Joe Lieberman

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Emanuel Pokes Fun at Stephen Colbert
Pokes Fun at Stephen Colbert

Emanuel Pokes Fun at Stephen Colbert

And manages to zing Edwards, Lieberman, and Palin at charity

(Newser) - Emboldened by the election, at least one Democrat brashly took potshots at a satirist who relishes zapping politicians on TV. Barack Obama's new chief of staff Rahm Emanuel roasted faux newsman Stephen Colbert at a weekend charity function—but in a deft word twist managed to zing a number of...

Lieberman Should Be Punished: Leahy

Dem wants McCain-backing independent stripped of committee chairmanship

(Newser) - Patrick Leahy thinks fellow Sen. Joe Lieberman, after campaigning for John McCain, should no longer occupy the chair of key committees, the Democrat told Vermont Public Radio today. The Connecticut independent currently caucuses with the Democrats, and chairs the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committees, the Hill notes. Lieberman went...

Dems Let Lieberman Keep Chairmanship ... for Now

Connecticut Democrats submit censure resolution to state committee

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman will hold onto his chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security committee for now, but his future is still unclear following a meeting with Majority Leader Harry Reid, the Hill reports. “While I understand that Senator Lieberman has voted with Democrats a majority of the time, his comments...

GOP Plays What-If Game With Lieberman, Romney, Ridge

Picking Palin locked in base, but others might've drawn voters McCain really needs

(Newser) - Given the damage Sarah Palin has done to John McCain’s chances, Steve Kornacki, in the New York Observer, joins Republicans in wondering about the also-rans. Tom Ridge, Joe Lieberman, and Mitt Romney were unpalatable, either personally to the candidate or politically to the party. The first two would have...

Dems Loath to Punish Traitor Joe

The party is ticked, but this might not be the time for vengeance

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman has crossed nearly every line there is in supporting John McCain—on Sunday he even praised Sarah Palin—and many liberals want him ousted from the Democratic caucus. But Harry Reid and company show no signs of moving against Lieberman, Salon reports. “We're going to have to...

'Outsider' Palin Used Media Insiders to Win VP Nod

PR firm helped her woo pundits, make case

(Newser) - Sarah Palin likes to play up her outsider credentials while decrying the media elite, but she’s relied on both throughout her career. Belying her mockery of the “mainstream media,” Palin hired a well-connected PR firm to target East Coast journalists and courted conservative media insiders who eventually...

Worst Members of Congress
 Worst Members of Congress 

Worst Members of Congress

Esquire lists the public servants most wasting your money today

(Newser) - The competition for the worst member of Congress title was more like a marathon, Esquire reports; a wide field of people worked over long periods of time to stake their places in this list. Below, the worst of the worst:
  • Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn: Since being defeated in 2006 (and

Bizarre Speech Gets Low Marks
 Bizarre Speech Gets Low Marks 

Bizarre Speech Gets Low Marks

Bipartisan speech lacked red meat for base

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman’s speech was certainly noteworthy, but not necessarily in a good way. Here’s what pundits are saying:
  • Lieberman “muddled through” his speech “like a reluctant accomplice,” writes Adam Kushner of Newsweek. Whereas Zell Miller had Republicans whooping, Lieberman gave a languid, golf-clap-worthy address.
  • The

Lieberman: McCain Is 'Best Choice'

(Newser) - Sen. Joe Lieberman turned tail on his former party tonight and said John McCain is clearly the "best choice" for president, NBC reports. "Country matters more than party," he told the Republican National Convention, urging Democrats to cross party lines. Lieberman said Barack Obama might one day...

5 GOP Convention Viewing Tips
 5 GOP Convention Viewing Tips 

5 GOP Convention Viewing Tips

Assuming Palin's shadow doesn't obscure everything, that is

(Newser) - With the Republicans set to turn on all the lights at their convention tonight, Martin Kady II of Politico runs down five things to watch for:
  • Palin’s shadow: “The theme of tonight’s convention is ‘service,’” Kady notes, “and the trick for the GOP

Bush to Speak by Satellite at RNC Tonight

Storm-altered lineup also features Thompson, Lieberman

(Newser) - George W. Bush will speak by satellite tonight at the Republican National Convention tonight, as the GOP struggles to regain its partisan bearings after yesterday's opener, which was kept politics-free in deference to Americans hit by Hurricane Gustav. Bush and Dick Cheney had canceled their convention appearances, as Bush headed...

