culture wars

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Silicon Valley's Anti-'Woke' Drive Isn't an 'Anomaly'

Guardian columnist Becca Lewis writes that hints of 'technofascism' stretch back decades

(Newser) - Anyone who's just now picking up on a real right-wing vibe from today's Silicon Valley set probably hasn't been paying too close attention to the tech bros over the past few decades—because hints of "technofascism" have been popping up in that demographic for years. So...

2 Cows Got Lost. Even Joaquin Phoenix Ended Up Involved

For 2 years, a rural Western New York town has been embroiled in a culture war

(Newser) - Events in a rural Western New York town have "inspired death threats, rowdy protests, shadowy figures skulking in the woods, intercessions by Fox News and Joaquin Phoenix, stolen chickens, county and state legislation, and a court battle featuring a rotating cast of lawyers." Per a feature in the...

Trump Jr. Has a Glossy Side Hustle
Trump Jr.
Has a Glossy
Side Hustle

Trump Jr. Has a Glossy Side Hustle

'Field Ethos' is a magazine dedicated to outdoor living, but with a decidedly 'anti-woke' slant

(Newser) - Field Ethos bills itself as the "premier lifestyle publication for the unapologetic man," and there are few men less apologetic than its founder, Donald Trump Jr. Writing for Politico , Rosie Gray takes a deep dive into the hunting and outdoors magazine launched in 2021 by former President...

In Nashville, 'Outlaw' Country Artists Push Back on Tradition

Alternative performers pigeonholed as 'Americana' try to break into the mainstream—but it's not easy

(Newser) - When you hear "Tennessee," it's hard not to think of "Music City"—the nickname for the state capital of Nashville, home to the Grand Ole Opry and the heart of country music. But while that may call forth visions of white dudes in cowboy boots...

We Conservatives Lost the Culture War
 We Conservatives 
 Lost the Culture War 

We Conservatives Lost the Culture War

Matt Lewis urges a focus on rebuilding family

(Newser) - Conservatives trying to come to terms with Mitt Romney's defeat posited all kinds of rationalizations. But Matt Lewis thinks he's figured out the real reason. "The culture war is over, and conservatives lost," he writes in the Week . "Too many Americans simply no longer agree...

Bishops Launch Investigation Into Girl Scouts

Inquisition to target 'problematic programs'

(Newser) - First it was the nuns , now the Girl Scouts. They're the latest target of an investigation by the Catholic church. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops is launching an official inquiry into the scouts' activities. Seems the merit-badge hungry females have been taking positions unpopular with the Catholic hierarchy—...

Priest and Lesbian Spark Culture Clash Over Holy Mass

Marcel Guarnizo denied Barbara Johnson the Catholic sacrament

(Newser) - A lesbian and a priest have set off a new round of fighting in America's ubiquitous culture wars. When Barbara Johnson reached out for Holy Communion at her mother's funeral Mass last month near Washington, DC, a Russian-ordained conservative priest named Rev. Marcel Guarnizo refused to let her...

Santorum: Culture Warrior in Hiding
 Santorum: Culture 
 Warrior in Hiding   
Dave Weigel

Santorum: Culture Warrior in Hiding

Dave Weigel says Rick Santorum has softened as he's risen in the polls

(Newser) - Rick Santorum went to the Washington state capital Monday just hours after the governor signed gay marriage into law there. And what did the right's fiercest culture warrior say? He told everyone to be respectful, that each side had "legitimate reasons" for its views, that "there are...

We Don't Hate the Rich, We Hate the 'New Upper Class'

Charles Murray says this powerful group calls the shots in the US

(Newser) - Americans see tensions over income inequality growing, but Charles Murray thinks they've got it all wrong. "Income inequality isn't really the problem," the libertarian author writes in Time . "A new upper class is the problem," a group denoted not by its wealth, but by...

Paul Ryan: 'Buffett Rule' Amounts to Class Warfare
 Paul Ryan: 
 Obama Waging 
 'Class Warfare' 


Paul Ryan: Obama Waging 'Class Warfare'

'Buffett Rule' finds no fan in Budget Committee chair

(Newser) - The so-called Buffett Rule, President Obama's pending plan to raise taxes on the rich named for Warren Buffett , found an outspoken critic in Paul Ryan today, Politico reports. "Class warfare might make for good politics, but it makes for bad economics," the House Budget Committee chairman tells...

