Indiana primary

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Obama, Clinton Spar on Iran, Gas

Dems hit competing morning talk shows

(Newser) - Obama likened Hillary's stance on Iran to George Bush's "cowboy diplomacy" on Meet the Press today, while Clinton took to ABC to defend the gas tax and told voters mired in the Jeremiah Wright controversy "We should move on." Tim Russert ignored her advice, however, and devoted...

Clinton Ads Fire Up Gas Clash
 Clinton Ads Fire Up Gas Clash 

Clinton Ads Fire Up Gas Clash

Indiana commercial targets Obama's take on gas tax holiday

(Newser) - Congress killed hopes of a “gas tax holiday,” but that won't stop Hillary Clinton from running on it. Her camp issued its second Indiana TV ad today blasting Barack Obama’s opposition to the measure, Talking Points Memo reports. Obama responded to her first ad by saying the...

Key to Success in Indiana Lies in the Suburbs
Key to Success in Indiana
Lies in the Suburbs

Key to Success in Indiana Lies in the Suburbs

Demographics reflect national picture on small scale

(Newser) - Indiana is an especially hard state to suss out ahead of next week’s primary, because its recent fortunes lie somewhere between those of flush Connecticut and struggling Ohio. Racial factors aren’t significant, so the Democratic race likely turns on economics, with prosperous areas favoring Barack Obama and the...

Indy Star Gives Nod to Clinton
Indy Star
Gives Nod
to Clinton

Indy Star Gives Nod to Clinton

But Obama picks up backing from another former DNC chair

(Newser) - The Indianapolis Star endorsed Hillary Clinton today, saying that even though Barack Obama “offers an attractive vision for the way things could be,” the former first lady “offers a clear-eyed view of the way things are.” Four days ahead of Indiana' primary, the state's largest newspaper...

How Obama Won Blue Collars in Wisconsin
How Obama Won Blue Collars in Wisconsin

How Obama Won Blue Collars in Wisconsin

Repeat in Indiana could wrap things up

(Newser) - Given Barack Obama’s much-ballyhooed problems with white, working-class voters, it's instructive to remember that he clobbered Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin by 17 points in February, notes Mike Madden in Salon. If he can reconnect with those voters in Indiana—another state close to his Illinois home—he could wrap...

Democratic Voters Flock to Register

One million new voters in last 7 primary states

(Newser) - Democrats are attracting new voters in record numbers, even as the GOP's ranks dip or remain flat. In the seven states that most recently held primaries, more than 1 million new voters registered as Democrats; North Carolina and Indiana have seen triple the Democratic enrollment they did before the 2004...

Clinton Calls for Moderator-Free Debate

But Obama had ruled out debates before the next primaries

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton wants one last debate before the Indiana and North Carolina primaries next month, and she’s ready to do it Lincoln-Douglas style. “After the last debate, Sen. Obama’s supporters complained a little about the tough questions,” Clinton told a crowd in South Bend today. “...

'Change' Falls Flat With Hoosiers

Voters clinging to 'traditional values' could require Democrats to tweak approach

(Newser) - Despite the ubiquitous use of “change” as a rallying cry in the Democratic primaries, the New York Times notes, the candidates might want to reconsider using it ahead of Indiana's May 6 primary. Although they’re dissatisfied with the economic toll taken by the decline in manufacturing, voters generally...

Is Barack on the Rocks?
 Is Barack on the Rocks? 

Is Barack on the Rocks?

Punditry ponders electability gaps, buyer's remorse, next moves for Obama

(Newser) - How bad is the Pennsylvania result for Team Obama and what does it mean going forward? Three writers think it through:
  • “He can’t finish her off,” says Dan Kennedy in the Guardian. Obama scooped up presumptive-nominee status too soon, and now Americans have “buyer’s remorse”

Obama Faces Counterpunch Dilemma
 Obama Faces

Obama Faces Counterpunch Dilemma

Jabbing back at Clinton could be a gift to the GOP

(Newser) - Without a knockout blow in Pennsylvania, Barack Obama is going to have to keep jabbing back at Hillary Clinton. But those counterpunches could hurt his campaign, warns Jonathan Weisman in the Washington Post. The Obama camp's swing to the negative in the closing days of the Pennsylvania campaign shows he...