McCain Picks Running Mate, But He's Not Telling Yet

Pair heads for debut rally Friday

(Newser) - John McCain has picked his running mate, but he's not telling just yet, Politico reports. McCain will reportedly inform his vice-presidential pick tomorrow, then unveil his choice to the nation on Friday. The two are then expected to campaign in battleground states this weekend, ahead of the GOP convention on...

Biden Complicates McCain's Veep Calculus
Biden Complicates
McCain's Veep Calculus

Biden Complicates McCain's Veep Calculus

Dem's strengths expose key gaps in armor of Republican's rumored short-listers

(Newser) - Joe Biden presents a problem for John McCain, Jeanne Cummings notes on Politico. “McCain knows Biden well," says one Republican insider. "He knows how good he is as a knife fighter." Stacked up against Biden, all of the rumored GOP short-listers reveal potentially fatal flaws:  ...

Last 2 Veep Nominees Are Party Pariahs

But Lieberman draws more Democratic spite than Edwards

(Newser) - As Joe Biden takes the stage tonight in Denver, his last two predecessors won't be there, and they're not welcome, the New York Times reports. While the philandering John Edwards has his share of detractors—one delegate called him "a sick puppy"—it's turncoat Joe Lieberman who elicits...

McCain's Dream Ticket? Powell on Veep List, Aide Says

But Romney still likely pick over pro-choicer

(Newser) - Decorated general and former secretary of state Colin Powell might add another title to his resume, reports Politico, citing a McCain adviser who says his candidate's failure to rule out a running mate who supports abortion rights points to Powell as a possible pick. But Mitt Romney—whose father was...

GOP Base 'Imploring' McCain: No Pro-Choice VP

Ridge, Lieberman seen as too moderate for core Republicans

(Newser) - John McCain’s been making the Republican base mighty uneasy with hints of a pro-choice running mate, the Wall Street Journal reports. Though McCain touts his “proud pro-life record,” pro-choice potentials Tom Ridge and Joe Lieberman have been on the receiving end of McCain's praise recently, a move...

Lieberman Shakes Both Sides of Aisle
 Shakes Both
 Sides of Aisle

Lieberman Shakes Both Sides of Aisle

Connecticut senator stands at the middle of Republican/Democrat divide

(Newser) - Had things gone just a bit differently in Florida in 2000, Joe Lieberman might be ending his second term as a Democratic vice president. Instead, the now-Independent is delivering a primetime RNC address and again being bandied about as a potential veep—this time for John McCain. The Boston Globe...

Lieberman Will Speak at GOP Convention

Former Democrat a strong prospect for McCain VP

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman will speak at the Republican National Convention after all, a party official tells the AP. The former Democratic VP candidate who's become one of John McCain's most avid supporters (and is reputed to be the person he'd really like to have as his own VP) will deliver a...

McCain Weighs Pro-Choice Running Mate
McCain Weighs Pro-Choice
Running Mate 

McCain Weighs Pro-Choice Running Mate

(Newser) - John McCain's campaign has been pitching the idea of a pro-choice running mate to key state GOP officials around the country, reports the National Review. McCain wants to know how hostile conservative grass-roots activists would be and whether he can win their support if he selects a pro-choice VP such...

Insiders' Pick as McCain Running Mate: Portman
Insiders' Pick as McCain Running Mate: Portman

Insiders' Pick as McCain Running Mate: Portman

Ex-Congressman could quell establishment grousing

(Newser) - Ex-Congressman and ex-OMB director Rob Portman has much to offer John McCain as a running mate, writes Washington Post blogger Chris Cillizza. "If Washington-based political operatives picked the vice president, Portman would have it hands down" because he's "that rare breed of politician who is equally conversant—and...

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