solar eclipse

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The 'Ring of Fire' Eclipse Is Coming This Weekend

Here's how to see it, weather permitting

(Newser) - Star-lovers will get a rare treat this weekend when an annual solar eclipse accompanies the summer solstice—and this one will be a "ring of fire" in which the sun is visible around the moon's edges, CNN reports. It can be seen Saturday and Sunday in parts of...

Skywatchers Enthralled by 'Ring of Fire' Eclipse

Annular solar eclipse was visible in southern Asia, but not North America

(Newser) - The skies put on a dazzling show Thursday, though you had to be in the right part of the world to see it live. An annular solar eclipse—known as a "ring of fire" because the moon covers the sun's center but not its edges—could be seen...

Total Eclipse Wows Chile, Argentina
Total Eclipse Was 
'Greatest Ever'
for Astronomers

Total Eclipse Was 'Greatest Ever' for Astronomers

Path included powerful observatories

(Newser) - Eclipse-watchers from around the world gathered in South America on Tuesday for the last total eclipse of the decade. As the moon passed between the Earth and the sun, a 6,000-mile band of darkness caused by its shadow stretched across northern Chile and Argentina, as well as uninhabited Oeno...

Matt Lauer Made at Least One Company's Top 10 List

He's up there with Hurricane Irma on Google's annual ranking of favorite searches

(Newser) - Hurricane Irma and Matt Lauer were hot topics in 2017, Fast Company notes—hot enough to propel both to the top of Google's annual "Year in Search" results. Per the site, the results were culled "based on search terms that had a high spike in traffic in...

Bogus Glasses Damage Eyes of Eclipse Viewer

Woman borrowed a pair for a peek in Staten Island in August

(Newser) - Experts feared it would happen and, to one woman at least, it did. In JAMA Ophthalmology , doctors describe the case of New York's Nia Payne, who looked at August's total solar eclipse through unregulated eclipse glasses and ended up in the emergency room with a crescent-shaped spot obscuring...

Trump Likes Image of Him 'Eclipsing' Obama

He also tweets about Mitch McConnell and James Clapper

(Newser) - It's been another busy morning for President Trump on Twitter . He's hit a wide range of topics, but one tweet in particular drawing attention is actually a retweet of a supporter's eclipse joke. It shows an image of Trump gradually coming closer to one of President Obama,...

Your Eclipse Glasses Don't Have to End Up in the Trash

There's a better way

(Newser) - If you think your options for what to do next with those now-relatively-useless eclipse glasses are only A) put them in a memory box or B) put them in a trash can, good news. Gizmodo reports on a pleasant option C) give them to kids in need. The president of...

How to Tell If the Eclipse Damaged Your Eyes

Looking at sun for 20 seconds 'definitely too long'

(Newser) - Despite many warnings about the possibility of permanent eye damage—and, in one case, the advice of a presidential aide —a lot of people ended up looking at the sun during Monday's eclipse without the recommended solar filter. Jacob Chung, chief of ophthalmology at New Jersey's Englewood...

President Stares at Sun Without Glasses

Trump later did don eye protection

(Newser) - One person who apparently did not heed the warnings about how to view Monday's solar eclipse: the president. As multiple outlets including USA Today report, President Trump appeared to look at the sun without any protective eye wear for at least a moment during the eclipse. '...

Solar Eclipse Begins Putting On Its Show
14 Stunning
Eclipse Photos

14 Stunning Eclipse Photos

Americans got a treat on Monday

(Newser) - Americans were gazing in wonder through telescopes, cameras, and protective glasses Monday as the moon began blotting out the midday sun in the first full-blown solar eclipse to sweep the US from coast to coast in nearly a century. Scientists said the eclipse would cast a shadow that would race...

Experts: Maybe Don't Watch Monday's Solar Eclipse

Just a few seconds of looking at an eclipse can do lasting eye damage

(Newser) - Experts really can't stress enough how much you absolutely shouldn't look at this Monday's eclipse without proper eye protection—and maybe not even then. "There are serious risks associated with viewing a solar eclipse directly, even when using solar filter glasses," USA Today quotes Ohio...

People Are Losing Their Heads Over the Eclipse. Not Literally This Time

What to expect when total solar eclipse hits US for 1st time in 99 years

(Newser) - On Monday, the US will have a view of a total solar eclipse for the first time in 99 years. We know that thanks to the hard, sometimes-life-risking work of astronomers over thousands of years. In a history of eclipse predictions, BuzzFeed reports two Chinese astronomers were beheaded by the...

Krispy Kreme Has a Special Treat for Eclipse Day

It's going to 'eclipse' its original glazed doughnut by smothering it in chocolate

(Newser) - The complete solar eclipse set to grace our skies on Aug. 21 has been the subject of buzz for months, and Krispy Kreme now hopes to add a little sugar to that buzz. USA Today reports that, to commemorate the cosmic event, the chain will offer an "eclipsed" version...

Do Homework Before Buying Your Solar Eclipse Glasses

Quartz finds some suspicious ones on Amazon

(Newser) - The first total solar eclipse in the continental US since 1979 is fast approaching and Amazon sellers are ready. Many who typically sell fad items are hawking solar eclipse glasses—meant to block 99.99% of sunlight, per the Verge —in the lead-up to Aug. 21, taking over a...

People Are Freaking Out About 2017 Solar Eclipse

It's predicted to be a once-in-a-lifetime event

(Newser) - It's still 10 months away, but sky gazers are already bursting with excitement—and booking vacations—over what is predicted to be "one of the most spectacular and widely accessible solar shows of our lifetime," per Mother Nature Network . On Aug. 21, 2017, the US will be...

See the Dazzling Solar Eclipse
 See the Dazzling Solar Eclipse 

See the Dazzling Solar Eclipse

Here are some of the best images

(Newser) - People gazed at the sky in wonder and cheered while others knelt in prayer as a total eclipse of the sun unfolded over Indonesia on Wednesday, briefly plunging cities into darkness. The rare astronomical phenomenon was witnessed along a narrow path that stretched across 12 Indonesian provinces encompassing three time...

Total Eclipse of the Sun Coming to a Yard Near You

Mark your calendars for Aug. 21, 2017

(Newser) - Ever dreamed of seeing the sky darken and the stars twinkle in the middle of a summer's day? Then mark your calendar for Aug. 21, 2017, because if you're in the US the chances are good that you'll be among the 200 million or so people within...

A Rare Total Solar Eclipse Wows (Parts of) Earth

Svalbard, Norway, offered perfect view, though clouds obstructed other areas

(Newser) - Sky-gazers in the Arctic were treated to a perfect view of a total solar eclipse today as the moon completely blocked out the sun in a clear sky, casting a shadow over Norway's remote archipelago of Svalbard. People shouted, cheered, and applauded as Longyearbyen, the main town in Svalbard,...

Tomorrow's Rare Eclipse: Beginning of Armageddon?

Superstitions abound as solar eclipse, supermoon, and equinox collide

(Newser) - Three astronomical events are happening tomorrow, and depending on whom you talk to and how superstitious they are, it's either going to be a day filled with good luck or a pretty terrible one. A rare solar eclipse/supermoon/vernal equinox combo will be taking place, with prime eclipse viewing spots...

Solar Eclipse Happens Today
 Solar Eclipse Happens Today 

Solar Eclipse Happens Today

Americans will see only one more this decade

(Newser) - It's a great month for watching the skies: On top of the selenelion eclipse and the Orionid meteor shower , a partial solar eclipse can be seen by most Americans today, reports Sky and Telescope . It can be seen around 2pm on the West Coast and 6pm on the East...

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