
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Users Already Grousing About Google Phones

Lack of support helpline irks Nexus One users

(Newser) - The honeymoon for Google's Nexus One smartphone lasted under a week for many users. Support forums are already filled with critics complaining about various problems, especially connectivity issues. The biggest problem, though, appears to be that many users aren't clear on which company is supposed to answer their questions and...

Nexus One: 'Google's Most Public Misstep'

Bad network, stymied opportunity for Android OS—what's to like?

(Newser) - The much ballyhooed Nexus One landed yesterday, but over at PC World , David Coursey is having none of it. “The Nexus One is a somewhat faster Droid with a somewhat better screen,” he writes, but all in all it's a bad idea and needless risk for Google. First,...

Unlocked Google Phone Will Set You Back $530: Leak

Gadget $180 on 2-year T-Mobile contract

(Newser) - Google’s upcoming phone will cost users $530 unlocked and unsubsidized—or $180 with a 2-year T-Mobile contract, Gizmodo reports from leaked documents. The tech firm will sell its new gadget itself, and sources tell TMO News that it will go on sale January 5 at 9am, There’s just...

Why Google Phone Won't Be a Game Changer
Why Google Phone Won't Be a Game Changer
Farhad Manjoo

Why Google Phone Won't Be a Game Changer

Platform-exclusive features just aren't in the company's DNA

(Newser) - The Google phone, Nexus One, “is a real looker” and probably runs a great version of Android, Farhad Manjoo writes, but all the breathless predictions about its revolutionary impact on the market ignore the core principles of the company that makes it. First off, “Google doesn’t care...

Microsoft Recovers Nearly All Lost Sidekick Data

Meltdown not as bad as feared; minority of users affected

(Newser) - It turns out Sidekick users will get “most if not all” of their data back, Microsoft announced today. The company now believes that only a minority of users were affected by the blackout. Until now, the company had painted a much bleaker picture, saying Saturday that though it would...

Sidekick Users Revolt Over Mass Data Loss

Forums crowded with angry users; some threaten lawsuit

(Newser) - Sidekick users are on the warpath after learning Microsoft and its subsidiary, the ironically named Danger Inc., have lost all their data, permanently, in a server crash. T-Mobile offered to credit users a free month of data service, but that didn’t mollify the people on T-Mobile’s support forums,...

Great Network Won't Make Up for Boring Phones
Great Network Won't Make Up for Boring Phones

Great Network Won't Make Up for Boring Phones

Verizon has reach, but is way behind on sexy smartphones

(Newser) - Verizon’s network may be the envy of its peers, but its smart phones definitely aren’t, writes Priya Ganapati. Caught off guard by the iPhone phenomenon, the carrier has taken a very cautious approach to new devices, subjecting them to a long testing process. As a result, while its...

You Don't Need a Smartphone
You Don't Need a Smartphone
Tech Review

You Don't Need a Smartphone

iPhones et al might have more than you need; here are some cheaper alternatives

(Newser) - Smartphones may be the future, but you may not need one just now, writes Marguerite Reardon of CNET. The iPhone and its pricey brethren probably have more features than the average user needs. Here are some cheaper feature phones that might meet your needs. Prices are for a 2-year contract:...

New BlackBerry Lands in a Sweet Spot
New BlackBerry Lands in
a Sweet Spot
product review

New BlackBerry Lands in a Sweet Spot

Physical keyboard, just-right size make Curve 8900 a winner

(Newser) - Research in Motion’s newest BlackBerry, the Curve 8900, is "a satisfying combination of high-end features, ideal size, and good looks," writes Katherine Boehret for the Wall Street Journal. Unlike the high-profile Storm, the new smartphone has a real keyboard that's "a dream for thumbs," she...

DUI Bust Costs Barkley T-Mobile Gig

Phone company benches ex-hoop star 'for the time being'

(Newser) - In the wake of his DUI arrest—during which he told a cop he was in a hurry to get oral sex—Charles Barkley has lost another job, Advertising Age reports. T-Mobile has pulled spots featuring Barkley “for the time being,” a rep said, adding, "As he...

