single women

20 Stories

Single Ladies, Celebrate This Homeownership Feat

More single female Americans own homes than single men, per latest research

(Newser) - Women in the US still earn around 82 cents for every dollar earned by men, but when it comes to single ladies owning their own homes, they rule the roost over their single male counterparts. New LendingTree research that examined data from the Census Bureau found that women on their...

Older Women Who've Never Wed Are Pretty Darn Happy

Older Women
Who've Never
Wed Are
Pretty Darn

Older Women Who've Never Wed Are Pretty Darn Happy

Just as happy as their married counterparts, in fact

(Newser) - While there are a bunch of studies showing that married folks seem to be happier than those who've stuck to singledom, a new study out of Bowling Green State University has found an apparent exception: older women who've never said "I do," per Live Science . The...

Taiwan President 'Extreme' Because She's Single: China Op-Ed

Tsai Ing-wen also labeled 'emotional,' 'erratic' in 'chauvinistic' Xinhua opinion piece

(Newser) - Tsai Ing-wen was sworn in Friday as Taiwan's first female president, and she's already been labeled "extreme" by the news agency for China's Communist Party—in large part because she's not married, the Guardian reports. The Xinhua-run International Herald Leader ran an opinion piece accusing...

Seismic Shift in US Politics: Single Women
Seismic Shift in US Politics: Single Women

Seismic Shift in US Politics: Single Women

New Yorker piece looks at this ever-growing population

(Newser) - Candidates of the present and future might take note of a New Yorker story anointing single women "the most powerful voter this year." And writer Rebecca Traister makes the case that because the number of women opting to skip a walk down the aisle is only growing, the...

Here's Where Single Women Outnumber Single Men
Here's Where Single Women Outnumber Single Men
and vice versa

Here's Where Single Women Outnumber Single Men

And vice versa

(Newser) - If you're a man looking for a lady, consider moving to Kershaw, Richland (South), and Calhoun counties in South Carolina, where there are 7.6 single women for every single man in the 30-39 demographic. Time went through 2011-2013 Census data to determine the ratio of unmarried ladies to...

Miss Dominican Republic Mrs. Out on Title

She's not single, so she loses crown

(Newser) - The only thing that came between Carlina Duran and her Miss Dominican Republic title was a wedding. Organizers discovered within days of crowning Duran last week that she was married in 2009, making her ineligible to win the contest reserved for single females. Duran, 25, insisted the marriage was "...

Staying Single: A Valid Choice for Millions

Marriage isn't the only healthy choice, experts say

(Newser) - Americans can sympathize with people who are alone because of divorce or the death of a partner—but what about the eternally single? In a society obsessed with romance, lifelong singles are often ostracized and considered flawed, the Washington Post reports. “Do they just not like me?” asked Bella...

The Perks of Marrying Yourself
 The Perks of Marrying Yourself 

The Perks of Marrying Yourself

It's an assertion of independence and self-confidence: Rachel Kramer Bussel

(Newser) - After a broken engagement, a New York woman did something unusual on her planned wedding day— Desiree Moodie gathered some friends, headed to Central Park, and "married herself." Her cousin read out vows she had penned: "I will make my happiness a priority and forgive myself when...

French Women: Don't Call Me 'Mademoiselle'

Two groups pushing for 'madame' to be used in all cases

(Newser) - French men get to be "monsieur" their whole lives, and French women would like to stick with a single honorific as well. Jezebel reports on the effort to kill "mademoiselle," a campaign backed by Osez le Feminisme (Dare to be Feminist) and Chiennes de Garde (Watch Bitches)....

Unhappiest White Collar Worker Is Single Woman: Survey

 The Unhappiest 
 White Collar 
 Worker Is... 
survey says

The Unhappiest White Collar Worker Is...

... a 42-year-old single woman earning less than $100K: survey

(Newser) - Who's the unhappiest white collar worker in the land? Apparently it's a woman, 42, unmarried, earning less than $100,000, and in a professional position like doctor or lawyer—or so says a new survey, Jezebel reports. The happiest? Male, 39, married, earning $150,000-$200,000, in senior...

