Chris Brown

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Rihanna 'Man Down' Video Riles Parents' Groups
 Rihanna Defends Violent Video 

Rihanna Defends Violent Video

'Man Down' video attacked by advocacy groups

(Newser) - BET is refusing to pull a violent Rihanna music video that has drawn fire from groups including the Parents Television Council. The video for "Man Down" opens with the singer shooting a man in the head. It's later implied that he may have sexually assaulted her. Rihanna defends...

Rihanna Flips Out at Young Fan on Twitter

Singer defends 'following' Chris Brown, then apologizes

(Newser) - Drama alert: Chris Brown recently started following ex-girlfriend Rihanna on Twitter, and she followed him back. Would be typical behavior, were it not for the fact that Brown beat Rihanna in 2009. A fan recently called Rihanna on the development, noting that she "better not" reunite with Brown. Rihanna,...

DWTS Host: I'd Better Not Interview Brown Tonight

Tom Bergeron says he can't promise to avoid mentioning meltdown

(Newser) - Chris Brown will appear as planned on Dancing with the Stars tonight, but host Tom Bergeron says producers shouldn't expect him to interview the singer unless they want to see someone bust a window. Bergeron says he can't promise to avoid mentioning Brown's well-publicized temper tantrum following his Good Morning ...

Chris Brown: 'I Had to Release the Anger Inside'

He apologizes ... which makes everything better, right?

(Newser) - Chris Brown is sorry for yelling, tearing his shirt off, and throwing a chair into a window after a Good Morning America interview on Tuesday. Of course, it's not all his fault he got so angry. ABC didn't stick to the "talking points" set forth by his camp, he...

Chris Brown Goes Nuts After GMA Interview

Reportedly smashes a window with a chair after Rihanna questions

(Newser) - Today's "a leopard can't change his spots" story: Chris Brown apparently went berserk after a Good Morning American interview this morning. TMZ reports that Robin Roberts questioned Brown about the infamous Rihanna incident and his legal issues. He tried to change the subject; she persisted. After the interview, Brown...

SNL: Russell Brand Is British, Get It?

Accent seems to be only joke of the evening

(Newser) - Russell Brand bounded across the Atlantic to host Saturday Night Live last night, and not everyone is glad he made the trip. Some reactions from around the blogosphere:
  • Brand's presence "(begat) a gaggle of English-themed content, and not one but two period sketches. (Sort of.) We just can't

Critics Can Take or Leave Takers
 Critics Can Take 
 or Leave Takers  

Critics Can Take or Leave Takers

Slick heist thriller feels recycled

(Newser) - The makers of Takers borrowed a lot of good bits from other movies in making their heist thriller, with fairly satisfying but not stellar results, say critics.
  • The story of an upscale gang of Los Angeles thieves is "a buffet of Gritty Crime Drama clichés that offers no

Did Chris Brown Cry Fake Tears at BET Awards?

 Was Chris Brown 
 Crying Fake Tears 
 at BET Awards? 
eyedrop conspiracy theory

Was Chris Brown Crying Fake Tears at BET Awards?

Witness says he used tear-inducing eye drops

(Newser) - The fallen Chris Brown got plenty of attention and thumbs up for basically sobbing during his tribute to Michael Jackson at the BET Awards. But was it all a sham? Us Weekly talked to a "backstage source" who says one of the singer's bodyguards gave him tear-inducing eyedrops immediately...

Weepy Chris Brown Steals Show at BET Awards'

 Chris Brown 
 Steals Show 
 at BET Awards 

but was it an act?

Weepy Chris Brown Steals Show at BET Awards

He breaks down during Michael Jackson tribute

(Newser) - Kanye West, TI, and even ‘80s star El DeBarge blazed down the comeback trail at last night’s BET Awards—but Chris Brown ultimately stole the spotlight. He performed a dazzling dance tribute to Michael Jackson then broke down in sobs as he was about to sing “Man...

Chris Brown Barred from UK
 Chris Brown Barred from UK 

Chris Brown Barred from UK

Singer's visa rejected because of assault

(Newser) - Chris Brown has been told he isn't welcome in the UK because of his assault conviction. The singer's visa application was rejected by British authorities, forcing him to cancel a tour of the UK and Ireland just days before it was suppposed to begin, the BBC reports. The singer was...

