Mitch McConnell

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Don't Use Budget Process for Big Reform: GOP to Obama

Procedure would allow Democrats to pass agenda with 51 votes

(Newser) - To circumvent a likely 60-vote minimum in the Senate for big-ticket bills like health reform, President Obama is considering pursuing proposals through a budgetary tactic known as reconciliation, where just 51 votes are needed and no filibustering is allowed. But Republicans are having none of it, Politico reports. Senate Republican...

GOP: Spare Us Stimulus Sequel

Republicans court Blue Dog Dems to fight further spending

(Newser) - Talk of a second stimulus proves the first one isn't working, Republican leaders said today in blasting the possibility. “We don't even know what was in the first stimulus yet,” one senator said, while Minority Leader Mitch McConnell noted that Congress had spent “$1 billion an hour”...

Governator: Obama Needs 'Team Players'
Governator: Obama Needs 'Team Players'

Governator: Obama Needs 'Team Players'

Calls out fellow GOP as McConnell calls for fast Burris hearing

(Newser) - Arnold Schwarzenegger is urging politicians of all political stripes to line up behind President Obama. “I feel very strongly that President Obama right now needs team players,” the California governor told ABC’s This Week, noting that partisan wrangling creates “insecurity.” Schwarzenegger also called his fellow...

GOP Circulates Plan to Cut Mortgage Costs

Proposal aimed at changing Obama's stimulus package

(Newser) - Senate Republicans circulated a sweeping plan to drive down the cost of mortgages by expanding the federal government's role in the industry, officials said today as debate opened on an economic stimulus bill at the top of President Barack Obama's agenda. The emerging proposal also relies on a bigger and...

GOP Goes Easy on Daschle, For Now

Key Senators will wait to learn more about tax problems

(Newser) - Influential Republicans are holding their tongues on Tom Daschle's tax troubles for now, Politico reports. GOP Senators Jon Kyl, Mitch McConnell, Jim DeMint, and Susan Collins all adopted a wait-and-see approach on today’s talk shows. “I want to find out more about it,” DeMint said of the...

Senate Queasy on Spending in Obama Stimulus
Senate Queasy on Spending in Obama Stimulus

Senate Queasy on Spending in Obama Stimulus

Kyl: 'Start from scratch;' McConnell vows Dems won't get 60 seats

(Newser) - The level of spending in Barack Obama’s House-approved $819 billion stimulus package will complicate its Senate passage, say two senators whose support will be crucial. “Unfortunately, this bill has become a Christmas tree,” Republican Susan Collins told CNN, while Democratic colleague Ben Nelson said, “There’s...

McConnell Tells GOP to Shape Up, End Bush 'Drag'

(Newser) - The top Senate Republican warned today that the GOP risks remaining out of power in the White House and Congress unless it better explains its core principles to woo one-time faithful and new loyalists. Mitch McConnell spoke to party activists gathered in Washington to elect a new national chairman tomorrow,...

GOP Rep Fires Back at Limbaugh
Fires Back
at Limbaugh

GOP Rep Fires Back at Limbaugh

Ga. congressman defends leadership, blasts talking heads

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh is in hot water with an unexpected critic: A Republican congressman who doesn't appreciate the radio blowhard's take on his party's leaders. Limbaugh and President Obama have traded barbs this week, but Limbaugh's dragging Mitch McConnell and John Boehner into the spat was too much for Phil Gingrey...

$800B Stimulus Too Much for GOP, Too Little for Dems

Adding to already-enormous debt worries Republicans; excess of caution has other side jumpy

(Newser) - The GOP responded today to Barack Obama’s calls for immediate action on the economy, cautioning that too bold a move could have dire consequences, the Hill reports. “Let’s not use the obvious need as a way to make the problem worse,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch...

Pols: No Stimulus By Jan. 20
 Pols: No Stimulus By Jan. 20 

Pols: No Stimulus By Jan. 20

Republicans voice opposition to Obama's plan

(Newser) - President-elect Barack Obama’s massive economic stimulus bill may not move as quickly as Democratic leaders had hoped, Politico reports. Republicans began suggesting alternatives to the plan today, and House Democrats now say they likely won’t vote on the bill until the week of Jan. 19 or later. Obama’...