Google Phone's Appetizing App Menu Is Functional, Too
Google Phone's Appetizing App Menu Is Functional, Too


Google Phone's Appetizing App Menu Is Functional, Too

Not as snazzy as iPhone, and memory is an issue, but open model sure to keep offerings sharp

(Newser) - With Google’s G1 smartphone making this week’s big tech splash, Katherine Boehret, in the Wall Street Journal, takes a look at some of the applications on offer, finding them “useful, entertaining, and mostly straightforward.” Of those she tested from the Android Market, “the G1's apps...

Big Dreams for Android Aren't Just Google's
Big Dreams for Android Aren't Just Google's

Big Dreams for Android Aren't Just Google's

Operating system looks to potential well beyond phones: Malik

(Newser) - Google’s release of the code for its Android operating system today—a day before the G1 phone hits stores—paves the path for transformation of the cell-phone industry and beyond, Om Malik writes on GigaOm. As coders enhance Android and develop add-ons, either for existing devices or new ones,...

Google's Debut 'Not Just Another iPhone Clone'
Google's Debut 'Not Just Another iPhone Clone'

Google's Debut 'Not Just Another iPhone Clone'

Android-based Dream will include physical, other features missing from Apple hit

(Newser) - The long-anticipated Google phone debuts today, and it’s “not just another iPhone clone,” Anita Hamilton writes in Time. The $179 HTC Dream from T-Mobile is the first handheld to run Android, Google’s mobile platform offering 3G connectivity and a similar application-driven interface. But the Dream offers...

Google Will Unveil Android Phone Next Week

First glance at iPhone competitor

(Newser) - Google’s hyped Android phone will make its debut next week in New York, the Los Angeles Times reports. Google and T-Mobile—the gadget's first carrier—plan a press conference  to show off the handset, a new rival for the iPhone and Blackberry. The "G1” won’t go on...

BlackBerry Unfolds Its First Flip Phone

Clamshell design updates popular Pearl model

(Newser) - Research In Motion rolled out its first Blackberry flip phone at a consumer show last night, CNET reports. The BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220 features the same multimedia features and keyboard as its predecessor in a consumer-friendly clamshell design. The company plans to launch it worldwide this fall, with T-Mobile as...

Google's Smartphone Slated for This Fall

The search-giant's Android operating system to rival Apple's

(Newser) - Google’s long-rumored Android-powered smartphone could have customers surfing the Web and chatting by as early as October, the New York Times reports. The gadget, the product of a partnership between T-Mobile and HTC, is expected to challenge Apple’s iPhone and other smartphones that offer PC-like functions as well...

Google Phones Running Behind Schedule
Google Phones Running Behind Schedule

Google Phones Running Behind Schedule

Issues with Android software will delay launch to 4th quarter

(Newser) - It turns out revolutionizing the mobile-phone industry isn’t as easy as Google thought it would be. The first phones to bear the search giant’s much-anticipated Android platform won’t ship until the fourth quarter, the Wall Street Journal reports, because carriers are having trouble customizing the software. Many...

FCC to Examine Cancellation Fees for Cable, Phone, Web

Agency responding to consumer complaints

(Newser) - The FCC says next month’s hearing on cell phone cancellation fees may also include similar charges leveled by cable and Internet providers. Chairman Kevin Martin hopes the hearing will ease consumer tension over the fees, which were among cell phone users’ five most common complaints last year, the Washington ...

T-Mobile Parent Mulling Bid for Sprint Nextel

Deutsche Telekom continues looking outside Germany for growth

(Newser) - T-Mobile parent Deutsche Telekom may bid for troubled Sprint-Nextel, a deal that would move the German telecom to the top of the US mobile communications heap, ahead of AT&T and Verizon, reports the Wall Street Journal. DT increasingly has looked to global options to help fuel earnings hurt by...

T-Mobile Brings Cell Phone Service Home

New plan would combine mobile, landline accounts

(Newser) - Cell phone giant T-Mobile is moving into the landline business. The company is trying out a service that ties cell phones to landlines that if successful in Seattle and Dallas could go nationwide within months, the Wall Street Journal reports. The company's new service uses a special router to tie...

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