What to Wear to a Public Apology: Blue

(Newser) - Looking back on a few decades of public apologies, blue appears to be the "it" color for people who say they are sorry in front of the world. Why blue? Color experts say we "believe" blue more than any other color. Bill Clinton went with blue in the...

Americans Would Forgive Tiger Before John Edwards...

...or Chris Brown, Polanski, Madoff: poll

(Newser) - Americans appear to be in the mood to forgive a variety of national figures laid low by this or that scandal, and Tiger Woods in particular. Some 32% of respondents to a CBS News poll said they would pardon the transgressions of the likes of Woods, Charlie Sheen, and John...

Rihanna's New Beau Has Abusive Past: Ex

Felisha Terrell filed restraining order against Dodger Matt Kemp

(Newser) - Rihanna, less than a year removed from her beating at the hands of then-boyfriend Chris Brown, is dating a man with a history of violence against women. That’s according to an ex-girlfriend of Matt Kemp, who took out a restraining order against the Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder in 2008....

Bow Wow Drinks, Drives, Tweets
 Bow Wow Drinks, 
 Drives, Tweets 

Bow Wow Drinks, Drives, Tweets

Rapper broadcasts bad behavior on Twitter

(Newser) - Bow Wow, you know you’ve hit a low point when Chris Brown is giving you advice. The rapper and Brown spent New Year’s Eve together—and Bow Wow allegedly got drunk, insisted on driving his Lamborghini, then Tweeted about it all the while. “Chris seemed like he...

Rihanna Goes Topless for GQ
 for GQ 

Rihanna Goes Topless for GQ

Singer talks Chris Brown assault, says she didn't call 911

(Newser) - In the wake of her assault at the hands of ex-boyfriend Chris Brown, Rihanna has a new, edgier sound and look—just check out the cover—and she talks about both with GQ . Eight months later, finally talking about the assault is “very liberating,” she says, recalling that,...

Chris Brown Quits Twitter
 Chris Brown Quits Twitter 

Chris Brown Quits Twitter

After rant on stores not selling Graffiti, Brown takes toys, goes home

(Newser) - After a curse-filled tirade against the music industry and stores “blackballing” his latest album, Chris Brown apparently came to his senses and abruptly quit Twitter yesterday. “I WANNA THANK MY FANS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT,” read his final tweet. “I LOVE YALL. GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!” The departure...

Chris Brown Rants at Stores 'Blackballing' CD
 Chris Brown 
 Rants at Stores 
 'Blackballing' CD 

Chris Brown Rants at Stores 'Blackballing' CD

Singer makes trip to Wal-Mart, can't find Graffiti on shelves

(Newser) - Chris Brown has a message for the music industry: It “can kiss my ass,” he tweeted Friday. Brown, attempting a comeback after assaulting ex-girlfriend Rihanna, was upset after discovering some stores—including a New England Walmart he visited himself—weren’t stocking Graffiti, Popeater reports. “Im tired...

Rehab: How Celebs Say Sorry
 Rehab: How Celebs Say Sorry 

Rehab: How Celebs Say Sorry

Bonus: No need for actual apology

(Newser) - Lately, when celebs want to show contrition, they turn to rehab. Whether counseling for alcohol and drugs (take your pick) to sex addiction (Steve Phillips) to homophobia (Isaiah Washington) to domestic abuse (Chris Brown), stars see a rehab trip taking the place of a public confession. “It really is...

Overexposed in 2009
 Overexposed in 2009 

Overexposed in 2009

We'd like to see less of these people in 2010

(Newser) - Some of these people are great, some of them are scumbags, but all of them have one thing in common: we saw way too much of them this year. Michael Arceneaux of The Root thinks all of them should take a break in 2010.

Rihanna's Rated R a Dark Treat
 Rated R 
 a Dark Treat 
music review

Rihanna's Rated R a Dark Treat

Singer channels tumultuous year into great music

(Newser) - Rihanna's been through a lot since she released her last album, and the excellent Rated R is all the better for it, writes Greg Kot. After the much-publicized Chris Brown incident, her music has become darker and more serious than the airy pop of "Umbrella" and "SOS."...

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