Peter Beinart

3 Stories

Again, Obama Caves to Israel
 Again, Obama Caves to Israel 

Again, Obama Caves to Israel

Peter Beinart on the US' longstanding trend of rolling over to its ally

(Newser) - President Obama hosted Benjamin Netanyahu last week, and unlike Bibi's last visit—a disaster for Obama—this one went well, with Netanyahu seemingly embracing the president. But that harmony came at the cost of Obama's principles on Israel, says Peter Beinart of Newsweek , in a modified excerpt from...

Sarah Palin, Tea Partiers Are Actually Anti-Populist

The real Populists were anti-Wall Street and for big government

(Newser) - Calling what Sarah Palin and the Tea Partiers practice “populism” is backwards, writes Peter Beinart. In fact, they’re “anti-Populists.” The original Populists, in the late 19th century, “cursed Washington because it wasn’t powerful enough” to protect the people from the greed of “the...

McLaughlin Draws Ire for Calling Obama 'Oreo'

Venerable TV host in hot water

(Newser) - John McLaughlin is drawing heat for calling Barack Obama an “Oreo” on his show yesterday. The longtime TV host defined the derogatory term as “a black on the outside, a white on the inside,” and wondered aloud if Jesse Jackson was miffed because “an Oreo should...

3 Stories
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