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After Lost Bob Marley Tapes Found, the Hard Work Began

Recordings from 1970s successfully restored

(Newser) - Bob Marley would be 72 Monday if cancer hadn't claimed him in 1981, and the Guardian has an appropriate celebration: It reports that a trove of recordings once feared damaged beyond repair has been restored in digital format after a year of meticulous work. The cache, consisting of 13...

Leaked Taylor Swift Call Was a Calculated Move

TMZ finds secret recording didn't break the law

(Newser) - Kim Kardashian didn't just reignite the feud between Kanye West and Taylor Swift when she leaked a phone conversation between the pair on Sunday. As Vulture reports, she was also dangerously close to breaking recording laws—though TMZ reports Kardashian is actually in the clear. While plenty of states...

Report: Trump Gave 'Real' Immigration Views in 'Secret' Talk

Cruz, Rubio call for New York Times to release recording

(Newser) - Donald Trump may not be such a hardliner on illegal immigration after all. In an off-the-record discussion with New York Times editors, he revealed some flexibility on the issue—if a Buzzfeed report can be believed. Trump held the conversation with Times editors on January 5 as one of several...

Court: Filming Cops Isn't First Amendment Right

If you're not making your grievances known, no recording allowed, says ruling

(Newser) - Unless you're actively challenging or criticizing the police, don't whip out your cellphone to record them. That's the ruling of a US District Court in Pennsylvania in a joint lawsuit covering two cases in Philadelphia, the PhillyVoice reports. The complaint—which the ACLU of Pennsylvania says is...

NASA Releases 'Weird Music' From Dark Side of the Moon

Audio from Apollo 10 reveals astronauts' conversation about mystery sounds

(Newser) - Sorry, Pink Floyd, you no longer hold the sole claim to sounds from the dark side. In an upcoming episode of the Science Channel's NASA's Unexplained Files , audio from Apollo 10—which flew to the far side of the moon in 1969, two months before Apollo 11's...

Jared Fogle Had 'Amazing' Time With 'Little Boy': Secret Tapes

Shocking recordings document Fogle bragging about child sex

(Newser) - For more than four years, an FBI informant said she listened to and taped former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle as he talked about his desire for children, as well as his sexual exploits with them. Now Rochelle Herman-Walrond's recordings are about to be heard by the world when they...

Fla. University Suspends Frat Over Rape Rant

Sigma Nu brother caught on recording chanting 'rape,' obscenities

(Newser) - An incident report from the University of Central Florida says the school has suspended a fraternity after a recording surfaced of at least one member chanting offensive statements about rape, per the Orlando Sentinel . "There's a brother yelling obscenities, like 'Let's rape some [expletives], rape some...

Anesthesiologist Mocked Sedated Patient, Pays Big

Tiffany Ingham's 'penis tuberculosis' comment was recorded by man's phone

(Newser) - It's not an uncommon practice in the smartphone era: recording instructions you need to recall later. A patient in Virginia says he used his phone to do just that prior to his April 18, 2013, colonoscopy—and accidentally left it recording during the whole procedure. Upon pressing play on...

Thomas Edison's Creepy Dolls Can Finally Talk Again

New technology re-creates voices from wax cylinders

(Newser) - We can thank Thomas Edison for plenty of things, but the world had little use for one of his inventions. Edison's talking dolls were among the first of their kind, NPR reports. But even in the 1890s, they scared kids—and were expensive—and only about 500 of them...

Witness Who Filmed Police Attack Sent to Jail

Levi Frasier recorded punching incident on his tablet

(Newser) - A guy who filmed an incident of police violence was arrested this week and spent a night in jail—which his attorney says should raise a few eyebrows, the Denver Post reports. "The timing is curious to say the least," the attorney says of Levi Frasier's arrest....

Newtown 911 Tapes Released
 Newtown 911 Tapes Released 

Newtown 911 Tapes Released

Dispatchers are calm, ask about kids

(Newser) - Newtown officials today released the long-awaited—and controversial—recordings of the 911 calls that came in during the Sandy Hook shooting. Operators remain calm on the recordings, the AP reports, even as they seek help from state police and town officials. They urge the callers, who include a janitor and...

Our Ancestors May Have Sounded Like This
 Our Ancestors May 
 Have Sounded Like This 
in case you missed it

Our Ancestors May Have Sounded Like This

Prof records story in millenia-old language

(Newser) - Recording studios were hard to find 6,500 years ago, but thanks to centuries of scholarship, we may now be able to get a sense of how our ancient ancestors sounded. A linguist at the University of Kentucky has recorded a short story in Proto-Indo-European, or PIE, a language probably...

Ecuador: Our UK Embassy Was Bugged

'Spy microphone' found weeks ago: foreign minister

(Newser) - More news on the surveillance front—and in a twist, the target is a building housing one of the world's most notorious leakers. Ecuador says it found a "spy microphone" in its embassy, where Julian Assange has been living for more than a year. The country has asked...

McConnell Aides Mock &#39;Unbalanced&#39; Ashley Judd

 Aides Mock 
 Ashley Judd 

McConnell Aides Mock 'Unbalanced' Ashley Judd

Senator's team 'working with FBI' to probe recording

(Newser) - After making waves with Mitt Romney's "47%" speech , Mother Jones has released a new batch of secret tapes. The recordings reveal Mitch McConnell's team ridiculing former potential opponent Ashley Judd and suggesting her mental health could be a target. The McConnell team is not amused: It says...

Today's Tiny 'Wires' Make Police Work Way Easier

Try finding one before accepting that bribe

(Newser) - Hidden wires seem so Cold War, but the art of secretly recording a conversation is alive and well—and very high-tech, the New York Times . Case in point: Last week's report of New York politicians allegedly trying to fix the mayoral race, which relied in part on a secretly...

World's Oldest Recording Goes Digital

The century-old soundbite was made on an early Edison prototype

(Newser) - It's not exactly a masterpiece, but a 78-second soundbite that's now been captured by computers (and YouTube) is perhaps the oldest known playable recording of a piece of music, and one of the first American voices to ever be replayed, dating all the way back to 1878, reports...

Secret Tapes Peer Into JFK's Final Days

45 hours of recordings cover politics, family

(Newser) - Some 45 hours of newly-released private recordings offer an intimate look at John F. Kennedy's last months. The taped material ranges from discussions of Vietnam to planning his re-election bid and chats about Kennedy's family, MSNBC reports. Kennedy made some 260 hours' worth of recordings; the latest release...

Emily Good Arrested for Videotaping Rochester Cops From Her Yard
 Cops Bust Woman 
 for Recording Them 
 From Her Yard 

Cops Bust Woman for Recording Them From Her Yard

Even though that action is legal in New York state

(Newser) - A 28-year-old woman was arrested in upstate New York for the vile crime of videotaping cops from her own front yard. Emily Good started recording officers as they questioned a man and searched his car around 10pm on May 12—an action that, the Huffington Post notes, is perfectly legal....

Killers: We're Not Breaking Up

Band denies rumors on its site

(Newser) - The Killers took to their Web site to address rumors that the band is breaking up or that lead singer Brandon Flowers is going solo, explaining that the members are just looking for some time off after years of near-constant recording and touring.

Public Enemy Hooks Up With 'Crowdfunding' Site

Hip-hop innovators will raise $250K through Dutch site Sellaband

(Newser) - Hip-hoppers Public Enemy, one of the first groups to release on mp3, is entering the brave new world of crowdfunding. The group has partnered with Dutch site SellABand to raise the $250,000 necessary to record a new album entirely through $25 donations from fans. The payout? Donors—or “...

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