Wisconsin Budget Fight Spawns Culture War

Can we keep things sane in Wisconsin? ask Brooks and Collins

(Newser) - The Wisconsin budget crunch was once an issue worth debating—but Scott Walker has made it about much more than money, writes Gail Collins in a New York Times conversation with David Brooks. Now, “it’s about crushing enemies. Unions. Government programs. Abortion.” Brooks is more sympathetic to...

Smithsonian Exhibit Uproar Shows Homophobia's OK
Smithsonian Exhibit Uproar Shows Homophobia's OK
frank rich

Smithsonian Exhibit Uproar Shows Homophobia's OK

National Portrait Gallery in throes of old 'culture wars'

(Newser) - The Smithsonian’s removal of a video that showed ants crawling on a crucifix amounts to Washington “gay bashing,” writes Frank Rich in the New York Times . Gay artist David Wojnarowicz's artwork wasn’t taken down because it offended Christians—that was just a “perfunctory cover for...

9/11 Now America's 'Day of Hate'

 9/11 Now 
 'Day of Hate' 


9/11 Now America's 'Day of Hate'

The post 9/11 push for solidarity is gone

(Newser) - September 11th was once a day of remembrance. No more. The anniversary of the worst terror attacks in American history is now a day of "fighting and political battles," writes Gregor Peter Schmitz in Der Spiegel . The battle over the so-called Ground Zero mosque , plans to publicly burn...

Texas Board of Ed Is at the Forefront of 'History Wars'

Anti-intellectualism is spreading, writes Thomas Frank

(Newser) - The Texas Board of Education's push to put a conservative spin on the state's textbook standards shows that the culture wars are becoming history wars, writes Thomas Frank. The board backs up decisions like ordering textbook writers to replace the word "capitalism" with "free enterprise" with anti-intellectual, anti-liberal...

Culture Wars Took 2009 Off
 Culture Wars Took 2009 Off 

Culture Wars Took 2009 Off

Conservative protests were largely secular, writes EJ Dionne

(Newser) - America called a ceasefire in the culture wars this year as the economy and debate on the role of government pushed battles over religion and culture to the back burner, writes EJ Dionne. The change was most apparent on the right, where the loudest voices of protest came from the...

Economic Fury Is the New Culture War
 Economic Fury 
 Is the New 
 Culture War 


Economic Fury Is the New Culture War

Deficits were the rallying cry for yesterday's winners

(Newser) - "Conservatives have supposedly gotten their groove back," Peter Beinart writes about the results of yesterday's state races, "but it's not the same old groove." The candidates who won—or almost won—downplayed social issues and focused on the economy, which Beinart calls the “new culture...

Right Fans Flames of Extremist Fury: Rich

Right-wing rhetoric complicit in rise of extremism

(Newser) - When a Fox News anchor cautions against the rising extremism of hate-driven Americans, as Shepard Smith did after the Holocaust Museum shooting, we should take note, argues Frank Rich in the New York Times. Unlike his fear-mongering colleagues, says Rich, Smith—not known for having an agenda—had "extraordinary...

A Win for Obama, Moderate Catholics
 A Win for Obama, 
 Moderate Catholics 

A Win for Obama, Moderate Catholics

President's Notre Dame speech was radical and conservative: Dionne

(Newser) - Abortion opponents protested and pro-life students skipped, but Barack Obama's Notre Dame commencement address was at once "the most radical and the most conservative speech of his presidency," writes Washington Post columnist EJ Dionne. The president refused to indulge the protesters' desire to "reignite the culture wars,...

Pro-Life Votes Are Obama's First Target in Culture War

Gay rights will come later, when it's easier: Douthat

(Newser) - Democrats pushed Barack Obama into the White House hoping he could end the culture wars—and when they say “end,” they mean “win,” writes Ross Douthat in the New York Times. Obama’s strategy: “Engage on abortion, and punt on gay rights.” Though he...

On Hot-Button Issues, Obama Keeps Cool
On Hot-Button Issues, Obama Keeps Cool

On Hot-Button Issues, Obama Keeps Cool

Takes steps thought to be sudden death for pols—and scores

(Newser) - Barack Obama has been “dancing on cultural third rails with seeming impunity,” reports Jonathan Martin of Politico. He’s gone to France and called America “arrogant,” liberalized relations with Cuba, and eased up on medical marijuana—all moves that Bill Clinton wouldn’t have touched with...

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