Mitch McConnell

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McConnell: 'Not Snowball's Chance' I'll Change Mind on Court Pick

He doubles down on any potential Obama nominee

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell and other top Senate Republicans insisted Tuesday afternoon that they had no intention of considering any nominee for the Supreme Court put forward by President Obama. On Tuesday evening, McConnell met behind closed doors with House conservatives anxious to know whether McConnell really meant it—and they heard...

Senate Republicans: No Hearings on Scalia Pick

Judiciary panel reaches 'consensus'

(Newser) - The chances of President Obama naming Antonin Scalia's successor just took a nosedive: Republicans on the committee that would consider his nominee say they won't hold any such hearings in Obama's final year, reports the Hill . Lindsey Graham said the Judiciary Committee reached a "consensus" on...

Ted Cruz Defies Decorum, Calls McConnell a Liar

Surprising attack comes on the Senate floor

(Newser) - Ted Cruz stood on the Senate floor today and called his own party leader a liar, a move so unusual that it had both Politico and the Washington Post quoting an old Senate rule that's supposed to forbid such things. The 2016 candidate said this of Mitch McConnell:
  • "

Obama Faces a Really, Really Huge Vote Today

Senate to hold procedural vote that would grant him fast-track authority

(Newser) - It's phoenix-from-the-ashes time for President Obama: The Senate will today hold a key procedural vote that would grant the president "fast track" authority to negotiate a trade deal with 11 Pacific Rim nations. For the measure to clear a procedural hurdle, at least 60 senators need to support...

Surveillance Programs in Jeopardy After Senate Drama

After reform measure fails, Rand Paul blocks Patriot Act extensions

(Newser) - Things got dramatic in the wee hours last night in the Senate, the result being that the Patriot Act—and, specifically, the government's ability to collect bulk surveillance—is now "on life support," reports Politico . Once again, Rand Paul is at the center of things, with Paul...

WH: McConnell's Stalling on AG Vote 'Unconscionable'

Senate majority leader threatened to block it over human trafficking bill

(Newser) - The White House is blasting Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for holding up a confirmation vote for Loretta Lynch to be attorney general. McConnell yesterday warned he won't hold a vote before the Senate finishes a human trafficking bill. That legislation hit a roadblock over a provision regarding funding...

Kerry: GOP Letter 'Unprecedented' Half-Baked Act of a Rookie

While McConnell claims secretary has 'a good case of selective outrage'

(Newser) - If Iran is waiting for America's top diplomat to apologize for the Republican senators' letter heard 'round the Beltway , well, don't hold your breath. Asked that question this morning on CBS News , John Kerry responded, "not on your life. I'm not going to apologize for...

Congress Now Bickering Over 'Clean' Homeland Security Bill

Dems want House GOP guarantee before agreeing to McConnell's offer

(Newser) - Congress has until Friday to either pass a bill to fund Homeland Security or appear completely dysfunctional—and it's not looking great for the former option. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has offered a vote on a "clean bill" to fund the agency, followed by one on President...

114th Convenes, GOP Takes Control

McConnell grabs majority reins in Senate as GOP vows to get to work

(Newser) - The 114th Congress has convened with solid Republican majorities in both houses, Mitch McConnell as the new Senate majority leader, and John Boehner retaining his gavel in the House despite a Tea Party challenge. In what the AP calls "a day of pomp, circumstance, and raw politics," Joe...

On Deck for GOP in 2015: A Long Series of Showdowns

Republican leaders to face immigration, debt ceiling, Medicare issues

(Newser) - John Boehner and Mitch McConnell penned a Wall Street Journal editorial in November that promised they would prove wrong "the skeptics [who] say nothing will be accomplished in the next two years." But even with both House and Senate firmly under GOP control when Congress convenes tomorrow , the...

McConnell, Boehner: Here's What We're Going to Do

Revive bills that languished, repeal ObamaCare, greenlight Keystone

(Newser) - Come January, Republicans will control both the House and the Senate—and in the Wall Street Journal , House Speaker John Boehner and soon-to-be-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell offer up a joint column explaining their plans. "For years, the House did its job and produced a steady stream of bills...

Obama to Americans: 'I Hear You'

But the message applies to Republicans, too, he says

(Newser) - Day one of the new political reality in DC yielded words of cooperation from the White House and soon-to-be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, along with signals that the bipartisan friction wasn't magically going away. “I want you to know, I hear you," said President Obama, referring...

Last Night&#39;s Major Victor: McConnell

 Last Night's 
 Major Victor: 
midterm elections

Last Night's Major Victor: McConnell

NRSC, RGA also pull off major coups

(Newser) - Last night's victory for Mitch McConnell was a big one: He was expected to face a neck-and-neck race, but instead he was called the winner just after the polls closed, Chris Cillizza writes in the Washington Post . Starting next year, he's the Senate majority leader. Among the night'...

Cruz: &#39;Era of Obama Lawlessness&#39; Is Over
 Cruz:  'Era of Obama 
 Lawlessness' Is Over 

Cruz: 'Era of Obama Lawlessness' Is Over

But McConnell doesn't plan 'perpetual conflict'

(Newser) - Ted Cruz wasn't on the ballot, but he still seemed pretty giddy with victory last night after his party won control of the Senate . The senator declared that the "era of Obama lawlessness is over" and urged his fellow Republicans to "do everything humanly possible to repeal...

McConnell Confident as Polls Get Set to Close
 GOP Takes Control of 
 Senate; McConnell Wins 
midterm elections

GOP Takes Control of Senate; McConnell Wins

Scott Brown fails in upset bid, but Republicans flip at least 7 seats

(Newser) - Election night was a win for Republicans: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell started things off by defeating Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky, reports the AP . Hours later, McConnell learned he will be changing his title to majority leader: Republicans needed a net gain of six seats to take the...

McConnell Pays Expenses if You Show Up, Cheer

GOP covers meals and lodging in exchange for enthusiasm

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell is in what the Courier-Journal of Louisville calls the "fight of his political life" against Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes, with the newspaper's latest poll showing them in a statistical dead heat. No surprise, then, that the Senate minority leader hopes to have his...

Obama: I Can Hit ISIS Without Congressional OK

President appears ready to approve airstrikes in Syria: Washington Post

(Newser) - President Obama will lay out his plan to cripple the Islamic State tomorrow night, and the Washington Post reports that he looks poised to order airstrikes in Syria. That controversial action probably won't come right away, but Obama has met with foreign policy experts and believes he is within...

McConnell Trounces Tea Party Challenger

In Georgia, Michelle Nunn wins the Democratic primary for Senate

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell of Kentucky dispatched his Tea Party challenger with ease tonight, and first-time candidate Michelle Nunn won the Democratic nomination for a Senate seat in George once held by her father, Sam Nunn. On a six-state primary night, Alison Lundergan Grimes easily captured the Democratic nomination to oppose McConnell...

What to Watch for in Today's 'Super Tuesday'

6 states hold primary voting

(Newser) - It's Super Tuesday—well, the 2014 midterm version, at least. Today sees voting in Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Oregon, and Pennsylvania, Politico reports. Among the races to watch:
  • In Kentucky, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell faces off against Matt Bevin, and there's little doubt McConnell will win the

Clay Aiken Leads NC Race by Insanely Thin Margin

Meanwhile, establishment candidate crushes NC Tea Party candidate

(Newser) - Voters got their first chance to weigh in on Clay Aiken's political career yesterday, and it wasn't exactly a rousing success. Aiken currently holds an incredibly slim lead over his Democratic primary opponent in North Carolina's 2nd District, with 40.83% of the vote to Keith Crisco'...

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