
3 Stories

San Francisco's Priciest Mansion Just Isn't Selling
This Mansion Is Expensive
Even for Billionaires
in case you missed it

This Mansion Is Expensive Even for Billionaires

Italian-style villa in San Francisco has 8 marble fireplaces

(Newser) - Everybody knows it's expensive to live in San Francisco, but the cost of real estate may finally be too high for even its wealthiest residents. Business Insider reports on a mansion in Cow Hollow, a posh neighborhood on the edge of "Billionaire's Row," that's been...

Landlord Sues Tenant Over Derogatory Tweet

Chicago firm claims libel after resident posts mold complaint

(Newser) - Twitter enthusiasts may want to watch what they write—a Chicago landlord has sued a tenant for libel after she posted a Tweet complaining about her apartment, the Tribune reports. “Who said sleeping in a moldy apartment was bad for you? Horizon realty thinks it’s okay,” Amanda...

So Cal May Ban Wood-Burning Fireplaces

Proposed regs will eliminate new fireplaces; limit current ones in winter

(Newser) - Southern Californians will be roasting their chestnuts in the oven if an air pollution plan is passed that would ban fireplaces in all new homes and prohibit wood-fueled blazes for as many as 20 days every winter. The regulations, proposed by South Coast Air Quality Management, seeks to clean up...

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