Best Cities for Singles on New Year’s Eve

Men, get thee to New York; women, try the West Coast

(Newser) - If you're a single lady and looking to ring in the New Year with a new love, go west, young woman—ideally to Los Angeles, the best city for single women in the nation, with 111,000 more single men than women. If you're a single man, however, the Northeast...

Drunk Woman to 911 Operator: Find Me a Husband

Audrey Scott jailed after trying to dial-a-mate...5 times

(Newser) - She was looking to shack up for life, but instead, she found herself in the big house for 3 days. An Ohio woman was arrested and sent to jail after calling 911 looking for a husband—five times. The dumbfounded dispatcher tried to clarify her request by asking Audrey Scott,...

Why Valentine's Day Needs to Die
 Why Valentine's Day 
 Needs to Die 

Why Valentine's Day Needs to Die

It's an overpriced, competitive sham of a holiday

(Newser) - Valentine's Day isn't just a manufactured holiday—it's "disgraceful," says New York life coach/single-people expert Jay Cataldo, who decides to climb onto his soapbox and tell The Bachelor Guy why it's time to make Feb. 14 just like any other day...and what belongs in its place:
  1. It's

Oh, No! A Single Woman May Replace Souter
Oh, No! A Single Woman May Replace Souter

Oh, No! A Single Woman May Replace Souter

Lack of a ring turns top female Supreme Court candidates into targets

(Newser) - David Souter is a lifelong bachelor, but the possibility of a bachelorette replacement has started an uproar. Why? Because those potential Supreme Court justices are women, and when a powerful woman is unmarried it "seems to make everyone think: lonely, misfit, or lesbian," write Dahlia Lithwick and Hanna...

No Country for Single Women?
No Country for Single Women?

No Country for Single Women?

Praising Napolitano as 'perfect' for Homeland Security because of 'no family' really a diss

(Newser) - Single? Career woman? Then you must be a cold, power-hungry spinster perfect for the 24/7 job of securing our nation's borders from terrorists. Or at least according to Pa. Gov. Ed Rendell, writes Gail Collins in the New York Times, who damned his unmarried Arizona counterpart Janet Napolitano as “...

7 Reasons to Get Hitched
 7 Reasons to Get Hitched

7 Reasons to Get Hitched

Marriage has physical, emotional and financial benefits

(Newser) - If you're considering getting married—or divorced—it may be time to mull over Maclean's reasons why matrimony is healthy:
  • Married people have less chance of dying from car accidents, cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, heart attacks, and homicide.
  • Men who divorce or separate are six times more likely to

Sex Revolution for Granny & Gramps

Over 70s enjoying more nookie than ever

(Newser) - Men and women in their 70s are having more sex than ever, according to a series of surveys. Over a 30-year period the number of married men still enjoying sex in their 70s increased from 58% to 62%, while that  figure jumped 38% to 58% for married women, the Independent ...

Teen Pregnancy Down in US, Feds Say
Teen Pregnancy Down in US, Feds Say

Teen Pregnancy Down in US, Feds Say

And more women are keeping babies out of wedlock

(Newser) - Teen pregnancy is down and more unmarried 20-somethings are getting pregnant in America, Reuters reports. A 2004 federal study also shows that more unmarried women are keeping their babies, except among blacks. Why the drop in teen pregnancies? "There is some evidence that contraceptive use was increasing among teenagers...

Hubbies Cost 7 Hours of Extra Housework a Week

But wives spend less time on chores than they once did

(Newser) - Husbands create seven hours a week of extra housework for their wives, while they themselves spend less time on housework than they did as singles, a new study has found. But it's not all bad news for women. Researchers tracking housework hours of single and married people also found that...

Looking for Mr. Good (Enough) Bar
Looking for
Mr. Good (Enough) Bar

Looking for Mr. Good (Enough) Bar

Atlantic writer argues women should drop idealism and settle

(Newser) - Women in their 40s waiting for Mr. Right are "almost like teenagers who believe they're invulnerable to dying in a drunk-driving accident," Lori Gottlieb writes in the Atlantic Monthly. Gottlieb (single, 40ish), thinks women who shun "Mr. Good Enough" believing it's better to be alone are kidding...

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