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12 Stars Who’ve Insured Body Parts

Heidi Klum's legs: $2.2M

(Newser) - When you're a celebrity, certain body parts may be a bit more valuable to you than they are to a normal person. So why not insure them? The Frisky rounds up a dozen stars who have done just that:
  • Troy Polamalu: The NFL star's famous hair landed him

11 Celebs Who Aspired to Be Priests, Nuns

Including, oddly enough, Michael Moore

(Newser) - Can't really picture Tom Cruise as a priest ? Well, he's far from the only celebrity who ever aspired to the religious order. Huffington Post rounds up 10 more:
  • Jack White: At 14, the musician thought he "might have had the calling to be a priest,"

12 Celebs Have Finances Hacked and Posted

Beyonce, Jay-Z, Kim Kardashian among the exposed

(Newser) - A website has hacked and posted the private financial data of a dozen A-list celebrities and political figures, including Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, and Hillary Clinton. TMZ won't name the site, but says the FBI launched an investigation after credit card info, social security numbers, mortgages, and other data were...

5 Successful Celebs Who Were Once Teen Moms

Aretha Franklin had her son at just 14

(Newser) - Being a teen mom doesn't mean you can't also be a success, as these five celebrities rounded up by The Stir prove:
  • Sofia Vergara was married at 18, had a son by 19, and was divorced a year later. Of course, she went on to rack up a

25 Celebs Who Married Young
 25 Celebs Who Married Young 

25 Celebs Who Married Young

Jamie Lynn Spears will join the under-25 group

(Newser) - Jamie Lynn Spears, engaged at just 21 , joins a whole host of young brides in Hollywood. The Huffington Post rounds up 25 under 25:
  • Megan Fox married Brian Austin Green when she was 24.
  • Hilary Duff wed Mike Comrie at age 22.
  • Heidi Montag was 22 when she married Spencer

30 Celebs Who Spend Like Crazy
 30 Celebs Who 
 Spend Like Crazy 
$60K ... on fish?

30 Celebs Who Spend Like Crazy

If you would never spend $60K on fish, you are probably not a celebrity

(Newser) - Celebrities: They are not just like us. Unless, of course, you're the type of person who spends $50,000 at a North Carolina strip club, like rapper Drake recently did. The Huffington Post lists 30 stars who spend so lavishly, they may be headed to Nicolas Cage Town :
  • Lady

And the Most Reputable Company in America Is...

Amazon takes top spot from Apple, while AIG is the big loser

(Newser) - Which American businesses have the best rep? Look toward the retail and electronics industries, reports MarketWatch , which shares the results of the latest Harris Interactive survey of the country's top 60 companies. It looked at six factors, among them product quality and how employees are treated. Among the leaders:...

The Schools Most Likely to Produce Rich People

US dominates the list

(Newser) - Most of the world's richest people have something in common: They went to school in the US. Wealth-X has compiled a report on which universities worldwide boast the most "ultra high net worth" alumni—defined here as those with $30 million or more—and US universities dominate the...

5th Straight Year: Hawaii Best for Well-Being

At the bottom: West Virginia

(Newser) - Seems Hawaii is still the place to be: It's now topped a Gallup-Healthways well-being poll for the past five years, USA Today reports. The survey evaluates overall well-being based on a series of questions on everything from physical health to job satisfaction. Over the past five years, Colorado, Minnesota,...

5 Cuts Pentagon Should Make Now
 5 Cuts Pentagon 
 Should Make Now 

5 Cuts Pentagon Should Make Now

Start with the F-35 mistake: Paul Barrett

(Newser) - To hear the Pentagon tell it, the looming sequester cuts will hurt military readiness and put the nation at genuine risk. "Flapdoodle," writes Paul Barrett at Businessweek . "The military is manufacturing a crisis to protect its wasteful, bloated, poorly designed budget." He suggests five cuts the...

