesterday. The 2-year-old German shepherd was likely hunting small animals in nearby woods, said his relieved partner, who has been chasing...

They Don't Call Him Fido for Nothing

Dogs are ethical, full of natural goodness, scientist says

(Newser) - Science is finally catching up to what dog owners have known all along: Canines are ethical. After thousands of hours studying dogs—once dismissed as "furry automatons," an author said—animal behaviorist Marc Bekoff concluded that they possess the capacity for empathy and compassion, the hallmarks of morality....

Biden: Bo Don't Know Nothin' Like MY Dog

Veep disses his boss's dog in chat with fifth-graders

(Newser) - Vice President Joe Biden may have once again strayed off-message in a question-and-answer session with some Syracuse fifth-graders yesterday, the Post-Standard reports. Asked if he had ever petted a dog, Biden told the kids he had a dog of his own—and that his German shepherd didn't play second fiddle...

Airport Hires 'Bird Collie'
 Airport Hires 'Bird Collie' 

Airport Hires 'Bird Collie'

'Wildlife management canine' better than horns, whistles at preventing bird strikes

(Newser) - An Oregon airport's specialist is doing a better job at scaring away birds than the horns, whistles and propane cannons she replaced, officials tell the Los Angeles Times. Border collie Filly—official title "wildlife management canine"—is employed to shoo flocks of geese and other winged hazards away...

Hero Dog Saves Owners From Mountain Lion

(Newser) - A hero mutt was seriously injured yesterday when he tackled a mountain lion charging his owners in a California park, reports KNBC-TV. "Out of nowhere a mountain lion just charged us. I noticed my dog notice him. He met him right there in the middle and saved my life,...

Wind-Borne Chihuahua Safe
 Chihuahua Safe  

Wind-Borne Chihuahua Safe

(Newser) - It is never fun to be a chihuahua in a wind storm, but this tale has a happy ending. It seems Tinker Bell, all 6 pounds of her, blew away from her owners amid 70mph gusts while at a flea market, the Detroit News reports. Her owners consulted a pet...

South Koreans Clone Beagles—and They Glow

(Newser) - South Korean scientists have cloned a group of four female beagles that glow red under ultraviolet light, the AP reports. The researchers inserted fluorescent genes during the cloning process, an achievement that could lead to advances in human medicine and science. “What’s significant in this work is not...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>