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As New SCOTUS Term Opens, Here&#39;s What&#39;s Coming
New SCOTUS Term Starts
Quietly, but That Could Change
the rundown

New SCOTUS Term Starts Quietly, but That Could Change

The term is so far short on high-profile cases, but perhaps not for long

(Newser) - The Supreme Court began its new term Monday with a remembrance of "a dear friend and a treasured colleague," the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Chief Justice John Roberts paid tribute to Ginsburg as the court resumed its work via telephone because of the coronavirus pandemic. Roberts said...

After SCOTUS Nom, GOP Sells 'Notorious ACB' Shirts

Republicans capitalize on RBG's nickname

(Newser) - Ruth Bader Ginsburg hasn't yet been laid to rest , but the GOP is already capitalizing on her nickname. Within minutes of President Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, the National Republican Senatorial Committee was already selling "Notorious ACB" shirts—a play on,...

RBG Is Out of the Hospital
RBG Home From Hospital

RBG Home From Hospital

Ruth Bader Ginsburg released after nonsurgical treatment

(Newser) - Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is glad to be home after being discharged Wednesday from a Baltimore hospital, the court said. Ginsburg, 87, spent one night at the Johns Hopkins Hospital to receive nonsurgical treatment for an infection caused by a gallstone, the AP reports. She participated in court...

SCOTUS Settles Case Involving the Queen Anne's Revenge

North Carolina comes out on top in case related to Blackbeard's ship

(Newser) - The Supreme Court sided unanimously Monday with North Carolina in a copyright fight with a company that has documented the salvage of the pirate Blackbeard's ship off the state's coast. Justice Elena Kagan wrote for the court that the company's copyright infringement lawsuit, which she called “...

'Remain in Mexico' Policy Will Continue

SCOTUS allows controversial policy to stay in place for now

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Wednesday said it would allow the Trump administration to continue enforcing a policy that makes asylum-seekers wait in Mexico for US court hearings, despite lower court rulings that the policy probably is illegal, the AP reports. The justices' order, over a dissenting vote by Justice Sonia...

Schumer: I Shouldn't Have Used Those Words

He clarifies criticism of court justices after rebuke from John Roberts

(Newser) - Chuck Schumer isn't exactly apologizing, but he did acknowledge he used the wrong words in his strong speech about certain Supreme Court justices Wednesday. Schumer was hit with backlash from Republicans and a rare rebuke from the chief justice after saying that Trump-appointed justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch...

Trump Era's First Huge Abortion Case Comes Down to Roberts

The chief justice will likely cast the deciding vote

(Newser) - The Supreme Court appeared divided in its first major abortion case of the Trump era, leaving Chief Justice John Roberts as the likely deciding vote. Roberts did not say enough to tip his hand in an hour of spirited arguments Wednesday. The justices are weighing a Louisiana law requiring doctors...

Key SCOTUS Cases Could Hinge on Trump Nominees
SCOTUS Sharply Divided
Over the Meaning of 'Sex'
the rundown

SCOTUS Sharply Divided Over the Meaning of 'Sex'

Justices heard oral arguments in LGBT job discrimination cases

(Newser) - We won't know the outcome until summer 2020, and the hints that came out of the Supreme Court on Tuesday weren't very revealing ones. The major question it's weighing: Does the Civil Rights Act of 1964 cover LGBT people when it comes to discrimination in employment? The...

Supreme Court Takes Big Abortion Case

SCOTUS to consider law that could leave Louisiana with one abortion clinic

(Newser) - The Supreme Court will weigh in on abortion—specifically, a law that opponents say would effectively limit Louisiana to one abortion provider. The court said Friday that it would take up the law signed in 2014 requiring doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30...

SCOTUS Agrees to Hear Case About a Pirate Ship

And not just any pirate: Blackbeard

(Newser) - A dispute involving the pirate Blackbeard's sunken ship is on deck for the Supreme Court's next term. The justices said Monday they will hear arguments in the fall in a copyright case involving the Queen Anne's Revenge, which was discovered off North Carolina's coast in 1996....