10 Celebs Who've Had Big Time Tax Troubles

The latest: Mary J. Blige

(Newser) - Just because you're rich and famous doesn't mean you always bother to pay your tax bill. HLN lists 10 celebrities who've gotten in serious money trouble with Uncle Sam:
  • New Jersey just hit Mary J. Blige with a tax lien of more than $900,000. She was

11 Celebs Who Have Come Out as Bisexual

Clive Davis recently joined their ranks

(Newser) - Clive Davis shocked quite a few people when he recently came out as bisexual . Entertainment Tonight rounds up 10 other celebrities who've done the same:
  • Megan Fox: See if you can follow her logic. "I have no question in my mind about being bisexual," she told Esquire

America&#39;s Most Miserable Cities
 America's Most 
 Miserable Cities 
forbes list

America's Most Miserable Cities

Detroit grabs the distinction from Forbes

(Newser) - Sorry, Detroit. Forbes is out with its annual list of the most miserable cities in America, which takes into account not only obvious factors such as unemployment and crime, but also things like taxes, foreclosures, home prices, and commute times. Some highlights:
  • The worst five: Detroit leads the way, followed

20 Celebs Whose Love Lives Are Blissfully Private

These rare few keep things out of the press

(Newser) - You can hardly go a nanosecond without hearing all about the latest escapades of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West or Taylor Swift and whoever she's dating/dissing this week. But some celebrities manage to keep blissfully silent about their love lives. Huffington Post rounds up 20:
  • Jake Gyllenhaal: Speaking of

10 Celebs Who Rebounded With Younger Men

May-December relationships: Not just for guys

(Newser) - How to get over a broken heart? Hook up with someone much younger, obviously. The Frisky Rounds up 10 celebrities who have done just that:
  • We were all very sad when Susan Sarandon's 23-year relationship with Tim Robbins (who was already 12 years younger than she) broke up ... but

10 Most Unpopular Athletes
 10 Most Unpopular Athletes 

10 Most Unpopular Athletes

Manti Te'o joins Lance Armstrong at top of list

(Newser) - The new Nielsen/E-Poll survey of the most disliked athletes in America has the not-so-surprising name of Lance Armstrong at the top of the list, reports Forbes . More surprising is that Notre Dame star and soon-to-be-NFL'er Manti Te'o tied Armstrong with a measly 15% approval rating. Even if he...

This Year's Best Super Bowl Ads

Anheuser-Busch, Audi, AXE Apollo make the top 10

(Newser) - Don't give a hoot who wins the Super Bowl, but still like the ads? Can't blame you, considering they cost $3.8 million per 30 seconds. SPOILER ALERT: The Daily News rounds up 10 of its favorites, including:
  1. Anheuser-Busch: "Brotherhood." A man raises a horse, loves

11 Celebs With Pro-Life Views

Martin Sheen, Jack Nicholson, Kathy Ireland among the pro-lifers

(Newser) - Hollywood, the land of liberal politics and casual sex? Maybe so, but a few celebrities have held pro-life views in recent years. Huffington Post rounds 'em up:
  • Jack Nicholson: The admitted "womanizer" (thanks, Radar ) says his mother was a teenage showgirl when she got pregnant with him.

11 Celebs Talk About... Bathroom Habits

TMI alert: There are a lot of poop quotes below

(Newser) - Celebrities: Who says they always have to be glamorous? The Huffington Post rounds up 11 examples of stars talking about, of all things, bathroom habits:
  • Angelina Jolie: "The great thing about having a bunch of kids is they just remind you that you're the person who takes them

Worst Cities for Bedbugs
 Worst Cities for Bedbugs 

Worst Cities for Bedbugs

Chicago, Detroit, and LA top Orkin's list

(Newser) - Bedbugs may not in the news as much these days—except when they turn up in weird places such as old library books —but that doesn't mean they're getting wiped out. In fact, pest-control company Orkin says its bedbug business is up 33% over 2011, reports ABC...

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