tear gas

Stories 21 - 38 | << Prev 

May Day Clash Erupts at Banned Istanbul Site

20 arrested, at least 4 injured, as capital's main hub closed off

(Newser) - Violent clashes erupted between police and protesters in Istanbul today, when hundreds tried to breach barricades and reach the city's main square to mark May Day in defiance of a government ban. Some demonstrators hurled stones, gasoline bombs, and fireworks at riot police, who responded with tear gas as...

Walmart Tied to Collapsed Building: Report

Death toll now stands at 273

(Newser) - The number of dead after a building collapse near Dhaka, Bangladesh, has soared to at least 273, the BBC reports. Rescues continue, however, with more than 40 saved since yesterday. The fates of some 372 people remain uncertain following reports by their families. Meanwhile, "volatile" protests following the collapse...

Huge Malaysia Protest Hit With Tear Gas

Up to 100K gather in Kuala Lumpur for electoral reform

(Newser) - As many as 100,000 demonstrators in Kuala Lumpur protesting for election reform were met by tear gas and chemical-laced water, reports the AP . The peaceful protest lasted for several hours, but as it was dispersing a small group tried to cross police barricades, leading to the chemical response. Government...

Maldives Ex-President: I Was Ousted at Gunpoint

Protests erupt after Mohamed Nasheed's speech

(Newser) - Protests erupted in Maldives today after Mohamed Nasheed said he'd been forced to resign the presidency at gunpoint. Nasheed stepped down yesterday , handing power to VP Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik, saying he was "not a person who wishes to rule with the use of power." But today...

Tunisia Fires Tear Gas at Protestors

'We need another revolution,' says one as reformers grow restless

(Newser) - Cops in Tunisia today fired tear gas and used truncheons to break up an assembly of protestors outside Interior Ministry headquarters in Tunis. The mob called for a shutdown of the caretaker government and vigorous prosecution of supporters of ex-president Zine el Abidine Ben Ali, who was forced out of...

Libya Protests, Tear Gas Hit Tripoli; Gadhafi Loyalists Launch Air Raids
 Protests, Tear Gas Hit Tripoli 

Protests, Tear Gas Hit Tripoli

Military planes attack rebel territory

(Newser) - Planned protests have erupted on the streets of Libya’s capital following today's prayers, and security forces are using tear gas to break up the demonstrations. Secret police had sat in wait outside mosques; as demonstrators began to call for an end to Moammar Gadhafi’s rule, police unleashed the...

Bahrain Getting Its Tear Gas From...

...Britain, and some politicians aren't happy about that

(Newser) - Some politicians in the UK aren't happy about the "Made in Britain" labels on the tear gas, smoke canisters, and stun grenades being used to crush protests in Bahrain and elsewhere in the Arab world, the Independent reports. The British government approved the export of large amounts of crowd-control...

Egypt Fires Water Cannons at ElBaradei

Supporters surround Nobel winner to protect him

(Newser) - Police clashed with thousands of protesters led by pro-democracy advocate Mohamed ElBaradei today, firing water cannons at the leader and his supporters, MSNBC reports. The police also employed rubber bullets, tear gas, and batons, as supporters surrounded the Nobel laureate to protect him. Meanwhile, protesters in Ramsis square clashed with...

3 Dead in Rare Egypt Protests
 3 Dead in Rare Egypt Protests 

3 Dead in Rare Egypt Protests

Huge numbers seen at Tunisia-inspired demonstrations

(Newser) - Massive anti-government protests in Egypt today left three people dead, and demonstrators vowed to camp out overnight and continue demonstrations tomorrow, reports AP . Riot police in Cairo used tear gas, water cannons, and batons throughout the day to try to disperse protesters, who marched in what activists called a “...

New Iranian Protests Turn Violent

Journalists banned, phones blocked, university locked down

(Newser) - A state-run rally devolved into chaos in Tehran today, as police clashed with opposition supporters renewing their post-election discontent. Police fired tear gas at the protesters in various squares throughout the city, while plainclothes Basij militia beat demonstrators with batons, witnesses told Reuters and the AP . Elsewhere, protesters and the...

Pittsburgh Cops Fire Pepper Spray at Protesters

(Newser) - Protests in Pittsburgh are getting into full swing as Barack Obama and other world leaders arrive for the G-20 summit. Police fired pepper spray and smoke bombs to break up an unauthorized march of about 500 anarchists heading toward downtown, reports the Post-Gazette. Its live blog of the march says...

Tehran Rally Turns Violent
 Tehran Rally Turns Violent 

Tehran Rally Turns Violent

Opposition uses government-sponsored demonstration to protest June election

(Newser) - A government-backed rally in Tehran turned violent today, the BBC reports, after opposition supporters turned out to protest June’s disputed presidential election and clashed with security forces. A state news said opposition leader Mir-Hossein Mousavi was attacked and tear gas used during the event, intended to demonstrate support for...

US Activist Fights for Life After Israeli Tear Gas Attack

Parents demand Israeli government 'take full responsibility'

(Newser) - A California peace activist lies critically injured in a hospital after he was struck in the head by an Israeli tear-gas canister—and his distraught parents are demanding an explanation, reports the Independent. Tristan Anderson, 38, was struck during an Arab-Jewish peace demonstration in the West Bank village of Ni'lin...

Chavez Cronies Hit Vatican HQ With Tear Gas

Supporters also attack opponents of lifting term limits for leader

(Newser) - Supporters of Hugo Chavez have claimed responsibility for a tear gas attack on the Vatican's headquarters in Caracas, reports CNN. Three canisters landed deep inside the building, which has been sheltering an anti-Chavez student leader wanted by police since June. Several people were overcome by fumes. Gas attacks elsewhere in...

Thai Deputy PM Quits as Clashes Injure 100

Protesters barricade government inside parliament after police tear-gassing

(Newser) - Thailand's deputy PM has resigned after fierce clashes between anti-government protesters and police outside the country's parliament injured at least 100 people and killed one, Reuters reports. Police fired tear gas canisters into a crowd of 5,000 people protesting new prime minister Somchai Wongsawat's first policy speech, causing serious...

UN Forces Withdraw From Kosovo Town

100 hurt in battle to retake courthouse

(Newser) - UN police trying to retake a courthouse were forced to withdraw from the Kosovo city of Mitrovica after clashes with ethnic Serbs, reports the BBC. NATO troops were left in charge of security after the worst violence since Kosovo declared independence; AFP reported at least 100 police and protesters were...

Kenyan Police Fire on Protesters
Kenyan Police Fire on Protesters

Kenyan Police Fire on Protesters

Odinga says 7 killed, calls for sanctions

(Newser) - Kenyan police clashed with protesters in the streets of Nairobi today; opposition leader Raila Odinga claims seven were killed as police fired on angry crowds protesting president Mwai Kibaki’s disputed reelection. One witness said police fired live rounds “indiscriminately,” despite assurances that only batons and teargas were...

Kenyan Police Block Protest With Tear Gas

Tutu meets with Odinga; rally called off to avert bloodshed

(Newser) - Kenyan riot police unleashed tear gas and water cannons on protesters attempting to gather in a Nairobi park for a rally for Raila Odinga, the Kenyan presidential candidate who disputes his narrow defeat in last week's election. The Times of London reports that Odinga called off his "people's rally"...

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