Meet the GOP's Auto Bailout Busters

A union-busting, foreign-car loving crew is holding up Detroit's rescue

(Newser) - With Nissan, Toyota, Volkswagen and other foreign factories dotting the I-65 corridor stretching from Kentucky to Alabama, southern Republican senators relished this week's chance to take a swing at Detroit and the UAW simultaneously. The "bailout fell victim to a nasty confluence of home-state economic interests and anti-union sentiment,...

As GOP Stiffens, Auto Bailout Prospects Hit the Skids

McConnell, GOP move further away from supporting Detroit aid

(Newser) - As Republican resistance to the $14 billion auto-industry bailout mounted, proponents flogged today's dismal unemployment figures to bolster their case, Politico reports. Mitch McConnell abandoned the White House, which continued to push the bill; the Senate minority leader unexpectedly said the measure "promises taxpayer money today for reforms that...

House Likely to Vote on Auto Bailout This Afternoon

Senate likely tomorrow; GOP has harsh words

(Newser) - The House is ready to vote on a $15 billion bill to rescue GM and Chrysler as early as this afternoon, the Detroit News reports. The Senate, meanwhile, is likely to vote tomorrow morning. “My understanding is it is done, but the piece of paper is not before the...

Senate GOP Crafts Own Auto Bailout Package

Plan would repurpose $25B fuel-efficiency carrot already passed

(Newser) - Senate Republicans are crafting legislation that would repurpose an already-approved $25 billion Energy Department initiative to bail out struggling automakers, the Detroit News reports. The plan is at odds with Democratic efforts, which would use money from the $700 billion Wall Street bailout to help Detroit. The Energy money was...

Congress Girds for Post-Election Rumbles

Will address new leaders, Detroit bailout, Stevens, Lieberman

(Newser) - A new Congress takes office Jan. 6 and a new Oval Office occupant two scant weeks later, but the old Congress has plenty on its plate when it reconvenes next week, reports Reuters. The session will focus mainly on the economy, especially the auto industry, but legislators also must appoint...

Hagan Defeats Dole; Dems Flip 5 Seats So Far
Hagan Defeats Dole;
Dems Flip 5 Seats So Far
senate results

Hagan Defeats Dole; Dems Flip 5 Seats So Far

(Newser) - Kay Hagan defeated Elizabeth Dole in North Carolina and at least four other Democrats captured Republican seats in the Senate as the party inched toward a filibuster-proof goal of 60 seats, ABC News reports. It's going down to the wire. Democrats now have 56 seats, and four races remain undecided,...

Hints at Winner May Come Early Tomorrow Night
Hints at Winner May Come Early Tomorrow Night

Hints at Winner May Come Early Tomorrow Night

Victory, or close loss, in Indiana would bode well for Obama

(Newser) - What happens early tomorrow night may hint at the final outcome, John Whitesides notes for Reuters. A victory, or close loss, in Indiana—where polls close at 6pm EST and which has gone Republican in every presidential race since 1964—would presage good things for Barack Obama; if John McCain...

10 Senate Races to Watch
 10 Senate Races to Watch 

10 Senate Races to Watch

Dems could pick up 8 seats; GOP could oust Landrieu in La.

(Newser) - With 35 Senate seats up for grabs Tuesday, Chris Cillizza, in the Washington Post, predicts Democrats will flip eight. Two more are close calls for the Dems, while the GOP has one hope for a pickup. Starting with the most likely:
  1. Virginia is in the bag for Mark Warner; he

Anti-Washington Tide Threatens GOP Stalwart

Dems aim to oust Kentucky's McConnell, claim 60 Senate seats

(Newser) - The rising Democratic tide is threatening to wash over a Republican pillar: Kentucky’s Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, is fighting for his political life in the deep-red state, reports the Washington Post. McConnell barely leads, and national Democrats are working hard to tip the race. A McConnell defeat...

Dems Wield Cash in Battle for Southern Senate Seats

Unseating McConnell, Dole, others possible with funds high, GOP popularity low

(Newser) - With a huge fund-raising edge allowing for wide advertising blitzes, Democrats are pushing hard for Senate seats in red states even recently thought unwinnable, Alexander Bolton writes in the Hill. In North Carolina, Dems see a chance to unseat Elizabeth Dole; in Georgia, Saxby Chambliss; in Mississippi, Roger Wicker; and...

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