Obama Looks to Next Primaries
  Obama Looks to Next Primaries 

Obama Looks to Next Primaries

He thanks supporters for not allowing a Pennsylvania blowout

(Newser) - Barack Obama looked to the next primaries in his speech tonight, applauding his supporters for making inroads against Hillary Clinton in the Pennsylvania primary despite his loss, CNN reports. Obama pushed his theme of changing politics-as-usual, saying, "It's easy to get consumed by the tit-for-tat," when the country...

Indiana Pols Avoid Obama/ Clinton Decision

Host of factors makes five House Dems wary of May 6 endorsement

(Newser) - Indiana is poised to become a major battleground in the Democratic presidential race, but Indiana’s Democratic House representatives look like they’re ducking the firefight. Four of the five are in their first terms, seemingly unwilling to risk angering party brass or alienating voters. Indiana’s contest looks incredibly...

Obama Rips Clinton's Reaction to 'Bittergate'

'She's talking like she's Annie Oakley'

(Newser) - As Barack Obama reiterated that he regretted calling American heartlanders gun loving and bitter, he also lashed Hillary Clinton for her reaction backing hunting, AP reports. “She is running around talking about how this is an insult to sportsmen,” Obama told a Pennsylvania audience yesterday. “She’s...

Why 'Bittergate' Is So Bad for Obama
 Why 'Bittergate' Is
 So Bad for Obama 

Why 'Bittergate' Is So Bad for Obama

'Elitist' remarks could be turning point of campaign, Politico argues candidate's 'Dean Scream?'

(Newser) - The uproar over Barack Obama's description of small-town Americans as "bitter" has hit the candidate so hard that there's talk of a Hillary Clinton comeback, and Politico's Mike Allen can think of plenty of reasons why. For starters, Obama has alienated a swath of blue-collar voters just nine days...

Obama: 'Bitter' Words Were Ill-Chosen

But working class frustration is real, candidate argues

(Newser) - Barack Obama acknowledged today that he’d chosen his words poorly when he said small-town working-class voters are “bitter” and “cling to guns and religion.” “I didn’t say it as well as I should have,” Obama said, but he insisted that working-class frustration is...

Clinton's Next Real Test: Indiana
Clinton's Next Real Test: Indiana

Clinton's Next Real Test: Indiana

Hillary counts on economy to win state, silence doubters

(Newser) - Right now all eyes are on Pennsylvania, but Hillary Clinton’s real proving ground will be Indiana, the Wall Street Journal says. Barack Obama led big in mid-February polling there, but the state is rife with the lower-income white voters who have so far flocked to Clinton. Winning them over...

Dems Hope May 6 Primary Will Settle Race

Indiana contest could break stalemate, move superdelegates

(Newser) - Many Democratic observers are looking past the April 22 Pennsylvania primary to the May 6 contests in Indiana and North Carolina as a chance to finally determine the primary race before the national convention. With 187 delegates at stake, May 6 holds the biggest delegate trove remaining, and the outcome...

Hillary Says She Won't Drop; Obama Thinks That's OK

She says she'll take her battle all the way to the convention

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton insisted today that she will not drop out of the race early, and Barack Obama thinks that's just fine. Clinton told the Washington Post that she will compete in every primary, then take her fight to the convention in August if necessary. Could any scenario change her mind?...

They're Just Not That Into You
They're Just
Not That
Into You

They're Just Not That Into You

Clinton must dominate next 3 primaries or face the music

(Newser) - The Clinton-Obama slugfest resembles the “drawn-out and painful break-up of a relationship,' Michael Tomasky writes in the Guardian—and the sparring couple might be on its last rounds. "Mark down May 7," he suggests. "That's the date by which Clinton should be one of two...

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