One Problem With Trump's Threat to Take It to SCOTUS

President tweets that he'd take any impeachment attempt to Supreme Court

(Newser) - President Trump tweeted Wednesday he'll go directly to the Supreme Court "if the partisan Dems" ever try to impeach him. But Trump's strategy could run into a roadblock: the high court itself, which said in 1993 that the framers of the Constitution didn't intend for the...

Trump Says He’ll Announce Supreme Court Pick on July 9

The president has reportedly narrowed the list of candidates to five

(Newser) - President Donald Trump has narrowed his list of prospective Supreme Court nominees to five finalists (although the list could change), and plans to announce his pick on July 9, reports Bloomberg . White House officials appear to be focusing on the following federal appeals court judges, all of whom are Republican...

Supreme Court Scraps Law on What Voters Can Wear

Minnesota barred political messages, but the justices said the rule wasn't specific enough

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has struck down a century-old Minnesota law banning political apparel at polling places. In a 7-2 ruling, the court said the law was written too broadly to be reasonably enforced without violating First Amendment rights, reports Bloomberg . All states regulate political apparel at polling sites, but only...

SCOTUS OKs Execution of Man Who Can't Remember Crime

Vernon Madison understands he was convicted of murder, high court rules

(Newser) - In 1985, Vernon Madison shot and killed Mobile, Ala., police officer Julius Schulte after Schulte responded to a domestic call involving Madison; prosecutors say he crept up on the officer as he sat in his police car and shot him twice in the back of the head, the AP reports....

No Retirement Bombshell as SCOTUS Term Ends

Anthony Kennedy made no announcement following a weekend of speculation

(Newser) - The last day of the Supreme Court's term was notable not only for what was announced but also for what wasn't. There had been wild speculation that Justice Anthony Kennedy could reveal his retirement from the court Monday, but the court recessed with no such announcement. Kennedy could...

Rumor Mill in Overdrive Over Possible SCOTUS Opening
Why Speculation Is Running
Wild Over a SCOTUS Opening
the rundown

Why Speculation Is Running Wild Over a SCOTUS Opening

If Anthony Kennedy plans to step down now, we'll likely learn of it tomorrow

(Newser) - CNN uses the term "fever pitch." At this point it's only speculation, but the big question swirling around the Supreme Court has nothing to do with one of its cases. It's whether Justice Anthony Kennedy plans to step down—and whether he may do so...

Rock Band's Court Win Bodes Well for Redskins

Federal trademarks case was decided on Monday

(Newser) - An Asian-American rock band called the Slants found itself on the winning side of a Supreme Court case Monday. The justices ruled that a 71-year-old trademark law barring disparaging terms infringes free speech rights. The ruling is a victory for the Slants, but the case was closely watched for the...

Women of SCOTUS Get Interrupted 3 Times as Much

Interrupt the
Women a Lot

Men of SCOTUS Interrupt the Women a Lot

Female justices interrupted more often than men, researchers say

(Newser) - Even if there were an equal number of male and female justices on the Supreme Court, a new study suggests the sexes wouldn't have an equal voice. Researchers at the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law say female justices simply "do not have an equal opportunity to be heard"...

Trump's SCOTUS Announcement Goes Prime Time

President will name his choice live on TV Tuesday at 8pm

(Newser) - Donald Trump is returning to prime time. The president on Monday morning announced via Twitter that he'd be naming his pick for the Supreme Court live on TV. The 8pm Tuesday announcement speeds up the original plan, which the New York Times reports had Antonin Scalia's replacement being...

Trump&#39;s SCOTUS Pick Coming Next Week
Trump's SCOTUS Pick
Coming Next Week

Trump's SCOTUS Pick Coming Next Week

William Pryor, Neil Gorsuch among possibilities

(Newser) - President Trump's pick to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court next week, report the AP and the Wall Street Journal . "We have outstanding candidates and we'll pick a truly great Supreme Court nominee," Trump says. He's expected to discuss the nomination Tuesday with Senate...

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