Mitch McConnell

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Ashley Judd Moves Closer to Senate Run

Starts meeting with donors, strategists, politicians

(Newser) - Ashley Judd has been meeting with Democratic donors, strategists, and politicians, as well as the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, as she moves closer to a Senate run in Kentucky, The Hill reports. At one meeting, a source says Judd promised a decision by May 6—the day the Kentucky Derby...

McConnell: Time to Legalize Hemp
Time to

McConnell: Time to Legalize Hemp

It doesn't mean what you think it means

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell is making a lot of headlines for throwing his support yesterday behind a push to legalize hemp. But he's talking the industrial variety—a farm crop with nowhere near the potency of its marijuana cousin, reports NBC News . McConnell thinks Kentucky farmers should be able to grow...

To Dump McConnell, Dems Sidle Up to Tea Party

They offer help backing right-wing 2014 challenger

(Newser) - As the Senate minority leader looks to 2014, he faces an odd couple out to beat him: Democrats and Tea Partiers. Groups like MoveOn and a Democratic super PAC, as well as individual donors, are offering Tea Party activists funding to bring in a right-wing challenger to Mitch McConnell. Come...

Reid, McConnell Close to Deal on Filibuster

But don't expect a return to actually having to talk to do it

(Newser) - Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell are close to a deal to tweak the filibuster, in an agreement that will likely disappoint proponents of a major overhaul, but save Reid the hand-wringing that would come if he used the so-called " nuclear option " to reform the rules without GOP cooperation....

Boehner: Obama's Goal Is to 'Annihilate' GOP

Speaker expects huge push to win back House

(Newser) - John Boehner spoke to a GOP think tank called the Ripon Society the day after President Obama's inauguration, and he made clear that he thinks Obama is done trying to work with Republicans, reports the Hill :
  • “Given what we heard yesterday about the president’s vision for his

The GOP Needs a Voice
 The GOP Needs a Voice 

The GOP Needs a Voice

Mitch McConnell and John Boehner won't cut it, Daniel Henniger argues

(Newser) - President Obama's press conference this week drew front-page coverage from all the major papers, but Mitch McConnell and John Boehner's responses were buried. "Media bias? No, media reality," writes Daniel Henninger in the Wall Street Journal . "It isn't that no one is listening to...

Democrats to Obama: Skip Congress on Debt Ceiling

Reid, others say he should do so if Republicans won't budge

(Newser) - Senate Democrats have a suggestion for President Obama if House Republicans refuse to raise the debt ceiling to pay the nation's bills: Obama should circumvent Congress and raise the ceiling himself, reports the Hill . An excerpt of a letter from Harry Reid and other Democrats to the White House:...

New Conservative Attack Ad Hits ... Mitch McConnell

Because he worked with Joe Biden on fiscal cliff deal

(Newser) - Let the payback begin. Conservative group ForAmerica has turned its sights on one of its own with a new web ad that calls out Mitch McConnell for his willingness to work with Democrats on the fiscal cliff deal, reports Politico . "Whose side are you on?" the ad asks above...

GOP: Hagel an &#39;In-Your-Face Pick&#39;
 GOP: Hagel an 
 'In-Your-Face Pick' 

GOP: Hagel an 'In-Your-Face Pick'

GOP is not thrilled with Obama's reported pick for Defense secretary

(Newser) - No sooner had rumors of Chuck Hagel's pending nomination to head up the Pentagon leaked than lips were flapping about what a bad idea it was. Hagel "is an in-your-face nomination by the president," charged Lindsey Graham , who "would be the most antagonistic secretary of defense...

Next Up: Debt Ceiling Showdown

But can you have a showdown if Obama refuses to show up?

(Newser) - President Obama signed the fiscal cliff tax deal last night, and you know what that means: Time for the debt ceiling fight! Technically, the government has already reached its $16.4 trillion borrowing limit, and is relying on "extraordinary measures" to get by. By the end of next month,...

Inside the Cliff Deal: Mistrust, Proposals on Fire, F-Bombs

Negotiations were even more prickly behind the scenes

(Newser) - If you thought fiscal cliff negotiations were testy when Harry Reid took to the Senate floor to accuse John Boehner of running a dictatorship , well, the reality was closer to a hybrid of rioting kindergartners and the showdown at the OK Corral. The lowlight came last Friday, reports Politico in...

We Have a Tentative Deal: Details
 We Have a 
 Deal: Details 


We Have a Tentative Deal: Details

An initial look at the pact struck between McConnell and the White House

(Newser) - The White House and Mitch McConnell have reached a tentative deal tonight, though the New York Times reports that the House won't vote on the measure tonight in time to avoid the fiscal cliff. The measure would raise taxes by about $600 billion over 10 years and delay for...

House GOP: We're Going Over the 'Cliff'

Republicans say they'll vote on other bills tonight

(Newser) - An agreement to avoid the sharp tax hikes and spending cuts known as the fiscal cliff won't be reached before the midnight deadline, lawmakers in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives said today; however, the Senate continued talks to reach a deal. House Republicans notified lawmakers that the chamber will...

McConnell: We've Agreed 'on All Tax Issues'

GOP senator calls for passage of 'tax relief portion now'

(Newser) - Hours away from the fiscal cliff deadline, GOP Sen. Mitch McConnell said on the Senate floor today that "we've reached an agreement on all of the tax issues." He added that negotiators are "very, very close" to striking a deal and said he agreed with President...

There's Hope: 'Major Progress' on Fiscal Cliff

But sticking points exist after flurry of overnight negotiations

(Newser) - So just where are we on the fiscal cliff? After Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid hit an impasse yesterday , McConnell called in Joe Biden, and after a flurry of offers that included President Obama and went throughout the night, Politico finds "major progress" and reason for hope this morning....

Cliff Talks Hit 'Major Setback' at 11th Hour

Democrats reject 'chained CPI' in GOP offer

(Newser) - With the fiscal cliff in sight, Democrats and Republicans are no longer talking. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell reached a "major setback" today over a fairly wonky provision known as "chained CPI," Democratic sources tell Politico . A means of calculating entitlement benefits,...

Obama: Take My Plan, or Offer Alternative

President will push for up-or-down vote on his plan if all fails

(Newser) - The big powwow between President Obama and leaders of Congress has wrapped up with, surprise, surprise, no magical breakthrough on the fiscal cliff. But with four days to go before the deadline, there's apparently still hope. The New York Times , Politico , the Washington Post , and the Hill have similar...

Obama to Host Meeting as Cliff Looms

House is set to reconvene on Sunday night, ahead of cliff deadline

(Newser) - Let the last-minute drama begin: President Obama will meet with the top congressional leaders from both parties at the White House today, reports the AP . Obama intends to outline elements that he thinks should be in any deal and could garner majority support in both chambers of Congress, but he...

Boehner to Senate: You Figure It Out

 Boehner to 
 Senate: You 
 Figure It Out 
Fiscal Cliff

Boehner to Senate: You Figure It Out

Plunging over the cliff looks increasingly likely

(Newser) - Legislators in Washington don't look terribly motivated to avoid fiscal calamity. There were precious few signs of progress in fiscal cliff negotiations yesterday, with both sides mainly making political statements blaming each other. Here's the latest:
  • John Boehner, unable to pass even his own "Plan B,"

Fiscal Cliff's Great Last Hope: the Senate?

But Democrats would need assurances from Mitch McConnell

(Newser) - With Plan B dead and gone , could Plan S save the day? The New York Times today shifts its attention from the gridlocked House to the Senate, following yesterday's plea by GOP Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Johnny Isakson to Senate leaders to make a scaled-back deal with President...

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